1990-08-22OCT 1 1990 ,
M I' N i.J'I` ve. S n .r' TH E 0n. SECRETAR .
L:CC>tNU1%.11_C3 ID, E:'VLUL'MEIV'1'
C O U N C= L
Date: August 22, 1990. Wednesday - 8:30 am
Location: Southlake City Hall
667 N. Carroll Avenue
Present: Rick Wilhelm. Barry Emerson, Phyllis Catton,
Virginia Clow, Phillip Bressinck, Curtis
Hawk, and Betty Springer.
Absent: Brad Bradley, Bethann Scratchard, Mike
Thompson, and Marvin Cook.
Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order and
established that a quorum was present.
Motion by Phillip Bressinck, seconded by Virginia Clow
to approve the August 1st minutes as submitted. Approved.
Treasurer Marvin Cook was absent, but Betty Springer
reported that the checkbook balance as of August 22nd was
a. Economic Profile: Following review of the draft
document., the single spaced version was recommended
unanimous IY. Rick Wilhelm will contact GTE to help organize
the final document.
b. Community Information Survey: Curtis Hawk has some
samples from other cities and will. try to get together with
ne tty as soon as possible (considering this is budget time
for the City Council).
c. Realtors Rally: The Rally will be August 24th at the
D/FW Myatt East. We still need booth workers. Betty will
have the new tri-panel brochures today to hand out at the
d. Capital Improvement Program: Committee appointments
to gather information and implement program-- Rick Wilhelm,
Barry Emerson, and Phyllis Catton.
e. Brochure: Sample copy of the tri-panel brochure
distributed. Final copies wi.l1 be (Jel.ivered later today.
r. Food Lion update: St.)res sites are still being
tLc:ctuired but still no final deal. on the Roanoke distribution
center site.
g. Casino Nito: September 22. 1990 (Saturday). Tickets
Iti•r S30.00 r114•11 ill ntiviLrice _ $35. n1 I.he door. ProcoedK wi 1.1
go to the "Friends of the Southlake Library" to help
est.abl i sh it I. i brary in South I ake . '['here will be silent and
live auc•. L ion items, gaming tables, and an hors d'oeuvres
buffet. All SEDC members are encouraged to attend and
support. Lhis community cause.
Other: Betty reported that the requests for site and
buildinc; inventory data has not garnered a [.treat deal of
response to date. Second requests are now being mailed out.
She has reviewed forms from all the utilities and the Texas
Department of Commerce to find the most workable version.
Data will be kept on file in the SEDC office to respond to
inquiries and will also be submitted to the TDC and utility
economic development offices when appropriate.
a. Proposed City Budget: The City budget proposes a
45.5 cents tax rate. Most of the increase is for debt
service. Improved street maintenance, a planner, and
several other personnel. addit.i.ons are also included.
b. Proposed Water Rate Increase: There was a token
increase in .January or February to 1.ry to minimize the
ci.ty's loss. Freese Nichols has prepared a study that shows
a proposed 13.7% increase is necessary for '91 to keep pace
with the costs.
c. City Council Business:
Country Walk and Country Meadow were recently zoned
and will have a total. of 83 lots. Country Meadow also has
some Commercial-1 and Office-1 zonirwil fronting FM1709.
Utility relocation along FM1709 will have to be done
prior to construction starting on the roadway. The city has
issued $1.1 mill ion dollars in bonds to provide for the
city's share of construction costs as well as the utility
relocation costs.
"Friends of the Southlake Library" held an
organizational. meeting on August. 15th and elected a
tent,at,i ve Board of Di r•ect,or•:; and o1.1' i cers. Barry Emerson
suggested that: the Chamber of Commerce consider forming a
committee Lo see that all. construction on a library building
be done on a voluntary basis. 'texas National Bank will
possibly be dona t.inv their exisLint! hank building (to be
moved) for• it library once the i. r• new building is completed
sometime in 1991.
7'he City has authorized a chant,e order to the sewer
cc,n I. r r►c 1 t.o ex tend a line from Summe r•I)lace on up Dove Creek
to Cnr ro i 1 (toad by Johnson Element:ar•v School.
The next meeting will be on the fourth Wednesday,
September 26, 1990, at 8:30 an► at the Southlake City Hall.