2018-12-10 SLAC PacketCity of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M December 5, 2018 TO: Southlake Arts Council FROM: Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments for the regular Southlake Arts Council meeting – Monday, December 10, 2018 The meeting will be held on Monday, December 10, at 7:30 p.m., or immediately following the Joint City Council & Southlake Arts Council meeting, at The Marq Southlake Legends Hall. If you are not able to attend this meeting, please notify staff at 817.748.8184 or lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us. Regular Agenda: 1. Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order 2. Agenda Item No. 2. Consent A. Approval of the minutes from the October 23, 2018 Southlake Arts Council meeting – Please make any corrections to the minutes part of the motion for consideration. 3. Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum This is the public's opportunity to address the Arts Council about non-agenda items. During Public Forum, the Arts Council will not discuss or take action on any item brought up at this time. 4. Agenda Item No. 4. Consider A. Election of Officers for Southlake Art Council – The purpose of this item is to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary to serve a one-year term. Any regular sitting member may be considered for the officer positions. The current officers are as follows: Leslie Bartlett Place 1 Current Chair Jesika Cook Place 3 Current Secretary Miriam Murray Place 6 Current Vice Chair No packet documents. B. Approve final concept of “Mockingbird Tree” by artist Michael Warrick for public art to be installed at the Tower Road and Zena Rucker Boulevard Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date – December 10, 2018 at 7:30pm Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork roundabout – At the October 27, 2018 meeting, Arts Council unanimously selected Mr. Warrick’s “Mockingbird Tree” sculpture concept for the Tower/Rucker roundabout, pending Art Council’s approval of the artist’s modification to include three (3) mockingbirds in the tree instead of two. Your packet memo contains a copy of the modified concept for your consideration. 5. Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion A. APEX Report – This item will allow the Arts Council to review APEX events and to continue planning upcoming APEX events. No packet document. B. Staff Report – This item is for staff to provide an update about projects within the City. No packet document. 6. For Your Information – Attendance Report – A copy of the Southlake Arts Council attendance report is included in your packet. We appreciate your commitment and service to the City. CT STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION: Telephone – (817) 748-8019 Facsimile – (817) 748-8027 1400 Main Street, Ste. 210, Southlake, Texas 76092 Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director; ctucker@ci.southlake.tx.us Linda Carpenter-Elgin, Secretary, (817) 748-8184; lcarpenter@ci.southlake.tx.us City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 23, 2018 LOCATION: The Marq Southlake Legends Hall Club Lounge 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL PRESENT: Chair Leslie Bartlett, Vice Chair Miriam Murray, Secretary Jesika Cook; and Southlake Arts Council members Heather Engelhardt, Tamara McMillan, Terri Messing, Beatriz Terrazas (Alternate #1) SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL ABSENT: Mimi Tran STAFF PRESENT: Assistant to the Director and board liaison Cassie Tucker WORK SESSION 1. The Arts Council toured Champions Club prior to the meeting. REGULAR SESSION 2. CALL TO ORDER Southlake Arts Council Chairman Leslie Bartlett called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. 3. PUBLIC FORUM Chair Leslie Bartlett opened the Public Forum at 6:09 p.m. There being no one wishing to address the Arts Council, Chair Bartlett closed the Public Forum. 4. CONSENT AGENDA 4A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 28, 2018 SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL MEETING APPROVED A motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 28, 2018 Southlake Arts Council meeting as read. Motion: McMillan Second: Murray Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Engelhardt, McMillan, Messing, Murray, Terrazas 3A - 1 Minutes of the October 23, 2018 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 5. CONSIDER 5A. REVIEW PROPOSALS AND SELECT FINALIST FOR THE ZENA RUCKER ROAD AND TOWER BLVD ROUNDABOUT PUBLIC ART PIECE Assistant to the Director and Arts Council liaison Cassie Tucker presented eighteen artists submittals received from the Call to Artists for the Arts Council to review and select 1-3 art finalist for the Zena Rucker Road and Tower Blvd. roundabout art piece. The Arts Council discussed each submittal and unanimously agreed to select only one finalist. The Mockingbird Tree art concept by artist Michael Warrick was selected with a suggestion to modify the sculpture to have three mockingbirds. