1998-10-05KEEP SOUTHLAKE BEAUTIFUL Board of Directors Meeting, Monday, October 5, 1998 TOO PM Community Center Bicentennial Park Present: Tod Radford, President; Pamela Muller, Vice President; Caroline Havens, Secretary; Dana McGrath, Lisa Stokdyk, Barbie Derby, Cora Lee Brannon, Mary Jean Oman, Rosemary Hutchins, Jane Butler; and Courtney Queen, Community Services Coordinator. Bob Horton attended as a special guest. Absent: Debbie Baynard, Wendt Carlucci, Mahala Gardner, Mike Lease, Bill Plikuhn, Marcelle Schwartzstein, and Julia Smith. AGENDA ITEMS: Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Tod Radford at 7:10 PM. Tod introduced Bob Horton to make a presentation on past experience as co-founder of Clean Houston. Mr. Horton stressed the importance of the training of three to four persons through the KAB (Keep America Beautiful) program or through good resources such as Cecelia Carson, the Coordinator of Denton. He even volunteered his services for training should KSB be interested. Stressed that behavior change specialists will be necessary in changing littering, alcoholism, etc. He added that working with businesses, industry, schools and youth organizations, churches, mass media, and the government to show that you have interlocking agendas will create a newer, cleaner town with changed behaviors. Dana McGrath asked to meet with Mr. Horton at a later date for advice on handling litter issues in Southlake. 2. Approval of Minutes: Pam Muller made a motion that the minutes from the September 14, 1998 meeting be approved with some suggested modifications. Cora Lee Brannon seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. President's Report; Tod encouraged all committees to submit budgets and goals for the year. 4. Treasurer's Report: There was no report available. Tod suggested that there be categories for each committee so that expenditures can be tracked by committee, i.e., special events, beautification, educa- tion, and litter. Pam Muller stressed the importance of having accounting/budget records available for review by city organizations like the city council so that they can readily see what our accomplish- ments have been and where we are going. City participation is very important in our actions and activities. 5. Administrative Rem Courtney past around many items for the board to review. These included a notice from Keep America Beautiful announcing a new program called the Great American Cleanup which is being planned for launch this coming spring. Cleanup key dates, deadlines, and guidelines for participation were also given. Dana McGrath volunteered to complete and submit the 1999 Letter of Interest for THE KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL GREAT AMERICAN CLEANUP. Courtney also circulated the Texas Recycling Summit for 1998 notice which is to be held October 21-23 at the Hyatt Regency on Town Lake in Austin, Texas; a xeriscape garden brochure from the Arling- ton Parks and Recreation Department; a Veterans Park Wildscape pamphlet; and photo copies of the manufactured facility from the Monticello Subdivision. Pam Muller recommended that KSB accept the generous gift of this facility from Terry Wilkinson to be placed at a designated area at the Nature Center at the Bob Jones Park. The recommendation was accepted unanimously. Todd is to follow up with a letter confirming the above stressing how important we feel the Nature Center is to the community. Copies will be sent to the city manager, city council, park board, etc. 6. Committee Reports: Special Events: Barbie Derby informed us that a November membership drive will take place. They are working on a letter for general membership as well as corporate members. Mike Lease informed Barbie that upon attending a recent Chamber of Commerce luncheon is was agreed that KSB can sponsor a chamber meeting November of next year to promote membership. Also, Mike Lease and Barbie will be taking care of the upcoming Beautiful Business of the Quarter Award. Barbie will check with the Carlucci's on the availability of the putt -putt game for the HARVEST TEST AND CARNIVAL that will be taking place on October 24, 1998 from 6-10 PM. Todd made a motion that we participate in the Harvest Fest. Mary Jean seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Litter: Dana McGrath it to coordinate and discuss with Courtney Queen. Dana has already talked extensively with Tom Sanderlin who was in charge of the litter committee several years ago. October 17 is the next Quarterly Cleanup. Courtney and Dana will be contacting cleanup groups. Beautification: Cora Lee and Lisa Stokdyk will be co-chairs for this committee. Beautification hopes to focus on highway 1709 for wild- flower seeding as well as right of ways. Getting a grant from the state for the right of way areas was discussed. Lisa Stokdyk felt that Ebby Halliday Realtors would be a great place for wildflower seeding as well as other plantings. The committee also discussed helping maintain some of the Adopt -A -Spot areas like the cemetary and the Frank Dorer spot. The following budget was reviewed: $500 -- wildflowers; $300 -- Arbor Day tree donation; $200 -- Sr. Center (tree donation); $500 Adopt -A -Spot; and $500 -- Dick Johnston's Senior's Tree Farm. Cora Lee informed us of a work day at the Sr. Center on October 24 for the Make a Difference Day. Work day to begin at 8 AM. A work day is to he scheduled within the next two weeks at the Waterscape at Bicentennial Park for overall cleanup and wildflower plantings. Todd is to order the wildflower seeds and contact committee upon seed arrival so that a day for work can be scheduled. Since Julia Smith is not available at this time, Lisa Stokdyk and Rose- mary Hutchins will complete the donor sign project. Education: Rosemary Hutchins reported the following plans for this year: Seeds will be ordered for the Timberlake and Timmaron sub- divisions to cover approximately 4700 square ft. along the creek at Continental Boulevard. Sharon Wood, Jim Levy, and Suzanne Tuttle have been contacted for possible classes on utilizing native plants in the landscape. Suzanne is available during the months of November and December so Rosemary will coordinate with the city for the use of a facility for the classes. She will inform us of the dates as they be- come known. The committee would also like to sell wildflower seed packets to raise money at these educational sessions. A pamphlet is being created for distribution to the public through the water department, newcomer organizations, realtors, churches, developers, Chamber of Commerce, etc. This pamphlet will portray native plants that can be successfully used in our area, more specifically Southlake. The committee hopes to be able to eventually include businesses that carry the native plants. Rosemary also told us that a membership form should be available through the Southlake Journal. Also, six books by Sally Wasowski have been ordered through Barnes and Noble for distribution to the schools. Rosemary hopes to receive a discount on behalf of KSB. Lastly, education hopes to provide an herb class. Old Business Fire Ants: Courtney Queen reported that 15-30 homes are needed for a pilot area for a survey and follow-up on fire ant activity. Materials will be provided for the control of the ants. Dana McGrath volunteered to contact her subdivision, Princeton Park, for possible participation. There are 70 homes in the neighborhood. 8. Pam Muller was unable to discuss the tree ordinance issue with Mrs. Logan, School Board Member. The board would still] like to make the school district aware of the ordinance especially with the upcoming construction of new schools in beautifully treed areas. Pam urged members to contact council members and encourage them to review construction drawings for the placement of the schools. New Business 8. Courtney reported that on October 20, 1998, at 5 PM, the City Council will review/approve the Scope of Services Agreement with the City of Southlake. Financials and minutes should be submitted for Section 2, Number 5 of the agreement. She recommended that a KSB board member attend the meeting should any questions arise. Non -Agenda Items 9. Caroline Havens reported that the Southlake Women's Club had a notice in the Southlake Journal for beneficiaries for the proceeds of the Club's annual Spaghetti Supper. Written requests should be made by Octoberl4 and should include an explanation of the non- profit organization and specifics on how the funds will be used. The Board unanimously felt that KSB should apply. Tod is to follow-up on this. Board members discussed ways to use the funds including daffodil plantings throughout Southlake, donations of trees for high performance in litter cleanups, etc. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM APPROVED 7T�ori Rarlfnrrl ATTEST: kv/�j f n irtn?xl (hie _ Community SPr�iirPc Cnnrrlinatnr