2018-03-19 CEC MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: MARCH 191" 2018 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall 1400 Main Street, Room 4A Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 6:00 P.M. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Place 1 — Sherry Berman, Chair Place 3 — Vikram Jangam (arrived after the approval of the February 26, 2018 Community Engagement Committee minutes) Place 4 — Ben Siebach, Vice Chair Place 5 — David Alexander, Secretary Place 6 — Aaron Camele COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Place 2 — Sandra Harrison Place 7 — Angela Weisgarber STAFF PRESENT: Lauren E. LaNeave, Assistant to the City Manager Jerod Potts, Policy & Strategic Initiative Principal Planner CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: �1 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Call to order. Meeting called to order at 6:01 by Sherry Berman, Chair. 2. Approve February 26, 2018 CEC meeting minutes. David made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Ben provided a second. Approved (4-0). Meeting Minutes. Community Engagement Committee Meeting — March 19'h, 2018 Page 1 of 3 3. Discuss social media announcements and communication tools. Lauren asked the Committee about social media engagement, also updated the group on the social media tool list. The Committee will try posting something on Facebook and then tag the rest of the members of the CEC to increase the reach. 4. Review and provide comments on Youth Plan recommendations. Jerod provided an overview of the draft recommendations of the Youth Master Plan. The Committee asked about including Teen Court in the plan. The Committee mentioned reaching out to UT Arlington about the technology used in their library. Regarding the City offering courses related to life skills, the Committee felt this is something that should be offered by the school. Regarding proposed recommendation YP2, the Committee asked whether they would be involved. The Committee also asked if there was an opportunity for the Economic Development and Tourism Department to get involved in the job fair (proposed recommendation YP3). The Committee asked if we were doing too much by prioritizing all proposed recommendations as either Tier 1 or Tier 2. 5. Discuss SPIN Town Hall Forum processes and changes. Lauren asked if the Committee had any thoughts or comments about the current SPIN Town Hall Forum process. The Committee asked whether items that had a P&Z recommendation for approval need to be presented at SPIN. The Committee mentioned that when an item goes to SPIN, a recording gets created. The Committee has heard from developers the meetings help. While the Committee did not have any recommendations for changing the SPIN process, they did ask to be notified when someone declines attending SPIN. 6. Development Update. Jerod gave an overview of the items on the March 27tn SPIN Town Hall Forum agenda. Staff will send the CEC a copy of the Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee meeting report from when the Urban Air project was presented. Staff will also look into the details of the CISD baseball and softball field renovations and send more information to the CEC. 7. Discuss future agenda items. The Committee asked about a webpage or other social media account for additional engagement. Staff mentioned they would check on logistics. Staff also noted that at the meeting in April the group will look at citizen engagement tools and can discuss online two-way communication during public meetings. The Committee asked if we know the number of registered voters in Southlake, and that it may be good to look into a voter registration drive. The Committee also noted that they would like to have a calendar of events where they can be proactive, and would like to brainstorm to be proactive about things happening in the community. The Committee Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting — March 19t", 2018 Page 2 of 3 mentioned first response during emergencies, and how prepared the City is; want to discuss contingency plans and preparation. 8. Adjournment. Sherry closed the meeting at 7:07 PM. ATTEST: David Alexa er, Secretary Meeting Minutes. Community Engagement Committee Meeting — March 19'n, 2018 Page 3 of 3