2001-09-27 Meeting Report (Kirkwood Extension)Neighborhood Meeting
R.eDort Form
SPIN Neighborhood City Wide Meeting Date 9/27/41
Meeting Topic and Description:
MTP Amendment Kirkwood Extension
Bruce Payne opened the meeting with a discussion of the upcoming planning process that will be
recommended for updating the Land Use Plan for Southlake and the interaction of the Master
Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) with this comprehensive planning effort, Mr, Payne stressed that this specific
MTP .Amendment would, if accepted and passed by Council, implement a City policy for an east -west
road just north of Hwy 114, This road would be built as the land is developed. He reiterated that there
is NOT a specific alignment for this road at this time..
Ken Baker provided context for the Kirkwood Extension recommendation, Additionally, Mr. Baker
talked about the elements of traffic planning that are being considered as part of the comprehensive
planning to take place this winter and well into 2002. The staff then showed a 20 minute video
presentation that focused on traffic planning and design. At the end of the video presentation, the staff
answered questions from the audience for approximately 45 minutes with the questions and concerns
captured below.
The audience was informed of the upcoming P &Z and Council meetings that would hear this
recommendation and provide an opportunity for them to voice their opinions Planning and Zoning
scheduled for 10/4/2002 and the Council Meeting scheduled for 1011612002.
Featured Speakers: City Planning Staff:
Bruce Payne, Director of Planning
Ken Baker, Senior Planner
Jayashree Narayana, Senior Planner
Number of neighbors attending: Approximately 55
Location of meeting: Town Hall 3rd Floor Conference Rooms
Notification Process: Postcard mailed to every resident and 5 signs
placed at key intersections.
MTP Amendment Kirkwood Extension
Questions and Concerns Raised:
What happens at Kimball (light turn lanes etc,)
When Aventerra was zoned there was an agreement to restrict access points. .Haw will the new
road impact the Agreement? Was this agreement binding?
Why bring this road by the schools? (Shown on the exhibit prepared by staff)
Why not move forward with the Dove Rd, Expansion instead?
Why not expand north south roads for access to 1 l4?
Why wasn't the traffic for the new Haltom Creek (or the name currently proposed) subdivision
considered in this same manner i,.e,, at build -out?
What about the planned Aventerna north south road accessing 114? They will develop the
roads as they build each phase_ right?
What about the people who bought in this area -will their interests be considered?
How do we ensure our desires for the road lay -out are implemented? Specifically, not to run it
by the schools and not to expand it to 5 lanes,
What are the alternatives for going around schools?
Who's plan is this? Who created this plan?
Carroll intersection is a concern,
Make sure the "solution" does not landlock the residents_
Keep road away from residential as much as possible.
Concern with the impact of the road on the adjacent property values.
Has the Aventerra developer seen the plan? Were they involved?
20,000 employees —has Dart been contacted?
Solve some concerns —take load of off Highland.
Dove expansion —tax payer funded?
Aventerra's plan came first then the road plan?
Will this plan keep Dove Rd. from being a 5 lane road? Specifically, how about downgrading
the Dove Rd, MTP plan from 5 to 3 lanes at the same time? (Make it a policy too.)
Respectfully submitted by:
/a Z_ Z_
Michael Ca Conrads
SPIN #14 Representative
(817) 329 -3063
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