Patton 30 Day 2019CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 2 Total pages filed: The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 3 CANDIDATE/ MS / MRS / R FIRST MI OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICEHOLDER r ' Date Received NAME GV �AA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX RECEIVED '^✓ y ' �L*O vl - 4 2019 q CANDIDATE/ ADDRESS / PO BOX; APT / SUITE #; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE OFFICEHOLDER II I ( Ra, tongIL, &I, -.APR MAILING ADDRESS 5o U+(y►L"6 , TX 7(0 ok Z ❑ Change of Address DFFICE OF CITY SECRETA 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION OFFICEHOLDER n �.� ` .' 3.� I I Tl Date Hand-deliv red or Date Postmarked PHONE / -(I L4 4 6 k: ;PK 6 CAMPAIGN MS / MRS /(0) FIRST MI Receipt # Amount $ TREASURER Tl�itk Date Processed NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX r . r y� PLEASE); Date Imaged 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX APT / SUITE #; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER ADDRESS cc }[ Vt�.t"�' (Residence or Business) SOikh'WU 1 rt� %i001 2 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASPHONE URER Z05. 14 95- 9 REPORT TYPE January 15 30th day before election Runoff 15th day after campaign treasurer appointment (Officeholder Only) ❑ July 15 ❑ 8th day before election Exceeded $500 limit ❑ Final Report (Attach C/OH - FR) 10 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED Z 4 / 3 /Lvi t THROUGH 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE ❑ Primary ❑ Runoff ❑ Other Month Day Year Description 5 1 j �� i ❑ General ❑ Special 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (if any) 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (if known) Mcc 3 o- covY►t'lL Plwce 3 So>�"La GTIIA G�nLIL- GOTOPAGE2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 14 C/OH NAME 15 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) } 16 NOTICE FROM THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO POLITICAL SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER. THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT THE CANDIDATES OR OFFICEHOLDER S COMMITTEE(S) KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME D GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS SPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME ❑ Additional Pages COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS 17 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN $ TOTALS PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS), UNLESS ITEMIZED 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) $ (OTHER EXPENDITURE TOTALS 3. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $100 OR LESS, $ _ C^ r UNLESS ITEMIZED � J J 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ S-, S 19 3 c J CONTRIBUTION BALANCE 5. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY $ 7�-7 3o S OF REPORTING PERIOD OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE $ LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 18 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Codee4--C� ��. CW Signature of Candidate or Officeholder AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEALABOVE ��[ ` Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said ► 1yl 1 this the day of CGV-O-O� 20 l to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. kw5kt't(�' "tg� S n re of officer inistering oath Printed 4me of office ministering oath Title of cIfficer administerA oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al: t 2 FILER NAME Glna,d. inn 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (to#: ) 7 Amount of contribution ($) 6 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code ll(5 {-e-vm 6xu1'. 5a ta ,TV 7001 8 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (io#: ) Amount of contribution ($) t'31 I(H l�h l'17awI ........... Contributor address; I ........ . City; State; Zip Code 300' -711 herduo V64 S(5 4W&%41 I `rV -7uoti-L Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Ge pWi,'s f Date Full name of contributor Elout-of-statePAC (to#: ) Amount of contribution $) C1 Z ((D 1I _ Co t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to ow. V0 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 1,i q uletW d �4Y So' l& u) 1'4 70 a 12 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) OWKXI QeArwL--�-e Date Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-stale PAC (ID#: ) Amount of contribution ($) ZISI� c�J5av1 kYliG�t(,�i�S 1 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code SW 51 �Cl a,c�, 5 �n' "Ss So `4 l 4 / -" -7 7- Principal Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethics. state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLl l iCAL %aOW T I iBU 1 iONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Al: a.. 2 FILER NAME V 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) 7 Amount of contribution ($) ' u0 6 Contributor address: City: State; Zip Code S 5(o N • Vi v�t,hta Sete rzo ( 50r11-"Le Ve Tu 7cod�i t_ 8 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) g Employer (See Instructions) [7viAit-, " lz "'j �vvtcQ t Date Full name of contributor ❑ out of state PAC (ID#: I Amount of contribution ($) Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code [ 00 • `�� :SM Jv1.