1995-04-03Keep Southlake Beautiful Committee Meeting Monday, April 3, 1995 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center Present: Sally Hall, President; Frank Dorer, Vice President; Dick Johnston, Michelle Mellen, Scott Martin, Carol Lee Hamilton, Tom Sanderlin, Karen Reynolds, Lisa Stokdyk, Kim McAdams and Kevin Hugman. Guest: Matt Bickford, Boy Scout Troop 928. Agenda Items Discussed 1. Call To Order The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Sally Hall. 2. Minutes Minutes from the March 6, 1995 KSB meeting were presented and a motion was made by Frank Dorer and seconded by Lisa Stokdyk, to approve the minutes with the change requested by Scott Martin. Scott requested the word "Wild" be added in front of the sentence, "Birds Unlimited...," in Section 8, Beautification - Wildlife Project section (last page). 3. Administrative Comments Sally Hall thanked everyone for the.ia efforts in the Great Texas Trash -Off on April 1. She also mentioned there was alot of trash on the flea market site and said she would offer the vendors trash bags to facilitate the clean up. Michelle Millen and Sally Hall met with Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, and toured Bicentennial Park and noticed some concrete and debris have been dumped under the cedar trees. Kim McAdams said it would be cleaned up this week. The committee recommended a sign be posted and railroad ties could be placed at the site. Dick Johnston mentioned a similar problem on Florence Road. Sally announced that the Mayor and she had discussed the 1-3 free greenhouses that Ragan's Farm wants to donate to the City. She said there was discussion of a joint maintenance facility being developed by the City with the CISD at the West Beach area and this may be a possible location for the greenhouses and a composting site. Scott Martin may be able to maintain. Scott Martin informed the group that the composting program, on the part of the City, is dead at this time. This is not the same as the mulching, chipping, brush program -- City is still looking at options. Scott Martin will be involved in a Grapevine composing workshop and will report back later. 4. Treasurer's Report Gary Flemmons, Treasurer, is submitting his resignation. Carol Lee Hamilton volunteered to temporarily handle the treasurer's functions. The terms of office will expire June 30, thus, there will be a nominating committee at that time to fill the office. 5. Eagle Scout Project at Bicentennial Park Matt Bickford, member of the Boy Scout Troop 928, presented his plans and ideas about the Eagle Scout program (attached). He explained the project will be a sitting area that is shaded and has trellis on the sides. It will be constructed on the west side of the Park, near the trail. There are several design options to consider. The construction will be done in two phases with 8 boys working on the project. Safety glasses will be provided to the workers and two adults will be on the site at all times. Donations will be solicited for the materials. The project will be presented to the Park Board next week for their approval. Dick Johnston suggested Matt make a schematic of the building for the Park Board presentation. Scott Martin volunteered to help with the plan view. The Committee mentioned possibly making a contribution at a later date when the total cost is known. The Committee made a unanimous motion to approve the Eagle Project Concept as presented. The Boy Scouts also plan to come out once a month to clean up trash at the Park. 6. Recycle Bin Covers Dick Johnston included in the Committee's packet a summary of the test marketing of the recycling covers. He recommended the Committee pull back their request of $9,900 to buy 4,000 covers and consider a request for $10,430 to }purchase 3,000 of the hard type covers. He said he does not recommend the original covers since he feels the life is not very long. Dick Johnston said he was not able to locate anyone who would recommend the type with the hinged lid. The printed logos may not be approved, however, Dick Jolmst:;n suggested maybe a 'crack and peel' type logo be purchased. Dick explained that the company would supply the plastic covers on a consignment basis, which the KSB could in turn, sale at KSB functions as a fund raiser. After discussion, Lisa Stokdyk made a motion that Dick Johnston take his recommendation to purchase the hard recycling covers back to City Council for their consideration. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. 7. Arbor Day Celebration Planning Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, brought the Committee up to date on the plans for the April Arbor Day Celebration project. The mayor will do a proclamation and make the presentation at the City Council. Kim asked the Committee for their ideas and for a date. Some of the members suggested planting a tree, a few speeches. They discussed the type, size, site, maintenance of tree to be planted and who would be invited. Dick Johnston suggested a nice specimen tree be planted at Bicentennial Park. Michelle Mellen suggested putting the tree at the Post Office so all the citizens could see and enjoy. Michelle will investigate. The committee suggested early Friday, April 28 as the Arbor Day Celebration. Kim McAdams said she would work with area nurseries to find the right tree. The Wildscape Project dedication will also be included in the Arbor Day celebration to recognize those people that have participated in that project. SAV will recognize volunteers and junior volunteers during Volunteer Week at the Arbor Day events. It is important to recognize the youth in the community who do things in Southlake for others and the Arbor Day would be a good opportunity. Dick Johnston suggested starting a KSB Cadet Corp, which would recognize some of the youth who volunteer for community -wide clean up projects. He suggested purchasing caps and tee-shirts for them. Scott Martin will work on certificates and submit names of youth to Vicki Johnson, SAV Coordinator. Committee members submitted names to Scott. Dick Johnston said he would like to see a Keep Southlake Beautiful banner or streamers on the site when KSB is participating in a function, such as with the April 1 Trash -Off hot dog function. Lisa Stokdyk made a motion to proceed with the April 28th Arbor Day Celebration and Wildscape Project Dedication. 8. 1995 Great Texas Trash -Off Results Kevin Hugman gave a report on the results of the Trash -Off. Over 150 people participated and helped clean up more than 16 miles of streets. 9. Committee Reports • Litter Control - Dick Johnston reported they are on standby for photometric index. • Beautification - Wildscape Project - Scott Martin suggested some part of Wildscape Project be dedicated/named for Ragan's due to amount of trees, etc. they donated. • Education/Community Relations - looking at putting together a special flyer with photos to promote KSB in the Southlake Journal. The Education/Community Relations will present a proposal at the June KSB meeting and present their ideas in a brainstorming session. Possibly have a pot -luck dinner to get people together. The date will be determined - Michelle will let everyone know. • Environmental Protection Dick Johnston made a motion to allow Michelle Mellen to spend up to $75 for the KSB flyer insert in the Southlake Journal. Seconded by Lisa Stokdyk and approved unanimously. At the June KSB meeting, on a committee by committee basis, the group will bring a list of each committee's goals to discuss. This will aid in the budget preparation. 10. Meeting Adjourned A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Kevin Hugman, ecutive Coordinator c:1 wpfi les I KSB Minutes. 4