2018-09-11 SAC MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Meeting: September 11, 2018 LOCATION: Senior Activity Center The Marq Southlake 285 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas Members Present: Secretary Marge Kyle and SAC members Ed Grondahl, Barbara Pappy, Esther Spickler, Kathryn Orler (Alt #1), David Barnes (Alt #2) Commission Members Absent: Chair Beverly Blake, Vice Chair MaryLee Alford, Natasha Siebach Staff Members Present: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Assistant to the City Manager Lauren LaNeave, Hospitality & Sales Manager Ashley Newhart, Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Phelps Guests: CARS Chairman Brighton Greene, CARS Vice Chair Ernest Meyer Secretary Marge Kyle asked to have a few minutes of silence before the meeting to honor the victims and survivors of the 9/11 event. 1. CALL TO ORDER Secretary Marge Kyle called the meeting of the Senior Advisory Commission to order at 12:58 p.m. 2. PUBLIC FORUM — Secretary Marge Kyle opened Public Forum at 1:00 p.m. There being no one else to address the Commission, Public Forum was closed. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Commission and are enacted with one motion. 3A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 14, 2018 REGULAR SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. Secretary Marge Kyle presented the Consent Agenda, including approval of the minutes of the August 14, 2018 meeting. Senior Advisory Commission offered several corrections to the meeting minutes. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the September 11, 2018 Page 2 of 3 APPROVED A motion was made to accept the minutes of August 14, 2018 meeting with corrections. Motion: Barnes (Alt#2) Second: Grondahl Ayes: Grondahl, Kyle, Pappy, Spickler, Orler (Alt#1), Barnes (Alt#2) Nays: None Abstention None Vote: 6-0 Motion passed. 4. DISCUSSION 4A. METROPORT MEALS ON WHEELS REPORT The Commission received a copy of the July MMOW report and the 2018 cumulative report in the meeting packet. 413. CALL A RIDE SOUTHLAKE REPORT The Commission received a copy of the CARS 2018 cumulative report in the meeting packet. 4C. CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE REPORT Assistant to the City Manager Lauren LaNeave presented information about the City's proposed FY 2019 Budget, which will be considered by City Council for 2nd Reading and Public Hearing on September 18, 2018. Ms. LaNeave also provided information about a five-year contract with Republic Waste Management for garbage and recycling services, approved by City Council August 14, 2018, and effective October 1, 2018. 4D. COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT Hospitality & Sales Manager Ashley Newhart presented the July Senior Center Dashboard Report and was available to answer questions. 4E. SENIOR SERVICES REPORT Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Mashat-Phelps updated the Commission on current activities and responded to questions. City of Southlake Values.- Integrity alues:Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Senior Advisory Commission Minutes of the September 11, 2018 Page 3 of 3 5. ADJOURNMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 1:20 p.m. Motion: Barnes (Alt#2) Second: Pappy Ayes: Grondahl, Kyle, Pappy, Spickler, Orler (Alt#1), Barnes (Alt#2) Nays: None Abstention None ? Vote: 6-0 Motion passed / , 1-11'h ,rh Blake, C air J Communit a es Department A digital recording of this meeting is available by request in the Office of the City Secretary. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork IDCITY QF SOUTHLAKE Senior Advisory Commission Sign -in Sheet September 11, 2018 @ ipm Senior Activity Center — The Marq Southlake 285 Shady Oaks Dr. - Southlake, TX Ed Grondahl (Place 1)i ;. MaryLee Alford (Place 2), Vice Chair Natasha Siebach (Place 3) Barbara Pappy (Place 4) Esther Spickler (Place 5) Beverly Blake (Place 6), Chairman Margie Kyle (Place 7), Secretary Kathryn Orler (Alt 1) David Barnes (Alt 2) STAFF Chris Tribble Ashley Newhart Soheila Phelps GUESTS (PLEASE PRINT) i Brighton Greene (CARS) Erik Phelps (CARS) Mary King (MMOW) ` ('Lauren LaNeave Daniel Cortez Bernie McCauley (SSFI) \ ABSENT r r V L12 / L LAS ►�5� �.