1989-02-01Southlake Economic Development Counci State Highway 114 and Carroll Road, Suite ioc P.O. Box 92668, Southlake, Texas 7609, Metro (817) 481-820C MINUTES DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 1989 TIME: 8:30 am LOCATION: Chamber office ATTENDING: Brad Bradley, y Curtis Hawk�MarvinCook, Emerson, Virginia Clow, Debby Abitz� ► John Moore, Phyllis Catton and Minutes from January 18, 1989 meeting read and approved. Treasury Report: Barry Emerson (see attached). Approved Brad (1st), Virginia (2nd) . New Officers: Approved Resolutions for new names on signature card. Marvin Cook, Debby Abitz. Jim Wooll, Brad Bradley, Motion made and approved. Gary F. (1st)9 Marvin C. (2nd) , Report on Economic profile: John Moore/Virginia Clow All information to be centrally stored on computer system @ City Hall.-- per Curtis Hawk. February 15 - data in place March 15 - rough draft March 22 - proof approval April 12 - bound Dale Rider - working on Lifestyle section Bill Branum - education Curtis Hawk - demographics/taxation ' Worth Blake - to provide labor, major employers, stats. transportation Utilities - Lone Star or TU Electric Phyllis Catton to coordinate brochure with profile. GOALS: Barry Emerson I. development of Economic Profile/Brochure 2. video - Brad to visit with Gar Y Terry @ SW Bell and/or GTE 3 set up discussion with cit prior to need. Y council regarding tax abatements Meeting: To Be the first Wednesday of each month at 8:30 with notices se to each member of SEDC. NEXT MEETING: WED. March 1 nt 8:30AM. CLOSED MEETING FOLLOWED: ADJOURNMENT