-1'� ,Tx- -76P09 7- Principal Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) 5'A-e5 -Bence Date Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) Amount of contribution ($) z/lJ�lC1 �ran�es ane Contributor address: City; State; Zip Code 3dQ• 30-L i M� *r I -JlAt `�o.# lr �u -T-X 7(odq i , Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) c:c ------- - "� ""��•�""""� U OUI-Or-SlBIe rNu tiu8: I c�,tu moi a,�.-o 2 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code nnruu ui vi uviiinuuiiuie (WI ZrJ�• W '36 Uri kL'C TY W009 Z- r i u wiNai uwutiraiiv1 i Jui.r ii tic (u�c ii tau u.iiuiaj �i i iNiuy c. (�cc i. i5u u�.uGlbj - A TTA ISI I A TIn\I A I TI11'f1Y't+ 0. TX: G�Fi..lCR111 G AC AICG1Si11 1111%VIIIIV VIIIVI9)YL VIdo-IL�J yI elleV JV116�YV be�I^1V eaVVYVY If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethics. state. tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLei i iCALz GON i IISiBU 9 iONS SCHEDULE The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A1: 314 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) 7 Amount of contribution ($) '6veVtA*_ �Fvew1a Vt rr p —� Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 0 Lc l 5 keb�� So.�-wrlo�t�e , TX 7co0 01a 8 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) g Employer (See Instructions) Dale Full name of contributor ❑ out of state PAC (ID#: ) Amount of contribution ($) �} I (� c� �ov� wi 1.a•.. . �mrw� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code szo l� IS t.PL. Tit -Xo097- Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) p W %NA V_ c�6- l--• Date Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) Amount of contribution ($) I U A 6 n JoYA0a" I1 -c� ?-S-C)–r Contributor address; City.- State; Zip Code So,l�o�e -rx 7 cod °1z , Principal occupatiion1,/ Job title (See Instructions) Employer(See Instructions) r-+ n l F u::� gum= �� co' �..•.,,.,or Q /r� R►c f/�/N.Q,lff.It, Contributor address; U ourol-state rHc tiuu: f City; State; Zip Code -11-11L UI ��I Ill Ivuiivl I iwi ���• `� Rovtn(e Lc r.P_ <,m"&k / TY, rlll wiNgi vwuNaiivll / JVU IIIIC t.?CC 1115 LI Ul.tlulllf �IIINivy cl ��cc II�II u�.tivii.�) Theo w l r+s�nlrn ter• ruln'ucnl el "' ASN��r�cn 11{ ftiLl l hLJ IJI t IV lYr1L Nl✓r ILJ Vl l IIV eJVI 16-vv�V AL`✓bN It contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethics. state. tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY F'OLi 1 iCAL COW I1 MBU i 9ONS SCHEDULE Al The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule At: 1+1 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 1 Ck4d- 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) 7 Amount of contribution ($) �p vt tt.QGQ. I ��v I L2W+ ti 9l I (l r'( s Contributor, address; City: State; Zip Code 90 41 :s d S: •,+t%l&Ve , Tit 7i c,2- 8 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) Dale Full name of contributor out of state PAC (ID#: Amount of contribution ($) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributor address; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City; State; Zip Code Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor ❑ out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) Amount of contribution ($) Contributor address; City: State: Zip Code Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) n "'""' ' "" "`-� "' `"'•"""""" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributor address; LJ Out-or-State rru, flus: ___� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City; State; Zip Code nn wuni ui wninuuiivi i \.pi r ni u,iyUi U��UWaiiuiI i .iuu hilt (.-'ioc ii lair uu i1— ...q✓iuy c. icc a-6u u�.uJilo) n11 A C:-:0Al A l =-r AR- T. XIC+ 0--u.C AS Ai CCl9iA I-U C-111LE- I111ri`r11 /1V V111VIvn�yldr �z_N V� 111ry 4iV11vYV 1�PYV 1v�Lve�v If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethics. state. tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Fl: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date `'5 I1(P I ) 5 Payee name f `' I-kLj 6 Amount ($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code f pNli `r u 9', cr13.—�+ , 8 (a) Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description ❑ Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE fl(t t*`y0,j ,� �"Jam_ _ �,�evi" l ❑ Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held 1 � expenditure to benefit C/OH G1,,,Q � A , ( ]a-ce 3 - 4'6A2 6 O"C 1 L — 5—NAN4� t "f_ _ k Date Payee name L �-� Ig Scv-&-it:k k►4vI,v% Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code S� es. `jWtkIll, NUC, /`f'1( 7(0e)12 Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description ❑ Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. PURPOSE OF 'FoO ❑ Check if Austin, TX, living EXPENDITURE rK officeholder expense Complete ONLY if direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name -z. 1zz �(5 JCV_JAV,," Amount ($) Payee address; City; State-, Zip Code Vin Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE`,� ❑ Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF /�,)y C' '/� t tH.� `j 7�'-y al. ❑ EXPENDITURE 1 Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Complete ONLY if direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015