1992-12-02k soDTw AEB EOomac DzvzzooP=xT couNclL $OARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 2, 1992 LOCATIONS SEDC Offices Southlaka, Texas i l�MSEIt4 PRESENTS David Baltimore, Susan Evans. Bethann Scratchard, Richard Wilhelm, Curtis gawk (city xanager) and Greg Last (City Staff). i MEMBERS ABSENTt David Bergman, John Draws, Richard Kuhlman and Donna Higgins (Executive Director). I. GALL TO ORDER i Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order, noting a quorum preheat. !` YI. APPROVAL or WINMUs OF PRIOR MSETr= Upon motion by Bethann Scratchard and second by David Baltimore, the minutes of the October 28, 1992, meeting were approved as submitted. III. TRFAZUFEA'8 EXPORT I All 1992 expenses have been paid and total expenditures were within budget. A copy of the 1993 budget was reviewed, and rental expenses need to be increased to rof loot the move to the new location on FX1709. Upon motion by Susan Evans and second by Rick Wilhelm, the treasurers report was approved as submitted. Ili'. ZXRCOTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Risk Wilhelm reported in Donna Higgins, absence (pregnancy) that the SEDC offices were moved, as scheduled, (good job Donna). Donna also attend a workshop on 11'antus Forte that is a comprehensive data base program for i municipal planning. Southlake has this program and Rick Wilhelm suggested that the SEDC receive a demonstration of it at a future meeting. V. CONMTTM REPOATs A. SeonoaUa Pro4U*: Greg bast recommended that an update of tax data be prepared to insert into the recently completed profile report. me will price several alternatives and report back at the neat meeting. Rick Wilhelm requested that the next project should be the development of a supporting ipamphlet, particularly targeted to light retail. A. Property Profilor John Draws was absent. C. SUBIness Retention; David Baltimore reported that he had discussed a trailing with David Bergman, and that some surveys would go out before the next meeting. Visitations will be scheduled after the holidays and after the surveys are mailed. D. Tax Abatemontr Curtis gawk stated that he had data from severa l i surrounding cities that he will make available by the next meeting. VI. OLD WMIXE8a A. 919hvay 1709 Construction; Work is on or ahead of schedule and completion is still expected by 1994 when bid on next section (west to Hwy. 377) will be let. i a. Albextson's (1709 at 7938)t Expect to finalize construction start date soon. C. Crossroads Center (rood Lion): Completion target is February, but $ckerd Drugs' may open sooner. D. Post Offico: Solana wants to be serviced by the Southlake post Office instead of Roanoke. Results of survey of Southlake residents presently serviced by Roanoke, Teller and Grapevine indicated that most respondents favored maintaining their existing, non-Southlake address. Solana was not Included in the survey. Construction of the new Post Office is proceeding, but is well behind schedule. Viz. NEW EU8XXZas A. 9uilding Permits: hick Wilhel= reported that through October, Southlake issued 310 residential permits valued at $65 million. This compares to 159 permits for $32 million during last year. Mr. Wilhelm also reported that 95 swimming pool permits were issued. Commercial construction increased i from 3 permits in 1991 to 13 permits to date in 1992. Multiple permits may be associated with a single project. B. Street and water Bondst Of the $4.5 million in voter approved street bonds, $1.5 million have been issued. Streets under consideration for improvement are Carroll Avenue north of Hwy. 114 and Peytonville south of Hwy. 1709 to Continental. $1.3 million in water bond improvements include a 120 main, west along Hwy. 114. C. dire Coder The Scuthlake City Council is considering a sprinkler provision, requiring new commercial structures of 6,000 square feet or more to be sprinklered. Costs are estimated at $1.00 per foot plus connections, valves and metering. D. DFW Airport Noise Corridors A new environmental impact study reduces the sire of the noise corridor to a location east of Carroll Blvd. This study, done in 1991 replaces the one, dated 1971, shown on all maps of the City. Greg Last has a new 'Base Map' reflecting this study and recent construction. Caution should be taken to note that there is no change to the existing DFw overfly zone. V1l . ADJOUT300M The next SEDC meeting is scheduled for January 27, 1993, at City Hall, Southlake, Texas. XK"Xxa AA7( "XD r`