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Item 6D - SP-1 RegulationsS -P-1 Regulations "S -P-1" Detailed Site Plan District for Lot 4, Block A, Meadow Oaks Addition Kimball Heights The site shall comply with all conditions of the city of Southlake comprehensive zoning ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to the Section 31, "S -P-1" Site Plan District uses and regulations to include the site plan and elevations as shown. Permitted Uses 1. All uses permitted in "0-1" office district. Development Regulations 1. All "0-1 District regulations shall apply with the following exceptions: a. Off street parking requirements will be met for the site as a whole, and not on a lot by lot basis. ■ Parking shall be provided in aggregate at 4.68 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area. b. Required parking shall be approved as submitted. c. Impervious coverage will be met for the site as a whole, and not on a lot by lot basis. d. Bufferyards are not required along interior lot lines. e. Building setbacks are as shown on the Site Plan. Tree Preservation 1. Tree Preservation shall be approved as submitted. Variance Requested 1. Subdivision No. 483, Section 8.01 (A) requires that every lot abut on a public or private street. A variance is requested to allow the lots as shown with access by a common access easement.