1989-01-25SOUTHLAKE-TROPHY CLUB MERGER STUDY COMMITTEE MINUTES Date of Meeting: January 25, 1989 Time of Meeting: 8:15 A.M. The Southlake-Trophy Club Merger Study Committee of Southlake met on the above date at the City Counsel Chambers at City Hall at 8:15 A.M. Members present from Southlake were Brad Bradley, Gary Fikes, Aloha Payne, Charles Curry, Robert Steele, Earnest Johnson, Buddy Luce, Phillip Bressinck, and Ed Norman, who was named by the counsel to replace Bill Shanhouse who recently moved to New Mexico. Member not present were John Colgan. Also present was Curtis Hawk, Southlake City Manager, and Alan Taylor, the Southlake City Attorney. Also present was Ric-yNe- , 9-� K"ns a representative from Southwestern Bell. The Minutes of the December 13, 1988 joint committee were read and approved as were Minutes from the November, 1988 meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes were approved as prepared. Chairman Bradley requested an update from each subcommittee. Buddy Luce, on behalf of the Finance Committee, stated that a joint session of the two Finance Subcommittees were to meet January 30, 1989, at 8:15 P.M. at the Southlake Chamber of Commerce office. It was hoped that at that meeting representatives from Trophy Club would be able to provide accurate information regarding the MUDD's, which are the current stumbling block to progress on the financial SOUTHLAKE-TROPHY CLUB MERGER STUDY COMMITTEE MINUTES - Page 1 analysis of this proposed consolidation. Charles Curry and Robert Steele discussed their physical inspections of existing fire equipment and facilities, police station, and general discussions of the MUDD facilities. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Bressinck both stated that the Administration Committee and the Philosophical and Demographic Committee had not met since the December 13, 1988 joint meeting. Chairman Bradley urged that each subcommittee chairman set up joint meetings with the corresponding Trophy Club subcommittee as soon as possible. Curtis Hawk stated that he had met with Jerry Svore regarding the MUDD's and considered this to be possibly the biggest obstacle in analyzing the legalities and financial aspects of a consolidation with Trophy Club. He stated the City would need to hire a financial adviser to review the figures and provide different avenues for handling this indebtedness. He also stated that a legal policy decision would need to be provided by Mr. Taylor, giving options for handling the MUDD situation. Mr. Taylor stated that in his capacity he would need to see incorporation papers, copies of debentures or bonds reflecting the debt structure to analyze various aspects of this transaction and attempt to determine how this indebtedness would be handled. Mr. Taylor then discussed various aspects of the consolidation, emphasizing the positive aspects such as uniformity of regulation and growth and how this uniformity could hopefully SOUTHLAKE-TROPHY CLUB MERGER STUDY COMMITTEE MINUTES - Page 2 1 1 1 provide a lowered cost of city services to the residents of each community. The following items were mentioned as important to this analysis: land use planning, i.e. zoning, utility growth, thoroughfare expansion, high intensity versus low intensity zoning requirements, business and economic development could be uniformly acted upon with less competitiveness, the governmental operations, budget unification, building codes, and savings in insurance cost as being positive benefits. Furthermore, the two cities, by consolidation, would have an overall stronger position in dealing with Tarrant County matters, i.e. the Mayor's Counsel, Trinity River Authority, Community Development Block programs, and Air and Noise Corridor discussions. Mr. Taylor stated that the biggest obstacle to this procedure was the handling, both legal and financial, of the MUDD districts in Trophy Club. Possible option included the dissolution of the MUDD's, keep them as they are, or differential charges to different citizens, based on a fair ara equitable system for all. It was discussed that the earliest possible times for elections would be for an August election for Trophy Club and a November election for Southlake. The need to accumulate information and begin preparing this information in a consistent, cohesive form so that public meetings could be initiated to allow this committee and counsels to answer public questions and receive imput from the community regarding the positive and negative aspects of consolidation. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, which passed. SOUTHLAKE-TROPHY CLUB MERGER STUDY COMMITTEE MINUTES - Page 3 For purposes of updating each party's committee list regarding the replacement of Bill Shanhouse is as follows: Ed Norman 603 N. Shady Lane Southlake, Texas Home Phone Number: (817) 481-3497 Beeper Number: (214) 558-8508 BRAD BRADLEY, Chairman ALOHA PAYNE, Co -Secretary BUDDY LUCE, Co -Secretary SOUTHLAKE-TROPHY CLUB MERGER STUDY COMMITTEE MINUTES - Page 4 REVIEW OOPNITnZ Ft CITY CEM?'M City of Southlake December 3, 1988 Proposal: To change the limit of consecutive 2-year terms of City Council from two to three. Committee Recommendation: Majority approved. Pros: - Allows more time to gain Council experience. - Allows for broader experience for Council in general. Cons: - Two terms forces opportunity for fresh ideas more often. - Individuals who desire continued public service are forced to vacate Council for minimum one year for fresh prospective. - More opportunities for different individuals to serve. Proposal: Committee Recommmidation: Pros: To change Charter from "no vote" to "right to vote" for the Mayor. Majority Disapproves. - Mayor forced to reveal position on issues before the Council. - Mayor's position becomes less ceremonial and more governing. Cons: - Mayor can represent the city without "baggage" from controversial issues decided by split vote. - Mayor can be the "balance" for issues requiring careful consideration of all sides. - Mayor available to vote "in case" of "tie vote" on Council.