1996-10-07Keep SouNake Beautiful Board of Directors Special Meeting Monday October 7, 1996 7:00 p.m. Community Center, Bicentennial Park wifull19' Board Members Present: Lisa Stokdyk, President; Wendi Carlucci (late), Phyllis Catton, Jane Cousins, Amy Martin, Tom Sanderlin, Julia Smith; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager (ex-officio). Members: None Agenda Items: 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Lisa Stokdyk at 7:12 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes for the September 9, 1996 meeting: Motion by Amy Martin, second by Suzanne Tuttle to accept minutes with no correction necessary. Motion passed unanimously. 3. President's Report: (a) City Council,Curtis Hawk, Bob Whitehead and staff were given their KSB caps. The recognition went very well. (b) Lisa reported that Janet Murphy had informed her that a $10 cost of membership fee to the Texas Gardeners Club would qualify them for grants in 4 different categories. Motion by Amy Martin, second by Phyllis Catton, to pay $10 membership fee to join. Motion was approved unanimously. (c) Wal-Mart has a new Assistant Manager named Kendall Spears. The Hurst -Euless - Bedford Wal-Mart has an Adopt -a -School Program and the Southlake store is considering doing this as well, perhaps rotating sponsorship to the various schools in Southlake. (d) Lisa will write a letter to Ed McRoy, former Administrative Intern for the City of Southlake, thanking him for his service to KSB. (e) Lisa discussed the accidental mowing of the Texas native plants at Bicentennial Park. Julia had prices of replacement from several nurseries, including Glade Road Nursery, Westin Gardens, Dallas Nursery, and Jenco in Lewisville. List of prices was given to Kevin. KSB will walk the property with the city mowers in an effort to educate them on what not to mow. Will be done with the help of Barbara Atkins, Sally, and Suzanne. (f) KSB has been given permission to rescue native grasses on Tarrant County Road at Davis. (g) KSB has requested funds from the Southlake Women's Club Spaghetti Supper to help fund waterscape and Adopt -A -Spot medians on Kimball. 4. Treasurers Report: Mike Lease sent a copy of the report with Tom Sanderlin. As of September 30, 1996, the balance of the KSB account was $7,982.58 with three checks outstanding totaling $306.70. 5. Administrative Report: Kevin Hugman reported that Scope of Services contract needed to be approved by the City Council before monies could be distributed. The contract should go before the City Council next week. Large litter dumpster will not be done this year unless the money to rent it can be raised. It will cost approximately $5,000. Adopt -a -Spot: There is a small section of land (5,380 square feet) between Wal-Mart and Kimball right-of-way that is not part of the Wal-Mart tract and does not belong to the City. A description of the tract was included in packet. Kevin said that City Manager Curtis Hawk proposes acquiring the property for the City as it is not buildable, and having KSB sponsor as an Adopt -A -Spot. The Garden Club could possibly adopt the triangle of land and beautify and maintain it. Curtis would like KSB to write a letter to the City Council supporting this idea. Discussion by Board members concerned whether the medians will eventually be lost and if the planting could be transferred to the triangular section of land. Tom Sanderlin noted that the Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce currently has that portion of Kimball under the Adopt -a -Street program. Wording on Adopt -a -Spot sign should be different from their Adopt -A -Street signs. Board members discussed the rationale for supporting the City in acquiring this spot and whether it would be appropriate for KSB to support City condemnation of property. Kevin pointed out that the City would try and negotiate a fair offer, but even if the land were condemned, the City is still required to pay the property owner the fair market value for the land. Tom Sanderlin made a motion to write a letter to support City acquisition of property. The motion was seconded by Amy Martin. Further discussion was held on the motion with several people saying they would like to see the spot first and discuss next month. The motion was tabled until the next month. 6. Committee Reports: (a) Special Events - Amy reported that Me-Mo Industrial Planning, Inc., was recognized with the Beautiful Business of the Quarter Award. Phyllis will arrange a photo opportunity. *Mike has all new membership forms and the brochures need updating, which Phyllis will work on. *The next composting event is November 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Next KSB meeting will be on November 4. (b) Beautification - Lisa reported that Sally Hall will head the Waterscape project since Bill Kemp resigned his position. * Wendi Carlucci volunteered to run KSB booth at the City sponsored Harvest Fest carnival at Durham. Amy will help. Jane Cousins made a motion to spend $15 to have a booth. The motion was seconded by Amy Martin and approved unanimously. (c)Litter- Tom Sanderlin reported that there will be a litter pick-up on Saturday, October 19, for which he needs volunteers. Hot dogs will not be provided afterwards. * Tom also reported that KSB did not win grant from the Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber (proceeds from the Southlake Stampede) or United Way. (d) Education - Make a Difference Day is October 26. Jane said that she had wish lists from the campuses. Dad's Club will be working on playground. (e) By -Laws - has not met. 69 Finance -Lisa Stokdyk handed out information from Treasurer Mike Lease concerning the requested budget items from the various committees and the balance that would remain should these requests be funded. OLD BUSINESS 7. Gumball Machine: Lisa reported that she is continuing to work with Wal-Mart to get the gumball machine into store. 8. Earth Day Bash: Lisa has been trying to get information from Wal-Mart concerning their participation in an Earth Day bash. She will report in November if there is any further information. NEW BUSINESS 9. 1997 Budget: Budget attachment included in the packet. Finance committee needs to meet to break down the budget and make proposals at the next meeting. 10. March for Parks: Amy stated that this event will be held in April, 1997, sponsored by the National Parks and Conservation Association. Carol Lee Hamilton called her to suggest that KSB and Parks and Recreation Department form a committee to sponsor March for Parks in Southlake. Monies go back to the organization and if KSB sponsors, the money would go to our own park. Participants in the walk find sponsors to donate money per mile or total donation. Amy will explore and report findings next month. Amy said that KSB's sponsorship participation could be as simple as providing a water table for the participants. NON -AGENDA ITEMS 11. News Items• Tom will write article for the KSB Corner in the Southlake Journal next week informing the community about the Trash -Off. If anyone has articles for the paper, give them to Lisa who will then forward them to Terry Fox. A future article idea is information on where to recycle. 12. New Members: Lisa said that with the resignation of Pat McCormack, KSB needs a new secretary and is looking for new board members. She is looking for people who are enthusiastic, intelligent, and willing to spend 3 hours per month performing the duties of a board member. There was also discussion concerning meeting dates. Should meetings be changed from monthly to bi-monthly? Christmas meeting will be a holiday social, therefore there will be no business conducted. Kevin discussed cultivating the existing membership and tapping into their desire to help on smaller tasks by sending newsletters and copies of the minutes to let them know what is happening. Amy noted the reasons that people join an organization: 10% for the cause, 15% want to belong, and 75% because they are asked to join. Wendy will help with the mailing, but everyone needs to help provide information. 13. Composting Bins: Jane would like 5 composting bins for Johnson Elementary. KSB will ask the Parks and Recreation Dept. for these bins for the purpose of education and training if schools are interested. Kim Lenoir, Parks and Recreation Director, will be asked if this meets grant criteria. Tom made a motion to support schools' request for composting bins. Julia seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 14. Bird Feeders: Julia brought up the fact that birds and squirrels are eating the plastic on the feeders, which may not be healthy for them. The Board discussed whether or not others were seeing this problem. Currently, there are approximately 300 in the inventory. Julia will investigate further to see if this is a problem that needs to be addressed. 15. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. ATTEST: �q'GG - 4',"- Kevin Hugman, Assi ft to the City Manager