2018-09-25 CEDC MinutesCITY OF SOUTH LAKE TEXAS SOUTHLAKE COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES: September 25, 2018 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — Room 4A 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 6:00 p.m. COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board President Martin Schelling, Board Vice -President Brandon Bledsoe, Board Secretary Suzanne Maisto, Tom DeCaro, Bob Mundlin, and Frank Pittman. COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Wang STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Chief Financial Officer & Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson, Director of Community Services Chris Tribble. 1. Call to order Board President Martin Schelling called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consider approving the minutes from the July 24, 2018 Community Enhancement and Development Corporation meeting A motion was made to approve the minutes from the July 24, 2018 meeting as presented. Motion: Bledsoe Second: Pittman Ayes: Bledsoe, DeCaro, Maisto, Mundlin, Pittman, & Schelling Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried —APPROVED 3. Consider designating a CEDC Board representative to serve on the Carillon Parc Public Space Steering Committee Assistant City Manager Thatcher explained the role of the CEDC representative to City Council's Carillon Parc steering committee. Board President Schelling then asked who on the board was interested in this assignment. After some discussion the board selected Suzanne Maisto as the board's representative and Tom DeCaro September 25, 2018 CEDC Minutes as the alternate should Boardmember Maisto become unavailable to attend the meetings. 4. Economic Development a. Consider for funding the renewal of a professional consultant agreement with Jerry Hodge and Associates for project management services for the SH 114 Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $120,000 Assistant City Manager Thatcher presented this item noting Mr. Hodge's added value as project manager on many City transportation projects. Assistant City Manager also added that Mr. Hodge has helped the City gain a lot of traction with TxDOT on the SH 114 frontage road between Kirkwood and Solana, specifically in the following ways: • Worked with the County Commissioner to allocate $250,000 of County funds for the SH 114/Kirkwood/Solana intersection improvements, and • Saved over $50,000 by having TxDOT waive review and inspection fees on signal and intersection improvements. • Worked with the County Commissioner to allocate $250,000 of County funds for the SH 114/Kirkwood/Solana intersection improvements. • Saved over $50,000 by having TxDOT waive review and inspection fees on signal and intersection improvements. • Participated in the Design Concept Conference with TxDOT. This is the initial meeting that generated the Design Summary report, which is a working document and updated throughout the life of the project. • Completed development of a concept schematic and preliminary budget estimates. • Oversaw the development of design schematic. This is the first step toward full engineering design. Boardmember Pittman asked a question about why the CEDC fund was paying 100% of this expense since this project was being funded by the General Fund and CEDC Fund. CFO Jackson said that this expense was funded in the prior year's CEDC budget and is an allowable use of CEDC funds, and Assistant City Manager Thatcher reminded the board that the approved FY19 CEDC budget accounted for this contract. A motion was made to approve the agreement with Jerry Hodge and Associates as presented. Motion: Bledsoe Second: Mundlin Ayes: Bledsoe, DeCaro, Maisto, Mundlin, Pittman, & Schelling Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6-0 Motion Carried —APPROVED September 25, 2018 CEDC Minutes 5. Staff reports: a. Financial reports i. The Marq Southlake financial highlights Chief Financial Officer and Board Treasurer Jackson presented the monthly dashboard status for the Marq and noted the following for the board: • Cost recovery for Legends Hall is at 62% • Budgeted revenue for Legends Hall is $409,000 with YTD revenue of $431,908 ii. Champions Club membership sales report Director Tribble informed the board that there has been great enthusiasm from the community with membership sales and that at the moment the City has sold 523 memberships to Champions Club, which is 102% of the pre -sale goal and 30% of the year one goal. iii. Sales tax report Chief Financial Officer and Board Treasurer Jackson asked the board if there were any questions regarding the sales tax report that was in the packet. She informed the Board that the Corporation brought in $455,113 in revenue for the month of July 2018. The total revenue for the year is under $5m ($4,766,666). b. Economic and development activity report Assistant City Manager Thatcher gave a quick update on retail closings and openings, and noted the following: Closings • Cafe Express • Mellow Mushroom • Firehouse Subs • Protein Fit Kitchen • Accents (Town Square) Noteworthy Coming Soon • The Crab Station (formerly Protein Fit Kitchen) • Shake Shack • Apple • Little Red Wasp Kitchen & Bar • Urban Air Adventure Park (former Wal-Mart space) 3 September 25, 2018 CEDC Minutes c. Construction management report Director Tribble provided a brief update on the project including several recent updated pictures of the building. He informed the board that the project is 66% complete and that substantial completion is targeted for November. He noted that $19.9 million has been paid to the contractor thus far. & ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. artin Schelling, President Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board Suzan a Maisto, cretary Comm nity Enhance ent and Development Corporation Board 4