2010-08-02CITY OF
AUGUST 2, 2010
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall
1400 Main Street
3rd Floor Training Rooms
Southlake, Texas 76092
(A board member may be listed more than once if he or she serves on multiple boards.)
City Council present: Mayor John Terrell, Mayor Pro Tern Laura K. Hill, Deputy Mayor
Pro Tern Brandon Bledsoe, and Councilmembers Carolyn Morris, Pamela A. Muller,
Jeff Wang and Al Zito.
City Council absent: None.
Parks and Recreation Board members present: Chairman John Slocum, Vice
Chairman Ken Goodman, Secretary Julie Landesberg, and Board members Margaret
Adams, Sherry Berman, Kevin Smith and Tina Wasserman.
Parks and Recreation Board members absent: Board members Elaine Cox and Bill
Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board members present: President
Carolyn Morris, Secretary Pamela A. Muller, and Board Members Sherry Berman, and
John Slocum.
Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board members absent: Board
Member Deborah Frazier.
Staff present: City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager / Director of
Public Safety Jim Blagg, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City
Manager Alison Orlowski, Community Relations Officer Pilar Schank, Director of
Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director of Community Services Kari
- -- --H 'star to- the —[Director —Candice -Sanders; --Di nance- Shan n--
Jackson, Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker, Director of Public
Works Robert Price, and Deputy City Secretary Tara Brooks.
Joint City Council, Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board, and Parks and Recreation Board meeting —
August 2, 2010
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Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The Mayor called to order the joint meeting at 5:42
p.m. City Manager Yelverton made opening comments and discussed the meeting
format and agenda. Assistant City Manager / Director Blagg led the Introductions of the
Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion: Current financial environment. Director Jackson
provided the group with a detailed report on the finances of the Southlake Parks
Development Corporation (SPDC) and answered questions. The presentation covered
collections, debt and future fund availability.
Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: 2005 Park Recreation & Open Space Master Plan
implementation and development of an updated master plan as a part of Southlake
2030. Assistant to the City Manager Orlowski presented the findings of the 2009 Citizen
Survey and the 2010 Recreation Survey and answered questions.
Director Baker presented the master plans related to Parks and Recreation as part of
the Southlake 2030 plan, including the Southlake Parks, Recreation and Open Space
Master Plan, the Southlake Pathways Plan, the Mobility Plan, and the Community Plan.
Director Tribble reviewed the Park Plan Implementation Status since the last Park
Master Plan in 2005. Director Tribble also updated the group on the status of the
Pathway Plan Implementation and other projects.
Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion: Project Profiles. Director Tribble went over the
various projects that are part of the Capital Improvement Program. The group
discussed the various projects. The projects discussed included the multipurpose
community facility, Bicentennial Park Phase I and Phase II, North Park, Safety Town,
pathways, SPDC matching funds, Southlake Sports Complex lighting improvements,
Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Phase II, Chesapeake Park improvements, Bob Jones
Nature Center property development, Koalaty Park, Coker Hike and Bike Trailhead, and
Kirkwood/Sabre linear park. Director Tribble, Director Jackson and City Manager
Yelverton answered questions.
Mayor Terrell called for a break at 7:21 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:41 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 6A. Executive Session. Mayor Terrell called for an executive session
of City Council pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government
Code, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. The SPDC and Parks and
Recreation Board did not join the Executive Session. Executive Session began at 7:44
p.m. and ended at 7:51 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 6B. Reconvene: Mayor Terrell reconvened the meeting at 7:54 p.m.
Aqenda Item No 5 Discussion: Capital Improvement Project priorities (FY 2011-2015).
Director Baker conducted a group ranking exercise of the five-year CIP. The group
ranked the projects in the following manner:
Joint City Council, Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board, and Parks and Recreation Board meeting —
August 2, 2010
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1. Multipurpose Facility
2. Bicentennial Park Phase II
3. Pathways
4A. Bicentennial Park Playground and Road (possible rephasing of the
4B. North Park
5. SPDC Matching Funds
6. Southlake Sports Complex Lighting Improvements
7. Football fields
8. Safety Town Park
9A. Southside Dog Park
9B. Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Phase II
10A. Koalaty Park
10B. Kirkwood / Sabre Linear Trail
12A. Bob Jones Nature Center property development
12B. Chesapeake Park Improvements
12C. Bicentennial Park Phase III
13. Bicentennial Park Playground
City Manager Yelverton and Director Tribble discussed the prioritization with the group.
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment. There was no action taken at this meeting. Mayor
Terrell adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m.
John Terrell ,
Carolyn Mo ris
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
Joh Slocum
P and Recreation Board President
Tara Brooks
Deputy City Secretary
Joint City Council, Southlake Parks Development Corporation Board, and Parks and Recreation Board meeting —
August 2, 2010
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