1991-02-27r SOUTH L.A K E ECON OM I C E> E V E LO PM EN T COUN C I L. DATE: February 27, 1991 LOCATION: Southlake City Hall 667 N. Carroll Avenue PRESENT: Rick Wilhelm, Bethann Scratchard, John Draws, Ruth Smith, Barry Emerson, Terry Bouton, Phillip Bressinck, David Bergman, Cheryl Woolsey, Curtis Hawk and Betty Springer. City Staff: Karen Gandy ABSENT: None I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order and established that a quorum was present. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the November 28, 1990 meeting were approved as submitted. There was no December meeting. The January 1991 meeting was not called to order for lack of a quorum, thus there were no minutes to approve. III. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Rick welcomed the new members to the SEDC. They include Ruth Smith, Cheryl Woolsey, Terry Bouton, David Bergman, and John Draws. IV. TREASURERS REPORT The 1990 treasurer is no longer on the SEDC Board, however, Betty Springer reported that the December 31, 1990 balance was $8,348.13. January deposits totaled $1,999.99 and January expenses were $894.15, leaving a balance on January 31, 1991 of $9,453.97. Betty pointed out that the 4th quarter reimbursements to the Chamber of Commerce would be approximately $2.000. and that encumbrance should be taken into consideration with regards to the cash balance on hand. V. OLD BUSINESS a. Community Information Survey: The survey forms are coming back at about a 16%-17`k return rate according to Betty. We will start tabulating the results this week and will have them available at the March meeting. b. Commercial Land Inventory: Rick discussed the need for an inventory of undeveloped land and existing buildings. Thus far the information return has been disappointing. Rick also passed out copies of information provided by the City regarding target dates on road and sewer projects and also zoning classifications within the City by percentage zoned. c: 1709 Letter: Curtis Hawk discussed the apparent change in attitude from the County Commissioners Court since the new judge and commissioner have taken their seats. Judge Tom Vandergriff has advised the district attorney's office to get the condemnation process completed. It was suggested by the SEDC members that we send a thank you letter to the Commissioners Court. d: Economic Profile: Rick would like to get the economic profile back on track and get it completed as soon as possible. He suggested a committee might be put together to work on completing this project. VI. NEW BUSINESS a. TU Electric inquiry: Betty informed the council of an inquiry received in January via TU Electric for a Japanese group looking for 50,000-60,000 sq. f t. of existing space with 18'-22' ceilings and 4 docks on about 5-7 acres of land -or- 7-10 acres of land with water and sewer on which to develop their building needs. We provided them with all the information we had available plus several realtors/developers in the area provided information on tracts of interest to the Japanese group. TU forwarded the information on to them. b. User inquiries: Betty recapped the types of inquiries we receive about the city and surrounding area. Most inquiries are for residential information. Commercial inquiries are more for demographic information rather than specific site information. There are few inquiries for industrial sites at this time. Discussion regarding the overall development of the area including the Hunt Ranch, Mobil Land Development, etc. followed. C. Hwy. 114 Design: The Highway Department has submitted their proposed layout for Hwy. 114 for public review. Ruth Smith expressed concern about the lack of an eastbound exit at White Chapel Blvd. There will be an exit at Dove Road. Members can express their opinions about the exits at these two roads to the Highway Department's Fort Worth District Office. d: Shopping Center: Rick discussed the opposition by adjacent neighborhoods to the proposed shopping center at White Chapel and FM1709. SEDC has already sent a letter to PIMA Properties in support of the project. It was suggested we also send letters to Food Lion and Winn Dixie in support of this development and cite statistics regarding the percentage in opposition versus total population. Motion to do so by Barry Emerson, seconded by John Draws, approved. e. 1991 Goals: Rick indicated he would like to see us complete the economic profile, the land inventory, and the community survey. Betty suggested we develop a sort of "top 100" list of firms and brokers that we would like to make acquainted with Southlake and send them a generalized information packet letting them know we're here and "open for business". f. North Texas Commission meeting re SSC: Rick will be attending the March 6th meeting re doing business with the SSC and will get the information back to Betty and the SEDC. g. Election of Officers: The following slate of officers was suggested by SEDC members: President - Rick Wilhelm; Vice President - John Draws; and Secretary/Treasurer - Terry Bouton. Motion for election of said officers by Bethann Scratchard, seconded by Phillip Bressinck, and approved. OTHER BUSINESS Bethann Scratchard encouraged everyone to contact the legislators regarding the educational funding bill. Phillip Bressinck expressed concerns about the post office project being delayed due to a disagreement between the postal authorities and the adjacent developer. VII. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting will be March 27, 1991, at Southlake City Hall. Meeting adjourned. sedcf eb . doc