1993-06-24SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING June 24. 1993 LOCATION: City Hall Southlalke, T-exas 11Ei11BERS PRESENT: Davin Baltimore, ur. Cathy Bryce, John Drews. Barry Emerson, Susan Evans, Bob Munolin. Bethann Scraccnara, Gary Terry. Greg Last (City Planner), Rick Wilhelm, Donna Higgins (Executive Director). Sandra Baber ( Staff ) , Karen Davidson (Staff). MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Kuhlman. I. CALL TO ORDER Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order, noting a auorum was present.. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Upon a motion by Gary ferry and a second by Bethann Scratchard, the minutes of the May 26. 1993 meeting were approved as submittea. III. TREASURER'S REPORT Upon a motion by Bethann Scratchara and a second by David Baltimore, the 1.reasurer`s report was approved as submitted. David Baltimore stated everything was still on budget, and Donna Higgins commented on now some things were under budget. IV. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Donna Higgins stated that the Southlake Fast Facts has received very positive comments, and that one was mailed our to each Chamber member. She also stated thatmany businesses such as the Marriott Solana and Plll1A had asked Tor quite a flew to help market the ::re--t. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A.) Business Retention: David Baltimore reported that the second letter and survey has received many more positive responses. Gary ferry offered to help David with setting up appointments or phone calls to acknowledge appreciation for responding. B.) Property Profile: John crews reported that he and Greg Last had met to discuss the property profile. They discussed whether or not the CAamber's computer with the Fantus Forte program would achieve the results they tell is necessary. C.) Tax Abatement/Incentive: Susan Evans stated there was nothing to report.. Greg Last reported Chris ferry had received surrounding cities fax Abatements for reference, before his departure. VI. OLD BUSINESS A.) Southlake Market Place: John Drews reported that they would break around in November and open in June. Albertson's will occupy 56.000 plus square feet with an additional 21.000 square feet of leasable space. John stated two current tenants at Crossroads Shopping Center nave expressed a desire to expand their locations to Southlake Market Place. B.) Intercollegiate Golf & Dennis Awards: Donna Higgins reported that Art & Ellen LaVallee were very pleased with the area and facilities that Southlake and the Marriott Solana provided. C- ) Update on FM 1709: Greg Last reported everything on FM 1709 expansion was moving fairly well. with the exception of Pierson Lane in Keller. where two coucilpersons are against the expansion. D.) Timarron Luncheon: Susan Evans reported in the new Timarron addition a total of sixty six homes have been sold. thirty three in The Highlands phase and thirty three in the Bent.creek phase. She stated over 3.300 people have passed through their information center and an unmeasurable amount nave driven through Timarron. She also reported their Byron Nelson signature Golf Course is expected to open in July or August. of 1994„ Barry Emerson stated he has not. seen the market on new home building at its present rate since 1983-1984. He stated the Soutolake area would stv, very busy even after most areas will rear'esa; however, ot, predicts even SouthlaKe will see its valley`, in 'vear`i w come. VII_ NEW BUSINESS A.) election of Officers - Rick Wilhelm stated a new Chairman. vice Chairman, and Secretary/ reasurer needed to be elected. Gary Terry made a motion to re-elect Rick Wilhelm as Chairman. John crews seconded the motion. Gary also made a motion to re-elect John Drews as Vice Chairman, Barry Emerson seconded the motion. David Baltimore volunteered to serve as Secretary/Treasurer again. Susan Evans seconded the motion. The election of ofticers were approved. B.) Budget - Rick Wilhelm stated it was time to start working on the SEDC Budget and ire would be meeting with Donna Higgins after this meeting was adiouned to start on it. C.) By -Laws - Rick Wilhelm stated the present Boara was not operating according to the By -Laws. He reported the By -Lawn state the Chamber must appoint flour people: the President, the President -Elect, the Past President., and one Chamber member. However, he stated presently no one except. for Chamber members sit on the Board. Therefore the By -Laws need to be corrected or the President. President Elect, and Past President need to begin serving their terms. One person is to represent the School Board; however, they have elected two people. because one is not always able to attend. It two people represent the School Boara oniv one will be allowed to vote. The By -Laws state the Board should be made up of one city council person, three citizens appointed by the council, four Chamber persons, one School Board member, and two ex-otticio persons: one city manager and one school staff person, to total eleven persons. No decisions were made regarding the correction of the inaccurate operations. E.) Other; Greg Last reported the City had hired Shana Rice to replace Chris Jerrv. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The next SEDC meeting is scheduled for July 28, 1995 at City Hall, Southlake. Texas. Meeting Hd.tourned. SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL BUDGET October 1, 1992 thru September 30, 1993 RECAP THROUGH JUNE 30,1993 INCOME: EXPENSES: Salaries & Taxes Telephone/Voice Mail Printing/Supplies Exp Promotional Expenses Dues/Memberships/Subscriptions Postage/Freight Furniture/Equipment Expense Travel/Training/Education Utilities Accounting/Professional Serv. Office Rental Insurance Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENSE: ACTUAL CHECKBOOK BALANCE 06/30/93 BUDGETED $33,000. $14,500. 1,500. 1,900. 4,200. 500. 2,750. 1,800. 500. 700. 250. 3,700. 200. 500. $33,000. $12,748.51 ACTUAL YTD $24,769.58 $11,326.33 1,490.26 454.39 730.00 67.50 1,374.75 1,246.72 --0-- 379.00 335.00 2,665.00 --0-- 102.03 $20,170.98 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO BY --LAWS OF THE SOUTHLAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC. Section 2.02 (Current) 112.02 - The number of Trustees shall be nine (9). The Trustees shall consist of the following persons: voting EOard Members a. One (1) member of the City Council of the City of Southlake to be appointed by the City Council in an annual basis. b. One (1) member from the Board of Trustees of the Carroll Independent School District to be appointed by the members of said Board of Trustees. C. Four (4) members of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce ("Chamber") who shall be the President, President-elect and Immediate Past President of the Chamber and one (1) member of the Chamber appointed by its Board of Directors on an annual basis. d. Three (3) citizens of the City of Southlake to be appointed by the City Council on an annual basis Section 2.02 (Proposed) 112.02 - The number of Trustees shall be ten (1.0) until the earlier to occur of a vacancy from the Chamber appointees or the reappointment by the Chamber of Trustees, but not later than June 30, 1994, at which time the number of Trustees shall then and thereafter be nine (9). The Trustees shall consist of the following persons: Voting Board Members a. one (1) member of the City Council of the City of Southlake (the "City") to be appointed by the City Council on an annual basis. b. One (1) member and, if desired, an alternate member, from the Board of Trustees of the Carroll Independent School District (the "CISD") to be appointed by the members of said Board on an annual basis; provided, however, if the Board appoints an alternate member, the CISD shall have only one vote on any issue and if the regularly appointed member is present his/her vote shall be the representative vote for the CISD. C. Five (5) members of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce (the 'ISCCr') one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the SCC, the others being from the membership of the SCC, each appointment being on an annual basis; provided the total number of SCC representatives to the Corporation's Board shall be reduced to four (4) (one member of the SCC Board of Directors and three (3) appointees by the Board of Directors) upon the earlier to occur of (i) the removal or resignation of any member of the Corporation's Board sitting as of the date of the adoption of the revisions to the By -Laws, or (ii) the date of reappointments to the Corporation's Board, but not later than June 30, 1994. d. Three (3) citizens of the City appointed by the City Council on an annual basis. U;W1frlmxdlarurnd Z rwwled 072M 91