1996-03-25Monday, March 25, 1996
Community Center, Bicentennial Park, Southlake, TX
7:00 p.m.
Attendance: David Yelton, Rick Wilhelm, Buddy Luce, Kathy Andrews, Bethann Scratchard,
Rich Driscoll
Council Liaison: Michael Richarme
Staff Liaisons: Kevin Hugman 481-5581 ext 710
Kim McAdams 481-5581 ext 757
Chairman selected: Rich Driscoll
Vice -Chairman: David Yelton
After introductions, the committee reviewed the goals and objectives of the committee. David
Yelton commented that "Joint -use" is very attractive to our citizens and the committee will also
work with the Bond Election Planning Subcommittee to sell this project to the voters.
The article "North Texas City, School District Successfully Share Resources, Facilities," produced
by Eastman Kodak as a community project, was distributed to the committee. More copies are
available, contact Kevin Hugman.
"Joint Use" npe �sinclude things other than only CISD, for example, Chambers of Commerce,
NE Arts Council, State Representative or Senator Offices, County Offices, Joint / City School
Chamber Room, Meeting Rooms, Personnel sharing (Human Resources, Finance, Public
Information), TCJC, Library, Conference Center, etc. "One stop shopping" of governmental/
community services for the residents of Southlake.
Talk to your neighbors to get their ideas and feedback. Bring in major developers of office parks
to help generate ideas. Rich Discoll and Michael Richarme will "surf the Internet" for ideas from
other parts of the country.
Staff needs to prepare a list of quality City Halls for committee members to visit on their travels
across the country.
Best time to vote on a bond election is in October.
Next meeting Wednesday, April 10, 7pm, Place TBA
Bring neighbors, friends, and invite the public to the next meeting to brainstorm ideas for
joint -use projects for this site.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.