1996-01-25SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, January 25, 1996
Members Present: Rex Potter, Chair; David Baltimore, June Haney, Scott Martin, Joe Mast,
Gary Fawks, Martin Schelling, Pattie Minder, Laura Miklosko, Karen Cienki, Betty Springer,
Cara White, Michelle Williams, Katie Holzgraefe, and Jan Francis (for Shelly Minton).
Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Greg Last, Director of Community
Development; Tom Elgin, Planner.
A brief reception was held prior to the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No 2 Approval of Minutes from 11/30/95 Meeting - Upon motion by Cara White,
second by Pattie Minder, the minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments -
✓Chairman Rex Potter introduced Michelle Williams, new representative for SPIN #16. He also
introduced Jan Francis, who will take the place of Shelly Minton, SPIN Neighborhood #5.
✓Status of Southlake Commons & White Chapel Plaza - Two major development issues have
been examined by SPIN during the past few months. Southlake Commons is located at Carroll
and FM 1709. This item was tabled at the last P&Z meeting. White Chapel Plaza located at
White Chapel and FM 1709, and is currently being considered by P&Z. It has been tabled until
February 22, 1996. He noted that SPIN members may want to follow these cases since they will
generate considerable interest among the neighborhoods.
✓Child Safety Fair - Rex Potter reported that the Executive Committee had been working on
project ideas to present to SPIN. This idea is one that the Executive Committee felt had some
merit -- it provides a non -political issue for SPIN to get involved with that could provide an
opportunity for new residents to get involved. Shana Yelverton explained the concept and how it
could work. She asked SPIN representatives to consider the idea, and to make recommendations
about it. Pattie Minder noted that the Women's Club has helped establish a fund to purchase a
fire house for Southlake's use in training children and adults about fire safety and other safety
issues. Pattie Minder agreed to help coordinate the event.
SPIN Standing Committee
January 25, 1996
✓Schedule of Upcoming Development Cases - A copy of the list of upcoming development
cases was provided to the SPIN representatives. Shana Yelverton noted that this outlines when
cases are coming forward, but it is subject to change since items may be tabled or not acted on.
Interested SPIN representatives should pay close attention to the dates to make sure that the dates
are current.
✓SPIN Report List - Rex Potter noted that an updated list of who is speaking at Council
meetings is being prepared. It will be sent to SPIN representatives next week.
✓New Base Maps - New copies of the City's base map were provided reflecting development
activity through July 1995.
✓Employee Banquet - Rex Potter pointed out that he will be speaking at the upcoming employee
banquet. Any input that SPIN representatives would like.to have would be welcomed. He asked
SPIN reps to call him with any input.
Agenda Item No 4 Updating the Master Thoroughfare Plan - Greg Last stated that the purpose
of the plan is to establish the right-of-way requirements for arterial roadways. The plan also
establishes roadway construction standards. When development comes in, platting requirements
include dedicating the appropriate level of ROW based upon the Master Thoroughfare Plan.
Updating Master Plan components is a time consuming process, and this particular process will
take some time due to the number of public meetings involved. There will be several
opportunities for public input and comment.
Tom Elgin, Planner, pointed out that the existing Thoroughfare Plan is really a preservation of
ROW to build future roads. It is not a capital improvements plan since it does not establish time
frames for these roads to be built.
Mr. Elgin pointed out that this plan does not include state or federal roads, even though the city
has input on these roads through other means. Roads are classified as local streets (neighborhood
roads), collectors, arterial, and others.
A5U - This refers to an arterial, five lane, undivided. Two lanes of travel each way, plus a
continuous turn lane.
A4U - Arterial, four lanes, no turn lane.
Minor collector - two lane street. This is the type of road that would "collect" cars from two or
three neighborhoods. Currently these are Shady Oaks, Peytonville, Florence.
SPIN Standing Committee
January 25, 1996
These are the current classifications in the plan.
The plan development process involves two parts: the quantitative (functional) and the
qualitative. The Land Use Plan is used to determine how much traffic will be generated in the
City's future. Once traffic generation is determined, the next step is to determine how much
congestion the city is willing to bear. This is determined by the number of cycles motorists are
willing to wait for at a signal. Traffic engineers are used to conduct the quantitative analysis.
Staff usually works with the public on the more qualitative issues. These might include medians,
parkways, trails, and others. There may also be safety issues, but usually these incorporate
aesthetic issues.
