1995-10-02Keep Southlake Beautiful Committee Meeting
Monday, October 2, 1995
7:00 p.m. in the Community Center
Present: Scott Martin, President; Bill Kemp, Vice -President; Carol Lee Hamilton,
Treasurer; Amy Martin, Brenda Masiello, Michelle Mellen, Karen Reynolds, Tom
Sanderlin and Kevin Hugman.
Agenda Items Discussed
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by Scott Martin. A quorum was present.
2. Minutes
Minutes from the September 7, 1995 KSB meeting were presented and a motion was made
by Carol Lee Hamilton, second by Bill Kemp, to approve the minutes with revisions as
noted: (1) Add Phyllis Catton's name to item 6.(D)2. (2) Change Ann "Whittington" to
Ann " Withington. " The motion was approved by the members.
3. Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting
Minutes from the September 27, 1995 KSB Executive Committee meeting were presented
and a motion was made by Bill Kemp, second by Carol Lee Hamilton, to approve the
minutes as written. The motion was approved by the Executive Committee members in
4. Administrative Comments
Kevin Hugman gave the status on the City of Southlake/KSB sponsored Tree Sharing
program. All 25 trees available had been purchased. Kim McAdams needed 3-4
volunteers from KSB to be trained by the Parks and Recreation Department in assisting
the homeowners with site location and tree maintenance. Bill Kemp and Karen Reynolds
will contact the new KSB members to determine if there is any who have an interest in
being a volunteer.
Kevin Hugman also mentioned a telephone conversation he had with a citizen who
suggested trying to get Nolan Ryan to Southlake to assist in a KSB promotion. The citizen
had just seen a news release noting that Mr. Ryan is a new board member of Keep Texas
Beautiful, and with a new ball field and baseball clinic being developed in Southlake, felt
that a connection existed which might entice Mr. Ryan to come to Southlake.
Scott Martin thanked the KSB members who had assisted with the recycle bin lid
distribution and with the Adventure Alley food preparation. Scott also thanked those who
had contributed items for the Southlake Chamber of Commerce Stake -Out. He mentioned
that he did not yet know how much KSB would get from the event.
5. Treasurer's Report
Carol Lee Hamilton passed out copies of the treasurer's report and noted that this past
quarter expenditures were higher than normal, but deposits were also higher than before
with the exception of the month when the City paid KSB its allotment. The higher
deposits this past quarter were due to the successful membership drive in conjunction with
the recycling bin lid distribution.
Scott reminded everyone to renew their memberships and pay for T-shirts if they want
Board members also discussed the color of the T-shirts and the reasons for the shirts being
bright yellow.
6. Need for Additional Board Members
Scott noted that with the resignation of Frank Dorer, the Board now consisted of eleven
members. The by-laws allow up to 16 members. He wants to make an effort to recruit
more board members.
Michelle Mellen pointed out that the by-laws also allow as few as nine members and asked
what the requirement for a quorum would be and whether it could be attained.
Carol Lee Hamilton noted that some people do not want to be on boards but are still
willing to help and volunteer on an as -needed basis.
Scott would like to see more people on the board so that there are more people to help on
each project. He wants people who would be a positive addition to the board. There was
further discussion on contacting new members to see if any are interested in joining a
committee. Scott said that if committee volunteers look like good additions to the Board,
they should be recruited to serve.
7. Changes to KSB Mission Statement
Scott said that he feels KSB has evolved over the past years and feels KSB should review
its mission statement and revise it to meet its vision. He would like to delete all the
specific items included in the current statement and revise it to just articulate the KSB
Carol Lee Hamilton suggested a 3 member committee look at the mission statement and
develop a recommended revision. Carol Lee and Michelle Mellen volunteered. They will
try to have something to the Board by the November meeting. Scott thanked them for
8. Wildscape Project
Scott referred to the information in the packets regarding the letters, expenditure reports,
etc. He and Bill Kemp have reviewed the budget and determined that the KSB Board had
approved cash expenditures of $1030 in approving KSB's participation in the Wildscape
project. To date, only $291 has been actually spent on qualifying expenses. Counting $57
for donated squirrel feeders, and $75 in labor by Parks & Rec personnel for rototilling,
that leaves about $600 to purchase perennials and other materials to finish the project.
There was some discussion about what has transpired to date concerning the project.
Karen Reynolds noted that the past events are not as important as deciding what to do to
complete the project. The Executive Committee has met and decided on a recommended
course of action, she said. Bill Kemp then gave a brief description of the eight points
outlined. He said that he, Scott and Kim McAdams had met the previous Friday and
walked the area that would be completed as the Wildscape project. The three of them
agreed on an area to concentrate on. Gary Taylor, Park maintenance crew leader, also
agreed to the area to be planted with wildflowers. Bill also said that he and Scott had
determined that it would cost $632 for plants and trees to complete the project.
Kevin Hugman pointed out that the Board should take two actions: (1) approve/disapprove
the course of action recommended by the Executive Committee; (2) if the course of action
is approved, then approve some $ amount that may be spent to put in the remainder of the
plants, trees, vegetation, etc, that Texas Parks and Wildlife wants.
Karen Reynolds asked when the deadline is. Scott said that the project needs to be
completed by November 30, 1995, which is a 90-day extension granted by TPW.
