1993-10-11KEEP SGUTHLAKE BEAUTIFUL COMMITTEE MEETING October 11, 1993 Present: Sally Hall, President; Bob Mundlin, Vice President; Karen Reynolds, Secretary; Frank Dorer, Phyllis Catton, Tom Sanderlin, Michelle Mellen, Richard Johnston, Peter Sporrer, Carol Lee Hamilton, Shana Rice, Kevin Hugman. Agenda Items Discussed 1. Call To Order The meeting was called to order by President Sally Hall at 6:10 p.m. 2. Minutes Minutes from the August 25, 1993 KSB Meeting were presented. The Committee requested the following changes: Correct spelling of Shana Rice and Tom Sanderlin's names; add Michelle Mellen to the members with two year terms; change last sentence in Section D - Treasurer's Report to read "Bob Mundlin proposed investigating whether the City will be amenable to making quarterly payments to KSB." Upon motion by Frank Dorer, second by Bob Mundlin, the minutes were approved as amended. 3. Administrative Comments Sally Hall reported that she had called all KSB members to determine their interest in continuing on the Committee. She noted that Anne Barnes, Eleanor Kasper, Rich Goldfuss, Emily Williams (will help with projects), Ann Withington, Norris Hodgin, and Doug Rivers (will help with projects) will not continue to actively serve on the Keep Southlake Beautiful Board. Richard Johnston and Peter Sporrer have agreed to continue. 4. Treasurer's Report Treasurer Gary Flemons was not in attendance. Vice President Bob Mundlin reported that nothing had changed since the August meeting. 5. Nominating Committee Tom Sanderlin reported that the Nominating Committee was submitting the following slate of officers for the 1993-94 fiscal year: Sally Hall, President Frank Dorer, Vice President Gary Flemons, Treasurer Shana Rice, Secretary KSB Board Meeting October 11, 1993 Page Two 6. Election of Officers Upon motion by Richard Johnston, second by Phyllis Catton, the KSB Board unanimously approved the election of the slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee. 7. Amendments to KSB Bylaws President Sally Hall presented proposed amendments to KSB bylaws. See attached. Proposed changes include: Keep America Beautiful Certification - The group considered whether to pursue KAB certification. Specifically, there were concerns that the Photometric Index required for certification would be too onerous for the group to handle. Bob Mundlin reported that he and Carol Lee Hamilton were working with the High School Ecology Club to assist with the indexing process. Shana Rice noted that KSB should pursue the certification since the Council was providing funding based on the assumption that they would. The group discussed the process and its requirements at length. Upon motion by Tom Sanderlin, second by Bob Mundlin, the KSB Board approved proceeding with KAB certification. Purpose - Sally suggested including the word "healthy". Upon motion by Bob Mundlin, second by Michelle Mellen, the Board approved the addition of the word to the bylaws. Board - After much discussion, and upon motion by Bob Mundlin, second by Phyllis Catton, the Board determined that its numbers should not exceed sixteen members nor be less than nine members. The Board agreed to "clean up" numbering and other typographical problems with the current bylaws. Committees - Proposed amendments include the recommendation to revise the composition of the Executive Committee to include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President, and to only require a simple majority to constitute a quorum. This group would be empowered to meet in emergency situations and conduct business for the entire Board as necessary, except that it may not modify any action of the Board. Upon motion by Phyllis Catton, second by Frank Dorer the group agreed to the proposed change. Standing Committees - The proposed amendments included the dissolution of all standing committees, and allowing for presidential appointment of committees as needed. Upon KSB Board Meeting October 11, 1993 Page Three motion by Shana Rice, second by Bob Mundlin, the Board agreed to the proposed changes in this section. Fiscal Year - Proposed amendments suggested changing the fiscal year to July 1 through June 30 to coincide with officer elections and board member appointments. Upon motion by Phyllis Catton, second by Michelle Mellen, it was agreed. Meeting Procedures - Proposed bylaw amendments also suggested deleting the requirement that the Executive Committee meet monthly. This deletion will not hinder the Committee from holding special meetings. Upon motion by Frank Dorer, second by Phyllis Catton, the Board approved this change. Bob Mundlin made a motion that the Board approve all bylaw amendments as discussed. Richard Johnston seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. 8. KSB Booth at Halloween Carnival Sally Hall reminded the group that the Halloween Carnival is approaching and that KSB may have a booth. It was decided that the booth should be informational. "Goodies" could include bluebonnet seeds, and small trees. 9. Texas 2000 Grant Application Sally Hall and Shana Rice reported that the City of Southlake is preparing a joint grant application to the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission with the City of Grapevine and the City of Colleyville. They noted that the cities are planning to pass resolutions "agreeing to agree. " They will keep the KSB Board up to date on the project. 10. Other Business Michelle Mellen told the group that approximately 70 students who are in confirmation classes at St. Frances in Grapevine will be required to complete 40 hours of community service. These young people are looking for volunteer opportunities. Sally Hall suggested that each Board member think of ways these students could assist KSB in its efforts. Sally Hall reminded the Board that the next Board Meeting is scheduled for February 7, 1994. Upon motion by Tom Sanderlin, second by Phyllis Catton, the meeting was adjourned.