2018-05-29 CCPD MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES: MAY 29, 2018 LOCATION: Southlake DPS Headquarters Facility 600 State Street, Fourth Floor — CCPD Board Room Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 6:30 p.m. CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Ken McMillan, William McGuire, Frank Powers, Richard Sandow, Craig Sturtevant, MaryGrace Thoennes & Vice -President Robert Williams CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: All present STAFF PRESENT: Mayor Laura Hill, Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski, Fire Chief Michael Starr, Assistant Police Chief Ashleigh Douglas, Chief Financial Officer/Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson and CCPD Secretary/PD Admin. Secretary Diana Green. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 PM 2. PUBLIC FORUM: (This is the Public's opportunity to address the board about non -agenda items. During this proceeding, the Board will not discuss, consider or take action on any items presented. We respectfully ask that anyone stepping forward to speak during public forum limit remarks to three minutes or less.) Forum opened. No one was present to address the Board. Forum closed. 3. CONSIDER: 3A. APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 13, 2018 CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD MEETING APPROVED 7-0 Corrections were suggested and noted Motion: Craig Sturtevant proposed a motion to approve the minutes from the February 13, 2018 CCPD Board meeting with corrections. Second: William McGuire Ayes: All 3B. RECOMMEND EXPENDITURE WITH DAVISON RECONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR DPS WEST ROOF REPLACEMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $182,000. APPROVED 7-0 Chief Starr addressed the board to explain the need for a new roof on the DPS West facility. He informed the Board that problems were found with the shingles and decking of the roof. Bids were obtained for repairs and the bid from Davis Construction was judged to have the best pricing at $182,000 for replacement. An insurance claim was also filed due to the age and condition of the roof. The insurance company evaluated the roof and allowed $20,331.47 for the claim. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the May 29, 2018 Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting Page 2 of 3 Chief Starr informed the Board that there are residual funds of $177,550.00 available left over from the construction of DPS facilities that can be used to pay for the DPS West roof replacement. He asked the Board to approve the use of the residual funds ($177,550) and the insurance money ($20,331) to replace the DPS West facility roof. Discussion took place. Concern was expressed about using CCPD funds for general building maintenance. It was explained that the $177,550 in residual funds are restricted for facility use only and are not part of the CCPD general funds. In response to questions about reallocating the funds, Sharen Jackson explained that the funds could not be reallocated because the bonds issued for construction were designated specifically for facility use thus restricting them specifically to that use. Questions were addressed by Chief Starr and Sharen Jackson. Motion: Richard Sandow proposed a motion to approve the expenditure with Davison Reconstruction, Inc. for the DPS West roof replacement in an amount not to exceed $182,000. Second: MaryGrace Thoennes Ayes: All 4. DISCUSSION: 4A. UPDATE ON CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DISTRICT SALES TAX Sharen Jackson reviewed the sales tax handout. She informed the Board that $147,860 was collected for the month of March, which is $19,940 below what was expected. Sharen informed the Board that collections will continue to be less than what had been previously projected. It was surmised that the closing of the Apple Store for renovations has had a direct impact on sales tax collections. Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Sharen Jackson. 4B UPDATE ON SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM Assistant Chief Douglas informed the board that the School Resource Officers are preparing for the end of the school year. She informed the Board that graduation and events associated with graduation are over. Discussion took place. Questions were addressed by Assistant Chief Douglas. 4C. DISCUSSION OF UPCOMING PUBLIC SAFETY NEEDS Mayor Hill addressed the board to request that the CCPD grant funding in FY 2019 CCPD budget in the amount of $550.000 for school safety. She informed the Board that following recent school shootings across the country she had conversations with City Manger Shana Yelverton and CISD Superintendent Dr. Faltys regarding enhancing safety in Southlake schools. She also informed the Board that in the coming days she will be working with Chief Brandon to convene a task force whose role will be to make recommendations on priorities for how the additional school safety funding should be spent. Potential uses for the funds include infrastructure and other site -based improvements at Southlake school locations; however, Chief City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the May 29, 2018 Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting Page 3 of 3 Douglas noted that the potential uses will not be known until staff and the task force completes their assessments. Assistant Chief Douglas provided a brief overview of each of the upcoming public safety needs as listed below minus the $550,000 school safety initiative just diSG GSed Additional school safety initiative $550,000 Replacement of 49 iPads $ 38,120 Purchase of 67 ballistic helmets $ 28,696 Purchase of 23 Tasers and associated equipment $ 32,410 Equip interview rooms with the WatchGuard Video system $ 23,000 Purchase of WatchGuard Video redaction software and computer $ 10,320 Purchase of forensic investigation software for searching mobile phones $ 34,472 Purchase of an additional traffic speed trailer $ 11,249 Purchase of new gas masks for SWAT Officers $ 15,000 Purchase of a negotiator "throw phone" communication system $ 21,690 Replacement of 2 laser radars $ 5,190 Purchase of twospotting scopes $ 2,600 Total $772,747 Discussion took place regarding potential uses for the funds and what role the Board would play as the funds were expended based on the task force recommendations. Assistant City Manager Orlowski noted that one alternative for the Board to consider is authorization of expenditures when the amount exceeds the City Manger's authority which is $50,000. Assistant City Manager Orlowski also noted that staff would keep the Board informed as the task force performs its duties. Following the discussion, the Board expressed their consensual support toward allocating $550,000 in additional funding in the FY 2019 CCPD budget to enhance school safety. Questions were addressed by Mayor Hill, Assistant City Manager Ortowski, Chief Financial Officer Jackson and Assistant Chief Douglas. 5. ADJOURNMENT: 7:48 PM Ken McMillan, President Crime Control and Prevention District Board Diana Green, Secretary City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork