December 5, 1994
LITTER COMMITTEE MEETING (this committee met prior to regular KSB meeting)
The following items were discussed by the Litter Committee:
• Develop calendar
• Cleaning ditches & ROW - City
• Brush pick up/mulching
Repository > for chips
Laidlaw is making a composting plant at 121
They would try to pick up brush, chip it and deposit at sites
Dade County - transfer station open to citizens
• Brush pick up/mulching
• Litter Pick Up
Each season
Get "Adopt -A -Street" contacts
Tennis teams
Middle school council
Advertise for sponsor for specific roads
[Southlake Journal taking Shady Lane]
Target January 14th as TRASH -OFF DAY > January 21 as a rain day -- 9:00 a.m.
• Contact "Adopt -A -Street"
• Contact SPIN, Schools
Shana Yelverton: Set up crews
Press Release
Notify SPIN
Brush Pick Up/Mulching
Repository site is critical
* Set up meeting with Dick Johnston to discuss this issue
• West Beach?
Collection of Used Tires - company that will pick up and pay $.30/tire
Construction Site Litter -
Businesses serving construction sites have a litter problem. Not enough trash receptacles. Meet
with owners? Work on getting receptacles replaced throughout the City?
Construction site litter - City working on guidelines and corresponding ordinances. Follow Up.
Recycle Caps - put lid on recycling bins
$2 a cap
$1.92 if we buy 3,000
Logo cost a little extra
How would we fund?
Get more info
Camera-ready art? Plates?
Hazardous Materials
Investigate where to take hazardous materials - define what they are. Get the information
Call Glenda Jaynes, City Code Enforcement Officer -- where are we?
Come up with list of "to dos" for committee
Keep Southlake Beautiful Committee Meeting
Present: Frank Dorer, Vice President; Dick Johnston, Lisa Stokdyk, Michelle Mellen, Tom
Sanderlin, Scott Martin, Karen Reynolds, Martin Aldridge, Shana Yelverton and Kevin Hugman.
Agenda Items Discussed
1. Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
2. Minutes
Minutes from the October 25 KSB meeting were presented and changes were
recommended. A motion was made to Table the approval until January meeting.
3. Treasurer's Report
The committee discussed Wildscape costs. A motion was made to approve the
treasurer's report and was carried unanimously by the committee.
* Ask Vicki Johnson about T-shirts.
* If we have commitments, the financial report should show it. Dick Johnston wants to
show "true balance." Also work on KSB's fiscal year - make the report reflect the
numbers for the fiscal year.
Litter Committee - see attachment
Ordinance requirements - containers
Beautification Committee -
Scott Martin - Wildscape project has gone very well. Wildflower seeds are still not out -
more trees to plant. Will require another full day of planting.
Feeders - Where to store - How to replenish food? Important to keep full. Maybe get
Boy Scouts, environmental club at high school.
Donations from Ragans - irises, miniature roses, lilies.
Rockscape, water scape area south of the drive - the flowers will be used there. Follow
natural flow of the water > bog planting area.
City to help with some of the cost. Visual and auditory stimulation sheltered from
Seed has to be planted in next week. Dec. loth, 10:00 a.m. - bring shovels, rakes.
Drag by Parks staff - box drag.
Education/Community Relations
No report
Environmental Protection
Carol Lee Hamilton is having trouble finding committee members - wants suggestions
on topics.
Household hazardous waste issue needs to be reviewed.
Stenciling projects need to be completed by December 31, 1994. Need to get this done!
15 kits received
9 accounted for
$100 for each kit completed
Carol Lee Hamilton and Kevin Hugman will talk.
Scott Martin stated that Tina has Adventure Camp. Looking for activities for kids. Any
suggestions would be welcomed.
Identify trees in park - leaf presses, etc. - Gary Taylor
Scott Martin discussed some of his ideas ... Junior KSB Committee
Some Other Comments:
- Tennis ball machine - contributions go to KSB. Wants logo on machine. Staff
to check on cost.
Johnson Road - Project Re -Leaf - Frank Dorer will call for information. Dick
wants to review information - should approach all over City >Roads.
- Women's Club will donate 25 % of the proceeds from spaghetti supper for
environmental programs.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
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Shana Yelvertn, Secretary
c: I wpf l es I KSB I Mi n u t es .12