1991-03-27E3K3 U-1F "K_1:=k V, E=— E7 t- C3 rq " M I C-- nF=WEE1 C31=1ME:1NJ-F U P4 C-:: I L- M 1 P4 U-F -C3 DATE: March 27, 1991 LOCATION: Southlake City Hall 667 N. Carroll Ave. PRESENT: Rick Wilhelm, Phillip Bressinck, David Bergman, John Drews, Barry Emerson, Bethann Scratchard, Ruth Smith, Cheryl Woolsey, and Betty Springer. ABSENT: Terry Bouton and Curtis Hawk. _________________________________________________________________ I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order and established that a quorum was present. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve February 27, 1991, minutes as submitted. Motion by Phillip Bressinck, seconded by Ruth Smith, approved. III. TREASURERS REPORT Betty Springer reported the checkbook balance on February 1, 1991, was $9,354.97. Deposits for February were $3,349.32 and expenses were $2,616.02, leaving a balance of $10,187.27. That figure does not reflect salary reimbursements to the Chamber. A recap of expenses incurred during the 1st quarter of the SEDC fiscal year (Oct. thru Dec.) indicates all of the budget line items for expenses are either on track or better than anticipated. IV. OLD BUSINESS a) Review of SEDC mission statement: Rick Wilhelm reviewed the initial mission statement for the organization which reads "The mission of the Southlake Economic Development Council (SEDC) is to encourage orderly and acceptable economic growth and expansion in Southlake through the development of quality commercial and industrial facilities." b) Review of 1990 goals: Rick recapped the 1990 goals as stated in the minutes of the February 1990 meeting. They included 1> FM1709 construction progress; 2) developers handbook; 3) land inventory; and 4) targeting specific businesses. Progress is being made on FM1709 and on the land inventory. The handbook is behind schedule due to significant changes in the zoning ordinance. City Planner Greg Last will be working on this in the future. Nothing specific has been done as far as targeting specific businesses to contact regarding our area. v John Drews asked if we had a plan in mind for Highway 114. Rick said the city was looking at the possibility of a corridor study. There was discussion regarding the current industrial sectors of the city and on additional building requirements necessitated by the airport corridor ordinance. c> Community Information Survey results: Betty recapped the preliminary survey results which reflected a 17.4% return rate. The results will be put into final format this week for release to the public and the media. Betty also suggested that for any future surveys like this that we delete the "fixed -retired" portion under household income and expand the range classifications to accommodate the many respondents who indicated salary levels above the $100,000 figure. d> Economic Profile: Rick discussed the profile from its origination to present and the need to further condense and finalize the project. He would like to see a committee formed to finalize this task. e) Property inventory: Rick recapped what had transpired on this project during 1990 and the need to form a committee to also finalize this task. The following SEDC committees were established: Economic Profile: Cheryl Woolsey, David Bergman, and Ruth Smith. Phillip Bressinck, John Drews, and Barry Emerson. John indicated he already had some data available for the land inventory, and Bethann said she would get some statistical data from Southwestern Bell Telephone for use in the economic profile. f) Highway 114: The City has been back in contact with the State Highway Department regarding the feasibility of an eastbound exit ramp at White Chapel Blvd. V. NEW BUSINESS a) SSC contracts: Rick attended a meeting sponsored by the North Texas Commission regarding doing business on the Super. Collider. For FY91, anticipated expenditures are $250 million with a possibility of up to $6069 million should congress approve additional funding. Rick obtained a business opportunity guide defined by SIC codes. We will keep the book on file in the SEDC office for local businesses to utilize in order to get on the SSC sub -contractor list. Betty will include an article on this in the Chamber's next newsletter. b) 1991 Goals: A target date of July 15th was set for finalizing committee work on both the Economic Profile and the Property Inventory. c) MetroPort ad request: Both Rick and Betty have talked with representatives from MetroPort Cities Partnership regarding their request for funding to place an ad in the Corporate Industrial Development publication being prepared by the Dallas Chamber. MetroPort has no funds available to place the ad on their own. They requested each member city contribute $200. towards the ad. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Cheryl Woolsey to authorize a contribution of $100. to MetroPort for the ad. Motion approved. d) Sister Cities: Brad Bradley will be going to Toyoma, Japan, in May to complete the advance work for a September visit by a Southlake delegation for the official Sister City signing ceremony. e) Realtors Rally: The annual Regional Realtors Rally has been moved to Arlington on October 4, 1991. Betty has arranged for a display booth for the SEDC. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Betty reported that letters were sent to Commissioners Court thanking them for their cooperation on getting FM1709 back on track, and also letters were sent to Food Lion and Winn Dixie offering our support to these firms in relocating to this area. A new phone line has been installed in the office and dedicated to our FAX number- which is 329-7497. We have leased a new copier and are negotiating for new furniture for the back office. We are currently accepting resumes for permanent part- time secretarial help in the office. Betty asked for a motion approving the resolution authorizing new signatures on the check signing card. Motion authorizing Rick Wilhelm, John Drews, Terry Bouton, and Betty Springer made by Barry Emerson and seconded by Bethann Scratchard. Motion approved. VII. ADJOURN The next meeting will be April 24th at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall. Meeting adjourned. SEDC391. DOC