1992-04-22SOU` HLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for At>ril 22, 1992 LOCATION: Southlake City Hall 667 N. Carroll Ave.. Southlake. 1'� MEMBERS Rick Wilhelm. John Drews. David Lialtimore. David Bergman. PRESENT: Bethann Scratchard. Betty Springer. Cheryl Woolsey and i;r•eg Last (City Staff') MEMBERS ABSENT: Donna }Iigs•ins and Richard Kuhlman ------- ------------------------------------------------- ------- 1. CALL TO ORDER Rick Wilhelm. Chairman. called the meeting to order and noted that a ouorum was present. New board member. David Bergman (Prudential Securities. Ft Worth) was introduced. Donna Higgins, new Chamber/SEDC Director was unable to attend due to family illness. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Upon the notion of Bethann Scratchard. as seconded by David Bergman, the minutes of the March 25. 1992 were approved as read. III. 'TREASURERS REPORT No treasurers report WtAS Submitted. Lie tty Springer stated that exvenses were sti1.1 tr<lCkir►c,: wi thin budget. IV. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT No Executive Directors Re►port was submitted. Donr►a Hikeir►s will be available to report at the next meeting:'. V. OLD BUSINESS Each of the committees appointed at last month's meetir►e were asked for an initial report. Economic Profile: Bethann Scratchard reported meeting with Greer Last who indicated that: a draft report. may be available shortly. Susan Evans reported that she had some initial prices for the printing of the report, and agreed that the next step would be to let bids when the final product was readv for printing. Rick Wilhelm stated that he would take uP the need for additional support with GTE. Property Profile : Jolur I)r•ews had not.lr i.r►g to report. Abatements: Susan Evans submitted for the councils stud, and comment. a orovosed draft for an application for abatement extracted from applications in other cites. Business )Zetention: Betty Springer suggested holding future council meetings at .Local business establishments. This was taken under consideration by the council. ' Rick Wilhelm reminded the committee that he would like there to be visits to local businesses with the atternut to enco�.ir.ave their support of the city and its further development, and to gather feedback from the community regarding the Economic Development Councils activities. Ut,her__ Old Business: A) Crossroads Sauare: Land preparation has begun and leasing activity remains strong. B) Post Office: Construction has been delayed indefinitely due to drainage vroblems at the site. C) Texaco Food Mart: Construction has begun. with completion in July, VI. NEW BUSINESS: A) Rick Whilhelm announced that Donna Higgins had been appointed as the new Chamber/Economic Development Council coordinator. Betty Springer, Rick Whilhelm and Greg Last were asked to visit with Donna. and assist in the prevaration of a Job description for her, particularly regarding her role with the council. }3) Ricic Whilhelm reminded everyone of the importance of the scheduled May 2. Road Bond Election. C1 Sally hall 11as been appointed vresident of the Southlake Chapter of Keel, America Beautiful. Since new development and road construction will lead to the removal of native trees. replanting of trees adapted to our environment will be encouraged. D) Betty Springer reminded everyone of the Chamber of Commdree monthly luncheon. scheduled for April 28. and featuring a presentation of the goals and obJectives of the Economic Development Council by Rick Whilhelm. VIl. All4 U9NMENT: The next meeting is scheduled for Mav 27th at 8:30 AM at the Southlake Citv Hall. Meeting adJourned. SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BUDGET October 1, 1991 thru September 30, 1992 RECAP THRU APRIL 30, 1992 INCOME: EXPENSES: Salaries & Taxes Telephone/Voice Mail Printing/Supplies Exp Promotional Expense Dues/Memberships/Subscripts Literature/Video Postage/Freight Miscellaneous Furniture/Equipment Expense Travel/Training/Education Utilities Accounting/Professional Serv. Advertising Expense Office Rental Insurance Repair Expense TOTAL EXPENSE: ACTUAL CHECKBOOK BALANCE 4/30/92 BUDGETED ACTUAL YTD $13,000. $7,564.73 2,000. $ 998.59 1,900. $1,641.28 2,500. $1,368.13 1,200. $ 491.50 2,000. $1,210.46 2,750. $1,732.19 600. $ 142.69 1,000. $1,305.73 600. $ --0-- 850. $ 428.80 200. $ 420.25 850. $ 50.85 3,500. $1,750.00 250. $ 109.50 100. $ --0-- $33,300. $19,214.70 $ 9,560.04 Note: Due to the expense reimbursements not being written until April 3rd, this recap reflects both March & April expenses.