Item 6D PresentationSite Plan Chick-fil-A Canopies Item 6D ZA18-0049 ZA18-0049 Owner: Chick-fil-A Applicant: Escencia Request: Approval of a Site Plan for Chick-fil-A to add two canopies over the existing drive-through Location: 2301 E. Southlake Blvd. Aerial View Meal Delivery Canopy (Metal) Face to Face Canopy at 1/3/19 P&Z Commission The fabric canopy shown was not approved by the P&Z Commission. The applicant is now proposing a metal canopy to match the metal meal delivery canopy on the previous slide. A revised rendering of the metal canopy will be presented at the 1/15/19 Council meeting. Site Plan Meal Delivery Canopy Face to Face Canopy Face to Face Canopy Meal Delivery Canopy Face to Face Canopy Meal Delivery Canopy Material Board Street View Street View Site Photo Site Photo Variance Request Zoning Ord. No. 480 (II) Corridor Overlay Zone. Section 43.9.c.1.e requires exposed structural support columns to be constructed of, or clad in, the same masonry material as the principal structure. A variance is requested to allow the top portion of the columns to be metal support columns as shown on the elevations. Planning and Zoning Commission January 3, 2019; Approved (7-0) subject to the staff report dated January 3, 2019 and granting Variance No. 2 (column wraps) and not granting Variance No. 1 (fabric face to face canopy). Questions?