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Item 7A PresentationZoning Change and Site Plan Southlake Professional Centre Item 7A ZA18-0005 Owner: Giggles N’ Grins Pediatric Dentistry and Schroeder Orthodontics Applicant: Claymoore Engineering Request: Approval of a Zoning Change and Site Plan for Southlake Professional Centre, an approximately 19,350 square foot, two-story medical/dental office building on approximately 1.33 acres Location: 1480 Corporate Circle, generally located north of W. Southlake Blvd. and east of N. Peytonville Ave. ZA18-0005 Aerial View Google Earth Aerial Perspective Approved Trinity Presbyterian Site Plan Shaded portion to be added to Lot 13 to the north in the proposed “S-P-1” boundary Lot 13 Previous Lot 14, Block 6, Southridge Lakes, Phase C-1 rezoned from “C-3” General Commercial District to “CS” Community Service District in 2009. Future parking with 93 spaces shown. Site Plan Site Data Summary Existing Zoning “C-3” and “CS” Proposed Zoning “S-P-1” Land Use Designation Office Commercial Gross/Net Acreage 1.33 ac. Total Building Floor Area (Gross) Medical/Dental Office 19,350 sq. ft. Building Height/Number of Stories 32’6”/ 2 stories Open Space % 33.9% Impervious Coverage % 66.1% Total Parking Required 131 Total Parking Spaces Provided 135 (incl. 73 off-site spaces) 73 spaces offsite on church property with shared parking agreement Crosswalks added per P&Z motion P&Z Commission Conditions P&Z Conditions Applicant’s Response Bring a material sample board to City Council. The applicant will provide a material sample board before 1st reading at City Council. Include at least reasonable specifics as to where the pole lighting will be on the southern portion of the property. The applicant is preparing a lighting plan and it will be submitted before 1st reading at City Council. Examine the pedestrian access easement. The Site Plan and Pedestrian Access Plan have been revised to show crosswalks from the southern property area to the building and a crosswalk sign. Conditions of approval at August 9, 2018 meeting: Pedestrian Access Plan Required 5’ sidewalk shown Crosswalks added per P&Z motion Pedestrian Crossing sign added per P&Z motion “S-P-1” Regulations Regulation “O-1” “S-P-1” Regulation Impervious Coverage 65% 66.1% Bufferyards 5’ Type ‘A’ bufferyards on east and south property lines and Type ‘F1’ bufferyard on north property line No bufferyard on south property line due to access driveway and parking in that location, no canopy trees on the east property line due to an existing utility easement and allowing an 8’ ornamental metal fence with existing and proposed plantings as shown instead of the required opaque solid fence “O-1” Office District uses and regulations with the following exceptions: Perspective from Southwest Elevations White Brick Stone Gray Brick Wood-Look Cementitious Board Black Metal Material Samples Elevations Landscape Plan Landscape Plan (S-P-1) 8’ Ornamental Metal Fence and 16 Dwarf Burford Hollies Landscape Plan (Church Property) Variance Request 100’ stacking depth required ± 22’ Tree Conservation Plan No trees to be removed Cross Section Exhibit 4:1 setback from Southridge Lakes residential lots Church Site Exhibit Submitted to demonstrate compliance with “CS” zoning district Grading Plan Drainage Area Map Storm Drain Plan Utility Plan Trash Receptacle Enclosure May 17, 2018; Approved (6-1) to table this item at the applicant’s request until June 7, 2018. June 7, 2018; Approved (6-0) to table this item at the applicant’s request until August 9, 2018. August 9, 2018; Approved (6-0) subject to the staff report dated August 3, 2018 and Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated August 3, 2018 approving the variance requested therein and noting the suggestion to bring a material sample board to City Council as well as noting the applicant’s willingness to include a least reasonable specifics as to where the pole lighting will be on the southern portion of the property as well as examining the pedestrian access easement. P & Z Commission Action Questions?