Karen Reynolds made a motion to approve the course of action and to allow a maximum
of $632 be spent by KSB to complete the project. Tom Sanderlin seconded the motion;
the motion passed unanimously.
Brenda Masiello asked if the committee knew what qualified as "native" plants. Bill said
that Ray Whitney of TPW had given him numerous books and literature.
9. Beautiful Business of the Quarter Award
The board discussed the next award recipient -- the Texaco at the corner of Randol Mill
and FM 1709 (Southlake Food Mart). Amy Martin said that Phyllis Catton would like to
present the award on either October 10 or October 17, depending on when the owner
would be available.
Scott said that he was extremely pleased with the turnout at the last presentation. Michelle
Mellen noted that the board members should be looking at businesses now that might
qualify as future award recipients. Kevin Hugman said that Kate Barlow, City of
Southlake economic development coordinator, had requested she be notified of the award
presentations so she could attend as well.
10. Joint Committee to Work with SYAC
Scott reported that he had met with the SYAC Planning Committee and Kathleen Farrell,
staff coordinator, over the summer. They had discussed the idea of forming a joint
committee of KSB members and SYAC members to study and propose some type of `KSB
Kadets." The Kadets would not be connected to SYAC, but the concept was simply to use
the SYAC organization and its connections with school age children to serve as a "design
team. "
Carol Lee Hamilton noted that the Park Board had let SYAC come to them with a
proposal, then had formed a joint committee of members from both organizations to work
out the details. Scott also noted that SYAC had originally come up with the idea of a
Junior Park Board, whereas they had not proposed the idea of the KSB Kadets.
Michelle Mellen recommended tabling the item until after the committee reports.
11. "Off the Shelf" Projects for Youth
Scott Martin discussed the need for ready -to -implement projects that could be given to
organizations looking for community service hours. He has had several calls from
community groups. Carol Lee Hamilton noted that the Trash -Off is scheduled for October
21, and the completion of the Wildscape project is also planned for November. Tom
Sanderlin said he has several streets that need litter picked up; he would be glad to talk to
anyone that wanted to do this.
Scott asked committee chairs to provide him with a quick list of these things so he would
know who to refer calls to.
12. Revisions to Committee Mission Statements
Scott requested each chair look at their respective committee's mission statements and draft
one if not already done.
13. Committee Reports
Litter Committee: Tom Sanderlin reported that the Litter Committee did not meet in
September but plans to meet in October. The Trash -Off is scheduled for October 21 with
a Trash Bash afterwards using the leftover food from the Buffalo Waller. Tom will write
an article for the area newspapers.
Tom noted that there were a couple of new Adopt -A -Street groups: (1) Stork Deliveries,
LW which was interested in Continental Road, and (2) family of Louis Wilson, who wanted to
take Continental from White Chapel to Byron Nelson.
Tom also noted that they had gotten the plastic barrels used as tent hold downs at
Adventure Alley construction. They plan to use them as litter barrels placed at certain
locations throughout the City. The Tarrant County United Way is giving grants for certain
environmental efforts, Tom also said.
Beautification Committee: Bill Kemp reported on the Committee's efforts to date,
including preparation of an amendment to the tree preservation ordinance status of TxDOT
mowing of right-of-ways, and his contact with Glenda Jaynes, Code Enforcement Officer,
about two dilapidated buildings on 1709 next to the new Baylor Medical clinic.
Education/Community Service: Michelle Mellen reported on progress in obtaining lists of
organizations from the schools which can be targeted for promoting KSB; documentation
for the "annual yearbook" has been gathered and written instructions as to what
information is needed will be disseminated soon. The committee also recommended each
member having KSB "business cards" to hand out at community functions.
Michelle suggested selling the bird feeders at the Carroll High School Craft Show on
November 11. She also asked committee chairs to please keep their volunteer time sheets
for inclusion in the annual report.
Scott Martin reported that he has been talking with a private company concerning a
mulching site.
Membership: Amy Martin reported that she has put together a calendar of events with
information she had readily available. She asked committee chairs to get information to
her for inclusion in the calendar. She also reported on planned monthly programs:
October 28 10:00 a.m. to noon -- General membership field trip with Corp of
Engineers at Visitors' Center in Grapevine; tour facility, go to West
Beach horse trail for 1'/z hour guided tour. Bring your own lunch.
November Guest speaker from Rendetta's Gardens at Community Center.
Speaker is an instructor at UTA Landscape Architecture program.
Topic will be landscape design/organic gardening. Tentative dates
are 11/9, 11115, or 11/20.
December Pot luck dinner/get acquainted.
January Field trip to Laidlaw recycling facility.
Michelle Mellen noted that dates and information for spring events should be given to Kim
McAdams, Parks and Recreation Director, for inclusion in Parks and Recreation brochure.
Amy Martin said that she has a meeting with Shelley Lanners, Recreation Supervisor,
about a "Walk for Parks."
Amy also suggested a "buddy" program for new members where each new member is
assigned to a veteran KSB member who can invite them to meetings, events, and pass
along information, etc. Scott noted that this was also a good way to develop a "phone
tree. "
14. Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Kevin Hugm , Executive Coordinator
Scott Martin, President