1995-08-07Keep Southlake Beautiful Committee Meeting Monday, August 7, 1995 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center Present: Scott Martin, President; Bill Kemp, Vice -President; Carol Lee Hamilton, Treasurer; Lisa Stokdyk, Secretary; Phyllis Catton, Marvin Cook, Frank Dorer, Amy Martin, Michelle Mellen, Karen Reynolds, Tom Sanderlin and Kevin Hugman. Guests: Mr. Tom Morgan, Lance and Matt Morgan, Boy Scout Troop 928. Agenda Items Discussed 1. Call To Order The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Scott Martin. A quorum was present. 2. Minutes Minutes from the June 5, 1995 KSB meeting were presented and a motion was made by Marvin Cook, second by Amy Martin, to approve the minutes with revisions as noted: Remove Lisa Stokdyk's name from "Present" list; change "Ms." Allison to "Mr." Allison; and change "Mr." Heath to "Ms." Heath. The motion was approved by the committee. 3. Administrative Comments Scott Martin introduced new Board members -- Amy Martin and Bill Kemp. Brenda Masiello was also introduced as a new Board member although she was not present at the meeting. Scott Martin explained the new committee structure and introduced new committee chairs: Michelle Mellen -- Education / Community Service Tom Sanderlin -- Litter Control Amy Martin -- Membership / Special Events Bill Kemp -- Beautification Mr. Martin recommended that each committee establish a committee secretary to keep project reports, notes, and records of attendees. He also stressed the importance of keeping accurate records of hours expended in order to have accurate data for annual reports. Mr. Martin discussed inter -committee relations and the need for each committee to work with the others in KSB projects. Mr. Martin then passed out a copy of the KSB mission statement and requested written comments back by the next meeting. He noted that Keep Texas Beautiful recommends periodic review of the organizational mission statement. Kevin Hugman passed out Board books to the new members and new insert materials for the members who already had books. 4. Treasurer's Report Carol Lee Hamilton discussed the current KSB, balance. The balance as of June 30, 1995 was $2,983.18. The Board discussed the need for an independent audit as required by the KSB by-laws. Mr. Martin said that he requested Phyllis Calton to seek a CPA who would do the audit pro bond. Michelle Mellen requested that the auditor provide a "management letter" listing recommendations and deficiencies. 5. Eagle Scout Project Matt Morgan, 8th grader at Carroll Middle School and Boy Scout Troop 928 member, presented his proposal for an Eagle Scout project at Durham Elementary/Intermediate School. His proposal is to develop a trail through the Naturescape project. Frank Dorer asked about the impact of the trail on bordering trees. Mr. Martin said that Suzanne Tuttle of the Fort Worth Nature Center is working with the Scouts to avoid damage to neighboring trees. Lance Morgan, a ninth grader at Carroll High School and a Life Scout with BSA Troop 928 presented his Eagle Scout project to develop trail markers for the Durham Naturescape project. The markers would identify trees, wildlife spots, and a nature information board. 6. Annual Budget / Committee Projects Mr. Martin requested the committees to report on their proposed projects for the upcoming year, but noted that the budget information was not yet developed. Karen Reynolds asked if this was a "Consider" item, would the Board vote on the item or not? Mr. Martin said that the entire budget would not be voted on tonight, but that one project -- KSB logo decals -- would need to be voted on in order to purchase the decals in time to put them on the recycle bin covers that are scheduled to be delivered in early September. Tom Sanderlin presented the Litter Control Committee projects, including Recycle Bin Covers, brush removal and chipping, Adopt -A -Street Program, Photometric Index, public trash receptacles at major roads, letters to businesses requesting they maintain the cleanliness of their sites, and review of City litter ordinances. Bill Kemp presented the Beautification Committee projects including on -going projects such as the Wildlife Habitat Demonstration Project, the Waterscape project, Bicentennial Park entrance enhancements, Arbor Day celebration, etc. Mr. Kemp discussed some new projects that the Beautification Committee wanted to pursue such as Adopt -A -Spot program, "Everybody's Backyard Wildlife Habitat" program, Durham Naturescape, plastic plant recycling program, tree fund program, establishment of an environmental task force, and establishment of a tree rescue program. Michelle Mellen began the report of the Education/Community Relations committee by noting that KSB was presented two awards at the annual Keep Texas Beautiful convention in Austin June 28-30, 1995. KSB was awarded a KTB "Proud Community" certificate, and a KTB Merit Award. Michelle then presented Kevin Hugman with a KTB t-shirt for • his assistance to KSB. Michelle gave an overview of her recommendations for record keeping, increased coordination and relations with other area city KTB/KAB affiliates, and adoption of a KSB mascot. Amy Martin presented the Membership/Special Events proposed projects including plans for a rotating membership drive, the first annual Buffalo Waller & Bluebonnet Festival, recycling bin cover distribution kick-off events, and KSB income -generating ideas. Scott Martin reiterated his feeling that purchase of the KSB logo decals to put on the recycling bin covers is important for KSB visibility. He received five bids for the decals, the lowest bid being for $600 for 10,000 three-inch diameter, vinyl decals, with a UV coating for sunlight exposure. Lisa Stokdyk expressed her concern about the new logo design and requested that the birds be removed from the design. There were some questions from Board members as to whether the original logo had ever been formally accepted by the Board as the official logo. Mr. Martin said that he had talked with Michael Richarme, the designer of the original logo, and Mr. Richarme said he had no problem with KSB changing the logo. Karen Reynolds made a motion, Phyllis Catton seconded, to approve expenditures of up to $600 to purchase 10,000 three-inch diameter decals of vinyl construction, pending acceptance of an official logo design. The motion passed unanimously. After discussion about the logo artwork, Bill Kemp moved to approve the logo as presented. Phyllis Catton seconded the motion and the logo was approved with one "Nay" vote cast by Lisa Stokdyk. Mr. Martin requested a motion to approve expenditures to buy recycled soda bottle bird feeders for resale at the KSB anniversary celebration to generate income for KSB. The bird feeders cost $0.75 each and Mr. Martin feels they could be resold for two to three dollars each. There was no further discussion and Amy Martin made a motion to purchase (2) cases of bird feeders (96 feeders total) for a price of $72. The motion was seconded by Phyllis Catton and approved by the Board with one "Nay" vote cast by Karen Reynolds. The remainder of the KSB budget discussion and project proposals was tabled by Scott Martin until the next meeting. 7. Membership Dues Mr. Martin discussed the current structure of KSB membership dues and presented some options for changing the dues structure. One option discussed would be to abolish dues and instead require some commitment of time from members. Phyllis Calton was concerned about the amount of record keeping this would entail, and suggested that some monetary contribution helps members feel they "belong" to an organization. • There was some discussion by Board members as to benefits received by being a member, the idea of "sponsorship" vice "membership," and whether this concept would affect the by-laws. Kevin Hugman noted that the current by-laws require membership dues of at least $5.00, but that membership fees and structure may be set at the discretion of the Board. He also expressed the fact that the by-laws consistently refer to "members" in terms of membership meetings, election of Board members, etc. Changing the structure from "membership" to "sponsorship" might also require a by-law change, according to Mr. Hugman. A motion was made by Michelle Mellen, second by Marvin Cook, to accept the KSB membership application as presented, but deleting the categories for "Business," "School Campus," and "Civic Organizations." Dues will be: Student $ 5.00 Individual $10.00 Family $20.00 Sr. Citizen $ 5.00 The motion passed with one "Nay" vote cast by Carol Lee Hamilton. Scott Martin directed the Membership Committee to further study the dues structure for businesses, civic organizations, and schools, and to make a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting. 8. Expenditures for Anniversary Celebration Amy Martin presented plans for the KSB anniversary celebration -- the Buffalo Waller and Bluebonnet Festival, planned for Saturday, August 26. She presented the budget and discussed costs not already donated. It was noted that the expenses for the KSB banner and the KSB brochures should not be included in the amount since they had already been approved. Kevin Hugman said the City could donate the 200 flyers, the postcard invitations, and the postage to mail them. After other discussion, the amount of needed funds was determined to be $490.00. Lisa Stokdyk made a motion to approve a budget for the anniversary celebration not to exceed $525.00. The motion was seconded by Michelle Mellen and approved by all in attendance. (Karen Reynolds and Bill Kemp were absent at this time.) 9. Reimbursement of Expenses for KTB Convention Carol Lee Hamilton moved to have the matter deferred to Executive Committee for consideration. The motion was seconded by Lisa Stokdyk and approved by all in attendance. 10. Meeting Adjourned A motion was made by Lisa Stokdyk, second by Frank Dorer, and approved by the Board. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. SUBMITTED: Kevin Hugman, Executive Coordinator C: I WPMES I KSB I AGENDA 195-8-7. MIN