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1992-08-27SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING August 27, 1992 LOCATION: Timarron Land Development Field House Southlake, Texas MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilhelm, John Drews, David Baltimore, Susan Evans, Greg Last (City staff), Bethann Scratchard, David Bergman, Donna Higgins (Executive Director). MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Kuhlman, Cheryl Woolsey, Curtis Hawk (City Manager.) I. CALL TO ORDER Rick Wilhelm, Chairman, called the meeting to order and noted that a quorum was present. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Motion was made by David Baltimore, seconded by Susan Evans to approve the July 22nd minutes as submitted. Approved. III. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer's report was motioned by Susan Evans, seconded by David Bergman to approve the financial report. Approved. IV. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Donna Higgins reported preparation of the 1992-1993 SEDC budget which she submitted at the budget work session of the City Council. Donna then reported receiving information from the Texas Department of Commerce on funding programs which she gave to Gary with Dal -Den. Dal -Den is trying to expand in this area and their purchase of two companies which were needed for this expansion, has been finalized. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A.) Business Retention: David Bergman passed out the first draft of a proposed business retention survey partially taken from the Dallas business retention survey. David pointed out that he felt that this should be incorporated in a package for the business owners either in mail out or during visitations. Rick Wilhelm suggested additional questions be added to the survey pertaining to the business owner's satisfaction with the utility companies. It was discussed that a list from the water department be used for the SEDC's business visitations. Donna Higgins reported setting up September 23rd's SEDC meeting at Mesco Metal Buildings for the purpose of a business retention visitation. B.) Property Profile: Susan Evans reported that there was nothing new to report. They were still in the process of pulling the profile together. C.) Economic Profile: Greg Last announced the finalization of the Economic Profile. He stated five hundred copies would be finished as early as tomorrow and passed out a sample for the board to see. Greg explained there would be taks for each section and the Southlake logo along with the bars at the top of each page would be green in color. Funding for reprinting the Economic Profile was discussed. It was decided that each Economic Profile would be sold -for $15.00 which would pay for the reprints. IV. OLD BUSINESS A.) FM 1709: Greg Last reported the'contract for 1709 was a 24 month contract and stated it could be done in 18 months if the weather was good. B.) Moving SEDC & SLCC: Donna Higgins reported the best location for a possible move at this time was located at 1709 and Carroll Road, with the Woodland Group. This would provide both organizations with not only a better, more visible location but much more space. C.) Dallas Morning News Article: Rick Wilhelm stated he felt we needed to keep many copies on hand at the SEDC,, office. Susan Evans suggested contacting Thomas Re -pro graphics to have them reproduce this in a handout size. VII. NEW BUSINESS A.) General Discussion: This involved business opportunities in the area. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23rd at 8:30 am at Mesco Metal Buildings. Meeting Adjourned.