1996-08-12Keep Southlake Beautiful Board of Directors Special Meeting Monday August 12, 1996 7:00 p.m. Community Center, Bicentennial Park Board Members Present: Lisa Stokdyk, Secretary/Treasurer; Bill Kemp, Acting President; Tom Sanderlin; Anne Peel; Theresa Von Rath; Suzanne Tuttle; Amy Martin; Mike Lease; Jane Cousins; Jim Goggin; Ed McRoy, Executive Director Members: None Agenda Items: 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes. The following corrections were identified for the Minutes of the July 1, 1996 Board Meeting: A. Item 4, Correction to reflect the correct spelling of LaQuita Edwards's name. B. Correction to reflect that the July 1 meeting took place on a Monday and not on a Thursday as indicated. Motion by Mike Lease to accept the minutes of July 1, 1996 as corrected. Seconded by Lisa Stokdyk. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 3. Nomination Committee presents Slate of Officers for 1996/97 Board of Directors. Ed McRoy presented for the Board's consideration the Nomination Committee's Slate of Officers for the 1996/97 term. The Nomination Committee recommends the following Board Members be elected as specified: Lisa Stokdyk - President; Kay Baker - Vice President; Pat McCormack - Secretary; Mike Lease - Treasurer. Motion by Suzanne Tuttle to accept the Slate of Officers as presented to elect said individuals with all the duties and authorities vested in the positions so associated in accordance with the By -Laws Article V. Seconded by Amy Martin. Motion passed unanimously. 4. & 5. Ed McRoy noted that some Board members needed to leave early and that this may = npaa quorum. He suggested that the agenda items 4 and 5 be tabled until after agenda items 6 a:.d 7. This would ensure that all "Consider" items would be voted on. Motion by Lisa Stokdyk to tab'.-,, Agenda Items 4 and 5 until after Agenda Item 7. Seconded by Mike Lease. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 6. Establishing a Meeting Schedule for the 1996/97 term. Ed McRoy noted that some board members had conflicts with the current first Monday of every month schedule. A brief discussion was held to identify the best dates. Tom Sanderlin noted that the Litter Committee currently meets the 2nd Monday of each month. Motion by Bill Kemp to establish the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. as the regular meeting schedule for the Board of Directors. Seconded by Jane Cousins. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Authorize the Expenditure of funds for KAB System dues. Ed McRoy noted that he had received a notice from Keep America Beautiful (KAB) for the affiliate dues of $50 to maintain KSB's status as a certified KAB affiliate. Mike Lease asked what benefit was there to being a KAB affiliate. Ed McRoy responded that KAB affiliate status is scored in the Governor's Cup Community Achievement Awards and it increases the stature of KSB as an organization. Additionally, the current Contract for Services with the City of Southlake Section 1(6) requires maintaining this status. Motion by Amy Martin to authorize the expenditure of $50 to pay for KAB affiliate dues. Seconded by Bill Kemp. Motion passed unanimously. (Agenda starts again with Item 4 (Old Business)previously tabled.) 4. Discussion, Yearly Budget. Ed McRoy asked that representatives of each committee report on the current status of their work towards generating a wish list and determining the (400, costs to implement. Amy Martin (Membership/Special Events) said that her committee has had some preliminary discussions but does not have any budget requests at this stage. The Special Events activities typically tag onto other committee projects and at this stage it appears that any expenses should be incorporated into these other budgets. Education. The education committee has not formally met yet. Ed suggested that following the Board meeting the members of the Education committee who are present should establish a time to meet. Jane Cousins suggested that committee members meet at Johnson Elementary at 6 p.m. on Tuesday August 20. Beautification. Bill Kemp stated that he will be meeting with Greg Land of Aquavirons to establish a cost estimate to have a contractor complete the Waterscape project. The committee is working on generating a projected cost list and will have this completed by the next Board of Directors meeting. Litter. Tom Sanderlin reports that the committee has put in a grant request for $4,440 to the United Way to purchase bags, vests, and signs. They are also putting in a request to the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce for funding of a large item trash collection event. The committee's budget request will be influenced by the results of these requests. Additionally, if the final City budget funds a large item collection, the Litter Committee's budget request will be impacted. The committee has prepared a preliminary wish list and is now in the process of trimming it down and tightening up cost estimates. Mike Lease asked how the Board would make a final budget from these individual committee budget requests. Ed McRoy stated that the Board could either create a Finance Committee which would screen the requests and recommend a final budget or the full Board could debate each budget item. Mike Lease asked what the advantages of each approach are. Ed McRoy responded that a Finance Committee would tend to focus the issues clearly and be more efficient. The full Board route would be more time consuming but the increased participation would tend to ensure all items and issues were throughly considered. Ed also noted that the time constraints on Finance Committee members could be significant. Anyone on such a committee must be able to devote considerable time to do the job right. Without a Finance Committee the Board would probably be so involved in budget issues that other work would most likely be postponed. To ensure an even representation, Ed suggested that such a committee contain representatives from each permanent committee. Motion by Tom Sanderlin to create a Finance Committee consisting of the Chair of each permanent committee or a designated representative and the Treasurer. The Chair of this committee shall be the Treasurer. The duties of the Finance Committee shall be to formulate a yearly budget recommendation for the Board of Directors. This budget recommendation shall be derived from the requests and information obtained from each permanent committee, the Executive Director, the President, interested Board members, general KSB members, City of Southlake staff, and other interested parties deemed appropriate by the Finance Committee. The President shall have final determining authority over membership, responsibilities and procedural considerations of this committee as per the Bylaws Article V Section 4. Seconded by Jim Goggin. Motion passed (8-1-0) Ayes - Stokdyk, Peel, Von Rath, Tuttle, Martin, Sanderlin, Cousins, Goggin. Nays - Lease. Abstain - none. 5. By-laws Amendment. Ed McRoy said he has obtained a copy of the Articles of Incorporation with the State of Texas. These are very simple and straight forward. After reviewing them it appears that there are no restrictions on By -Law changes except that the organization remain a non-profit entity. NON AGENDA ITEMS 8. Tree Preservation. Bill Kemp said he feels the amendments he has forwarded to the P&Z Commission is being opposed by Joe Wright, Chairman of P&Z. This issue is currently stalled. Bill said he will shortly provide a summary of the proposed changes and a petition for the Board to authorize and circulate. He also said he is working to get someone to video tape the site of the future Home Depot so as to document tree destruction and preservation. Ed McRoy advised Board Members that this could be a hot political issue. He urged Board members to exercise restraint and to ensure that any comments they make that may imply an official position of KSB be clearly authorized by the Board of Directors through a vote. He encouraged individuals to become involved and express their beliefs but cautioned against actions that may incorrectly appear to be sanctioned by the full Board of Directors. 9. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ATTEST: Kevin Hugman, Yssistant to the City Manager 31 isa t kdyk, President