2035 Corridor Committee Meeting Report - Mtg. 17 - Pinnacle Point Phase II Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Meeting Report Meeting 17 – May 31, 2018 MEETING LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall – Third Floor Training Rooms 3A – 3D 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas, 76092 IN ATTENDANCE:  City Council Members: Chad Patton, John Huffman, Shawn McCaskill  Planning & Zoning Commission Members: Michael Springer, Mike Forman, Daniel Kubiak, Chris Greer  Park Board Member: Frances Scharli  City Staff: Ken Baker, Dennis Killough, Jerod Potts, Richard Schell, Madeline Oujesky, Daniel Cortez AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Administrative Comments. 2. Review, discuss and make recommendations on the development of the Southlake Professional Centre for pediatric dentistry and orthodontics on property at 1480 Corporate Circle and 1452 W. Southlake Blvd, generally located north of W. Southlake Boulevard and east of N. Peytonville Avenue. 3. Review, discuss and make recommendations on the development of Pinnacle Point Phase II for an additional three professional office buildings on property at 455 S. Kimball Avenue generally located on the east side of S. Kimball Avenue and south of the proposed extension of S. Village Center Drive. 4. Review, discuss and make recommendations on proposed revisions to the Carillon Corporate District on property at 360 – 430 E. SH 114, generally located at the northwest intersection of E. SH 114 and Southmont Drive. 5. Review, discuss and make recommendations on the development of approximately 20 acres for retail, office or residential product mix located at 1680-1750 E. SH 114 generally located at the northeast intersection of E. SH 114 and Blessed Way. 6. Review, discuss and make recommendations on a proposed Land Use Plan amendment and rezoning to allow limited retail uses for Crestwood Offices located at 1100 E. Southlake Boulevard, generally located just west of the northwest intersection of E. Southlake Boulevard. and N. Carroll Avenue 7. Adjournment. MEETING OVERVIEW: On May 31, 2018 the Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee held their seventeenth meeting. The Committee was sent a packet of materials prior to the meeting that were to be discussed during the session. A meeting agenda was posted and the meeting time was advertised on the City’s website. The following meeting report focuses on discussion points made during the meeting by members of the Committee, public and City staff. This report is neither verbatim nor does it represent official meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by the Committee, City staff, and any attendees of the meeting. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to follow development cases through the process. Please visit CityofSouthlake.com/Planning for more information. Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #3 – Pinnacle Point Phase II Meeting #17 – May 31, 2018 Page 3 ITEM #3 DISCUSSION – Review, discuss and make recommendations on the development of Pinnacle Point Phase II for an additional three professional office buildings on property at 455 S. Kimball Avenue generally located on the east side of S. Kimball Avenue and south of the proposed extension of S. Village Center Drive.  Staff presentation: Dennis Killough o Phase II of Pinnacle Point o Land Use: Mixed Use o Zoning: S-P-2  Gave entitlement to first two buildings only  Must come back with an amendment for the next proposed buildings o Proposed buildings = roughly 75,000 Sq. Ft.  Addition of three (3) buildings in Phase II  Phase I constructed two (2) buildings o Total area of development = over 81,000 Sq. Ft. o Proposed building materials include limestone veneer, natural s tone veneer and concrete  Questions for staff by the Committee: N/A  Applicant presentation by: Clay Cristy o Tenants want to move their businesses to Southlake and stay  Questions for applicant by the Committee: Q: Have you initiated traffic studies? A: Yes. We will have the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) in 3 to 4 weeks Q: How did the first phase of construction go? A: Great. Two buildings have completed construction on the development. We have a tenant moving into the first building; however, the second building is still for lease. Q: Where is your air conditioning equipment located? A: The tenant will install air conditioning units C: Be mindful to strategically distribute air conditioning locations Q: Will the proposed buildings in phase II have the same building materials as the phase I buildings? A: Yes, they will have the same look and feel of the phase I buildings. Q: What is the internal height of the building? A: 18ft height inside Q: Is it conceivable to create a second floor inside the buildin g? A: No, tenants are interested in having high ceilings Q: Where will the dumpsters be located? Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #3 – Pinnacle Point Phase II Meeting #17 – May 31, 2018 Page 4 A: Near the back portion of the property in different locations for all buildings Q: Trash accumulation will be of office waste not food waste, correct? A: Correct. The development will house office users only. Development excludes having medical users and has not had an interest in retail or restaurant users. Q: Do you anticipate truck deliveries? A: No we do not anticipate large deliveries; maybe a box truck or FedEx / UPS deliveries. The development is not built to accommodate large truck deliveries. STAFF PRESENTATION SHOWN TO COMMITTEE: Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #3 – Pinnacle Point Phase II Meeting #17 – May 31, 2018 Page 5 Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #3 – Pinnacle Point Phase II Meeting #17 – May 31, 2018 Page 6 Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #3 – Pinnacle Point Phase II Meeting #17 – May 31, 2018 Page 7 Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #3 – Pinnacle Point Phase II Meeting #17 – May 31, 2018 Page 8