1995-02-06Keep Southlake Beautiful Committee Meeting
Monday, February 6, 1995
6:30 p.m. at the Community Center
Present: Frank Dorer, Vice President; Dick Johnston, Marvin Cook, Lisa Stokdyk, Michelle
Mellen, Scott Martin, Phyllis Catton, Carol Lee Hamilton, Tom Sanderlin and Kevin Hugman.
Agenda Items Discussed
1. Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Dick Johnston.
2. Minutes
Minutes from the January 9, 1995 KSB meeting were presented and a motion was made
by Lisa Stokdyk to approve the minutes with no amendments. Motion was seconded by
Michelle Mellen.
3. Administrative Comments
Kevin Hugman informed the committee that Karen Morrisey had resigned from the
committee because of her work schedule. Phyllis Catton made a motion to present Karen
with a "recognition" certificate award at the next meeting (March) in appreciation for her
work with KSB and the service time she has served. Kevin Hugman and Scott Martin
will work on certificate. Karen will continue to receive copies of the MINUTES. The
motion was seconded by Lisa Stokdyk and passed unanimously.
In conjunction with the resignation of Karen Morrisey from the committee, the committee
discussed whether another person needs to be appointed. The bylaws do not require that
another member be appointed to fill the vacancy. However, it was recommended that
a group will look into recruiting/appointing new board members to replace those
members whose terms expire in July 1995 to serve two-year terms.
The committee discussed the placement of the "Beautiful Business of the Quarter" sign
at Sticks and Stones on S.H. 114. Kevin Hugman informed the committee that the
"Beautiful Business of the Quarter" sign is not covered [if a sign is not covered by the
Ordinance, it is excluded] by the City's sign ordinance. The "Beautiful" sign does not
fit any of the defined uses in the Ordinance. Kevin will look into the possibility of
approaching Council quarterly for a variance to the sign ordinance; whether the fee will
be waived for the KSB. Kevin said the sign will be placed, but if someone complains
about it, the City's Code Enforcement Officer will have to remove it. A plaque will also
be presented to the business receiving the "Beautiful" sign to keep. The committee will
begin presenting the plaques to the businesses in April. The media will be notified for
coverage. A motion was made to install the sign at Sticks and Stones this week. The
motion seconded and carried. Carol Lee Hamilton opposed installing the sign this week;
saying she felt it would be better to wait until April when the plaque could be presented.
4. Treasurer's Report
Kevin Hugman passed around the Treasurer's Report which showed a balance of
$1,358.00 in the account (attached to MINUTES). The Treasurer's Report was approved
unanimously by the committee.
5. 1995 Great Texas Trash -Off
Kevin Hugman lead the discussion announcing the State-wide Trash -Off Day will be
April 1, 1995. Litter bags have been ordered. Kevin handed out a memo from Tina
Harvey which explains what participation the Parks and Recreation Department would
like to have in the Trash -Off Day. They would like to hold a celebration after the pick-
The committee discussed the various streets and groups participating in the Adopt -A-
Street program and the areas that KSB would concentrate on for the Trash -Off. Kevin
handed out a map showing the Adopt -A -Street roadways as of February 1995. The map
shows S.H. 114, from West Dove Road to North Carroll Avenue as the State Adopt -A -
Highway section. F.M. 1709, from Davis Blvd. to S.H. 114 is not adopted yet. The
map details current Southlake streets in the KSB-sponsored Adopt -A -Street program (see
attached map). Randol Mill, from F.M. 1709 to Florence Road, has been adopted by
the Carroll High School tennis team, though not shown on the map.
Next, the committee discussed clean-up of the 3 miles of trails [the Corps' property] and
Tina Harvey's memo requesting volunteers. It was recommended that if the Park's
Department would come up with an Adopt -A -Trail program, some members of the
committee could volunteer. Carol Lee Hamilton made a motion that the KSB will
participate in the Trash -Off Day and is interested in the clean-up of the trails program
that the Parks & Recreation Department is sponsoring, but that they need more
information before the March meeting to make a decision, therefore, recommend this
item be tabled until the March meeting.
6. Annual Photometric Index
Kevin Hugman explained that the photometric index was a requirement for the Keep
America Beautiful certification. The baseline was done last year. To maintain the City's
certification, it must be done every year. Kevin explained the process and presented
slides to the group. Kevin asked for help with this year's project; he would like to do
in a week. It was recommended that the Carroll High School photojournalism class
(Mrs. Rose is the teacher) might participate. Marvin Cook, Tom Sanderlin, Dick
Johnston, Scott Martin and Lisa Stokdyk said they would help.
(Carol Lee Hamilton left the meeting at this point.)
7. Committee Reports
• Litter Control - Tom Sanderlin asked if we had a count on the number of bags
of litter picked up on the last Trash -Off Day. Kevin said it was over one truck
load. Tom reported that his group picked up 25 bags.
Dick Johnston reported on the KSB recommendation to Council at the January 17
council meeting to purchase recycling caps for the residents' recycling bins. He
explained that Council wanted to know what the life of the cap would be and if
the caps would be used if purchased. He purchased 60 caps @ $3.00 each and
distributed 15 caps to Cross Timbers, 10 Mission Hills Estates, 8 Woodland
Heights, 13 Chimney Hills, Southlake Hills, Timber Lake and 14 to Jellico and
will test the use for the next 45 days. The cap recommendation will be brought
back to Council in 60 days as a "consent" item. Dick Johnston will also look into
the possibility of purchasing hard covers for the recycling bins. Laidlaw told
Dick they would not use any "hinged" type of cap. Cost would probably run
$12415 each.
Dick Johnston told the committee that there has been no progress on the brush -
grinding project. Mr. Johnston is working with Laidlaw to come up with a
proposal for brush and limb collection. Laidlaw will come up with cost issues
and alternatives. Look at subcontracting the chipping/mulching.
• Beautification - Lisa Stokdyk reported that the Beautification committee met on
January 12 and reviewed the Wildflower project. A grant for $750 was spent on
feed. $317 is left to spend - the committee will purchase seed to stockpile.
• Education/Community Relations - Discussed landscaping course in March.
• Environmental Protection - nothing to report
8. Meeting Adjourned
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Shana Yelvert, Secretary