1993-04-28LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 28, 1993 City Hall Southlake, Texas 4 4 WN 1993 C `?CE OF CITY SECRETAR David Baltimore, John Drews, Susan Evans, Bethann Scratchard, Gary Terry, Richard Wilhelm, Curtis Hawk (City Manager), Greg Last (City Staff) Donna Higgins (Executive Director). David Bergman, Richard Kuhlman. I. CALL TO ORDER Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order, noting a quorum was present. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Upon a motion by Gary Terry and a second by David Baltimore, the minutes of the March 24, 1993 meeting were approved as submitted. III. TREASURER'S REPORT Upon a motion by Gary Terry and a second by John Drews, the Treasurer's report was approved as submitted. IV. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Donna Higgins reported recently taking the secretary/receptionists to the city offices for a tour and a chance to meet the staff. This was done to increase their awareness so they would have a better understanding as to who to direct calls to and where to go to answer various questions. Donna also reported receiving copies of demographic slides shown at the last chamber luncheon from Herman Smith who had them made up from MPF on the absorption of the area. She also reported that the Intercollegiate Golf and Tennis Awards are to be held at the Marriott Solana June llth. She explained that these awards are equal to the Heisman Trophy for football. The awards ceremony will be covered by ESPN and the HSE sports network. They have also been covered by Sports Illustrated in the past. Donna stated a barbeque by the pool at the Marriott will be held for the participant Thursday night June loth, hosted by the Chamber. She also said the Intercollegiate Golf and Tennis Awards have been looking for a location that can host these awards each year. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A.) Business Retention - 1. Returning Surveys: David Baltimore reported that eight responses had been received from the business retention survey. He stated that he would be starting follow up phone calls very shortly. David also said that out of the eight responses we did receive, seven of them were positive. 2. Business Visits: Gary Terry suggested SEDC try something similar to HEB's CEO roundtable sessions. This would bring businesses together to work up ideas, share successes and help each other. Gary said he had seen this in operation and it worked very well. 3. Stacy Furniture: Rick Wilhelm stated the only less than positive survey returned was from Rick Stacy. A committee consisting of Donna Higgins, David Baltimore and Curtis Hawk was directed to visit Mr. Stacy and show him we do care about his business. B.) Property Profile: John Drews showed us how the property had been identified. He suggested we decide on what form and additional tracts we would like to show. He also stated he would like some feedback from us as to how we would like is presented as far as zoning, land use, larger tracts, industrial tracts and improved property. It was suggested a C A D format be used to bring out this information. C.) Tax Abatement/Incentive: Curtis Hawk handed out information for the board to read through on Economic Development Incentive packages. Susan Evans asked for any general conclusions. Curtis stated that no two cities are the same. VI. OLD BUSINESS A.) Southlake Fast Facts: The board had a final draft review. Few changes were made. Rick Wilhelm stated he would like to see this finished by our next meeting. B.) Hwy. 1709 progress: Curtis Hawk stated that in order for work to progress as rapidly as possible, the median at FM 1709 and Pierson in Keller would have to extend into Southlake. C.) Albertson's Update: John Drews reported they would break ground in July on Albertson's 58,000 square foot upscale prototype which would be scheduled to open May, 1994•. VII. NEW BUSINESS A.) Inquiry about Massey land: Rick Wilhelm stated that Karen Gandy received a call from Ruth Smith about putting a Tropical Fish Importer on Massey's land. B.) Continuation of Appointments: Rick told the board that City appointee's are for a one year term. Any of you interested in serving again contact Sandy LeGrand. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The next SEDC meeting is scheduled for May 26, 1993 at City Hall, Southlake, Texas. Meeting Adjourned.