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend artist Michael Warrick’s Mockingbird Tree concept as the Art Council’s favorite. Motion: Messing Second: Cook, Murray Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Engelhardt, McMillan, Messing, Murray, Terrazas Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 5B. CONSIDER RESCHEDULING NOVEMBER / DECEMBER MEETING DATES TO AVOID HOLIDAY CONFLICTS Assistant to the Director and Arts Council liaison Cassie Tucker presented Item 5B for consideration to reschedule the November and December meetings around holiday obligations. The Arts Council agreed to cancel the November 27 and December 25 meetings and combine the meetings into one meeting to be held Tuesday, December 11, 2018. (The following week, the meeting date was moved to December 10, 2018, to follow a joint City Council and Arts Council meeting.) APPROVED A motion was made to cancel the regularly scheduled November and December meetings and reschedule a meeting for December 11, 2018. Motion: McMillan Second: Murray 3A - 2 Minutes of the October 23, 2018 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Page 3 of 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Engelhardt, McMillan, Messing, Murray, Terrazas Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 6. DISCUSSION 6A. STAFF REPORT Assistant to the Director and Arts Council liaison Cassie Tucker and APEX representative Terri Messing provided updates to Arts Council.  City Council approved Jane Dedecker donkeys’ sculptor for Southlake Commons easement  Staff and the Library are working on a coloring book project for the Library Art Week leading up to Art In The Square event  Art In the Square art jury is scheduled November 10, 2018  Artwork for the “Strokes of Art in the Square” event will highlight artists who have been involved in Southlake arts for the last 15-20 years  The Arts Council favored having background music for entertainment for the art reception. APEX art program brochures were distributed 7. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Motion: McMillan Second: Cook Ayes: Bartlett, Cook, Engelhardt, McMillan, Messing, Murray, Terrazas Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7-0 Attest: Leslie Bartlett, Chair Community Services Department A digital audio recording of this meeting is available in the Office of the City Secretary. 3A - 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M December 5, 2018 To: Southlake Arts Council From: Cassie Tucker, Assistant to the Director of Community Services Subject: Approve final concept of “Mockingbird Tree” by artist Michael Warrick for public art to be installed at the Tower Road and Zena Rucker Boulevard roundabout Action Requested: Approve final concept of “Mockingbird Tree” by artist Michael Warrick for public art to be installed at the Tower Road and Zena Rucker Boulevard roundabout Background Information: A Call to Artists was released on August 31, 2018 to local, regional and national artists requesting proposals for public art to be placed in the City’s seventh roundabout. Eighteen submittals were reviewed by Arts Council October 23, 2018, with artist Michael Warrick’s “Mockingbird Tree” being unanimously selected as the finalist for consideration for the Rucker/Tower roundabout. Renderings of the final concept are attached to this memo and a moquette will be available for review at the meeting. Financial Considerations: Funding in the amount of $90,000 for the design and installation of artwork is provided in the roundabout project budget. Additionally, a $1500 stipend was provided to the finalist selected to provide their complete proposal for Arts Council recommendation and City Council consideration. Strategic Link: Approval of the final concept is linked to the City’s Strategy Map related to Quality Development and Performance Management and Service Delivery and meets the corporate objectives of Collaborate with Select Partners to Implement Service Solutions and Invest to Provide and Maintain High Quality Public Assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: The selection of public art complies with provisions of the Public Art Display and/or Performance Policy and the Southlake 2035 Public Art Master Plan. 4B - 1 Southlake Arts Council Meeting Date – December 10, 2018 @ 7:30 p.m. Page 2 of 2 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Southlake Arts Council review of responses and selection of artist Michael Warrick’s “Mockingbirg Tree” sculpture proposal, pending final concept approval October 23, 2018 Southlake Arts Council recommendation of concept December 10, 2018 Legal Review: Not Applicable Alternatives: Decision not to select finalists and explore other options Recommendation: Approve final concept of “Mockingbird Tree” by artist Michael Warrick for public art to be installed at the Tower Road and Zena Rucker Boulevard roundabout 4B - 2 4B - 3 4B - 4 4B - 5 4B - 6 1 Leslie Bartlett a 0 a a a a a 0 a 0 a 0 100%10.5 2018 79% 2 Mini Tran a 0 a a a r r 0 r 0 r 0 50%6.75 3 Jesika Cook a 0 a r a a a 0 a 0 a 0 88%9.25 4 Terri Messing r 0 a a a r r 0 a 0 a 0 63%7.5 5 Heather Engelhardt a 0 r a a a a 0 a 0 a 0 88%8.5 6 Miriam Murray a 0 r a a a r 0 a 0 a 0 75%8 7 Tamara McMillan a 0 a a a a a 0 a 0 a 0 100%10.5 Alt 1 Beatriz Terrazas a 100%1 0 Alt 1 Simon Rurka a 0 a r r n n 0 n 0 0 50%4 88%0 75%75%88%71%57%0 86%0 88%0 a In attendance Total Hrs Per Month 2 0 2 1.25 1.5 0.5 0.5 0 1.75 0 1 0 10.5 r Not in attendance, no substitute m Substitute in attendance n Vacant position0Meeting Canceled 9/25/18 10/23/18 Average Monthly Attendance Rate Meeting Attendance Rate (includes substitutions) 11/27/18 12/10/18 Southlake Arts Council Attendance Report Place Name 1/23/18 2/27/18 3/27/18 4/23/18 5/22/18 6/26/18 7/24/18 Individual Attendance Rate Hrs To Date Alternate #1 Simon Rurka resigned effective May 22, 2018 3/6/18 8/28/18 Packet Insert - Southlake Arts Council Attendance Report