1989-06-15Southlake Economic Development Council
State Highway 114 and Carroll Road, Suite 106
P.O. Box 92668, Southlake, Texas 76092
Metro (817) 481-8200
DATE: June 15, 1989
TIME: 8:30 am
LOCATION: Chamber Office
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barry Emerson, Marvin Cook, Virginia Clow, Curtis
Hawk, John Moore, Phyllis Catton, Brad Bradley,
Phillip Bressinck, Pat Broecker, Gary Fickes, and
Rick Wilhelm.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Branum and Debby Abitz.
Meeting was called to order and the minutes from the meeting on 5/3/89
were approved as written.
Mr. Emerson introduced and welcomed Rick Wilhelm the newest member to
the group who has been appointed by the City Council to be their rep-
Mr. Cook reported that the current bank balance for the SEDC was $7,090.13
but there were several expense items not paid that would most likely be
paid in June.
Mr Bressinck reported that Albertsons had purchased a location at the
corner of 1709 and Davis Blvd. for a future store sight.
Mr. Bradley briefed the group concerning Leadership Southlake, a program
being sponsored by the Chamber of Conuerce, (information is attached to
the minutes).
Mr. Bradley also mentioned that there was limited space available on
July llth for a bus tour of Alliance Airport being sponsored by the
Roanoke Chamber. Anyone interested should contact Rene Kirkland. It
was also suggested that SEDC and Southlake Chamber might want to do a
similar tour.
SEDC Minutes
June 15, 1989
page 2
Mr. Emerson presented the new map of Southlake and mentioned they were
available at the SEDC and Chamber office.
Mr. Fickes discussed the recent Mobile press release and briefed the
group about their plans for development. They are to develop approx-
imately 725 acres residential of which 520 acres are in Southlake and
about 180 acres in Colleyville. Also mentioned that several hundred
acres under option in 1709 and 114 areas. This development will depend
on granting of zoning by the City.
Mr. Fickes also mentioned that Larry Cole is close to presenting develop-
ment plans for 135 acres to the City. Tenative plans call for an upscale
version of the Monticello addition in Colleyville with development having
about 125 lots. Feels lots will be available for sale summer of 1990.
Mr. Bressinck reports that Arvida had recently changed the name of their
development to Southridge. Also reported that things were moving forward
at a good pace and they should be coming to the City with final plat
requests on first phase.
Election of Vice Chairman:
On a motion by Mr. Cook and a second by Mrs. Clow, Rick Wilhelm was
elected Vice Chairman. Motion carried.
Prospect Update:
Mr. Emerson reported he had continued to have discussions and meetings
with Al Couch of Al-Ko since last months SEDC meeting and felt in time
this company would re -locate to Southlake.
Mr. Emerson also reported he had responded to an inquiry from the North
Texas Commission but had not heard back from them.
Video Production:
On a motion by Mr. Bressinck and a second by Mr. Bradley the council
voted to hire Betty Martin to write the script and work with TU Electric
in producing at' a cost not to exceed $500.00. Current estimate with this
expense is that Video should cost approximately $1,000.00.
Tax Abatement:
Mr. Emerson reported that he had met with Mr. Fickes, Mr. Hawk, and Mr.
Bradley the previous week and all agreed the SEDC should meet in a joint
session with the City Council and get their input on this issue as well
as several others. Tentative date was set for Tuesday, July 18, 6:30 pm
at City Hall.
SEDC Minutes
June 15, 1989
page 3
Mr. Emerson reported on 1709 rumors and reported that according to latest
information from county officials the contract should be let in Spring
1991. Mr. Fickes mentioned that the City was going to push both the
County and the State to get the 1709 project moving forward.
Economic Profile:
The first rough draft was presented, reviewed, and discussed. Concerns
of the group was that we should look to get a professional editor, etc.
to put in a more professional version now that all of the data was to-
gether. Everyone was asked to put their comments, suggestions, etc. in
written form and get to Mr. Moore or Mrs. Clow no later than 6/22/89
where they could proceed in getting a final version produced.
Mr. Emerson then presented the recent publication from the City of
Grapevine showing all of the commercial and industrial property avail-
able in Grapevine. The information was the type a prospective business
looking to locate in Southlake would find very useful. Discussion
followed and the opinion was it would be a better idea to look at
maintaining this same type of information on the computer. Mr. Hawk
suggested we could possibly contact the University of North Texas and
UTA for what it would cost for them to help produce this type of
information. Mr. Emerson will follow-up.
Mr. Wilhelm then presented the group an overview of the current zoning
changes the City Council is working on. The information was en-
lightening and encouraged the SEDC to get involved in this important
issue to ensure continued progress within our City.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting Wednesday, July 5, 1989, 8:30 am at the SEDC, Chamber office.
It is recommended that the Economic Development Committee consider the following brochure
system as an alternative to the 90-page booklet that is under current consideration.
• This stair -step method of insert sheets would allow ease in alterations, if changes were
necessary, without having the entire piece reprinted.
• A comprehensive design is already available so that additional design costs will be held to
a minimum.
• A four-color illustration of the "quality of life" on the inside will cost approximately
$1,200 - a photograph would run about $350; color separations would be an additional
cost and could not be calculated until the final artwork was finished
• Actual cost of the brochure could not be calculated until a definite design is decided upon
• The cost (approximately) for each brochure based on 3,000 finished brochures would be
between $3-5.00 each; plus design and separation costs. (The 90 page booklet was going
to cost about $24.00 each - if our figures are accurate - for 100 pieces)
• Costs could be lowered significantly if NO four color process was used and NO die cuts
were used.
• This brochure design could be used by economic development personnel, realtors,
developers, chamber staffers, individuals - it could be used by any organization in the
community and the cost shared among the different groups that wanted to use it.
Carrick Press, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to make this presentation. We look forward to
assisting you with this project.
Submitted by:
Roseann Stoltz
Carrick Press, Inc.