There is generally significant public input during the process. The process should balance level
of service, functional use of the road, and qualitative issues. Once this process is completed, the
P&Z and City Council will act on it.
To date, the engineer has been selected, but there have been no meetings with. the P&Z. The
consultant has been working with staff to review materials necessary for the study. The first
public meeting is scheduled for February 15. This will involve the Planning & Zoning
Commission. The purpose of the meeting is to gather citizen input. The staff and consultant
want to get some direction at this meeting. This will be a "kickoff " meeting, scheduled prior to
P&Z deliberating on the issue. Of course input will be welcomed at all points during the process,
but this is specifically for the public to identify their issues early in the process. Mr. Elgin then
discussed the remainder of the schedule.
It is anticipated that, optimistically, the process should take about six months. Additional
meetings may be needed, however, so the schedule is flexible. Joe Mast suggested that the City
might consider taping the meeting for broadcast on Channel 25. Scott Martin suggested that the
tape include information about how residents can input information into the process.
Gary Fawks asked about local streets. He noted that he had asked the City Council about closing
Ravenaux and he was told it would be handled in the Thoroughfare Plan. Is this the case? Greg
Last noted that this is ROW or easement abandonment.
Mr. Elgin pointed out that there are some issues that citizens are concerned about that he is aware
of and these should be identified through the process. It is not anticipated that a great deal will
change, but there are several issues that need to be addressed.
Shana Yelverton noted that the Standing Committee will be informed of all dates, times and
places for the meetings. Greg Last stated that a map will be provided showing the proposed
SPIN Standing Committee
January 25,1996
changes. This will be made available to SPIN representatives to help them provide input.
Agenda Item No. 5. SPIN Voter Registration Drive - Rex Potter reminded the Standing
Committee that a voter registration drive was conducted by SPIN last year. The Executive
Committee has discussed conducting a more formal drive. A project planning sheet has been
included in the meeting packet. Doug Fierce has agreed to serve as Team Leader on this issue.
Rex Potter asked for Standing Committee input on the project, and encouraged Standing
Committee representatives to have cards at their neighborhood meetings. SPIN representatives
are encouraged to help place information around town, including information in "mail call"
packets from schools, soliciting business, and other methods. Scott Martin suggested that the
staff publish information about the number of citizens voting in the elections. Shana Yelverton
noted that there are approximately 7,000 registered voters, and 1,667 voted in the last election.
Pattie Minder pointed out that residents should know that they can be called for jury duty if they
have a drivers license -- it's not just voter registration that creates the pool. The group suggested
publishing information in the city newsletter, and on the electronic bulletin board. The
committee wanted information published which included statistics, location of cards, etc. Pattie
Minder and Cara White agreed to assist Doug Fierce with this project.
Agenda Item No. 6. Citizen Participation -- Municipal Complex - Rex Potter reported that Mayor
Fickes, Sally Hall, Curtis Hawk and Shana Yelverton visited with the Executive Committee
about the proposed municipal complex. They expressed a strong desire to get citizens involved
in the process of planning for a municipal complex and the subsequent bond election. He
pointed to a letter written by Shana Yelverton which provides one suggestion for ways to get
citizens involved. She noted that the Council will discuss this suggested approach at its February
6 City Council meeting.
Agenda Item No 7 Progress on Goals & Objectives - Reports were provided on the following
1. Katie Holzgraefe reported that her committee met to discuss establishing communication with
civic groups. Her committee compiled a list, which included a variety of groups. Ms.
Holzgraefe is drafting a letter for the Executive Committee to review. This letter will provide
general information about SPIN which will be sent to the groups so that these groups know more
about SPIN.
2. Cara White reported the progress on studying the feasibility of providing a SPIN newsletter.
She and Laura Miklosko have been working on this project. They discussed revamping the City
Manager's report to include more information, and to send to residents via utility bills. They
SPIN Standing Committee
January 25, 1996
believed this would be more cost effective than sending out separately. They also discussed that
there would be a need for a news team to get information to City staff for this publication. This
group would work very closely with staff on this project.
Scott Martin suggested that the group might want to consider looking into a quarterly newsletter.
He was concerned about the production time it would take to produce a newsletter. Mr. Potter
suggested that the committee bring forward a formal recommendation for consideration by the
full Standing Committee.
Since she needed to leave the meeting, Katie Holzgraefe reported on the SPIN youth organization
and its work with Southlake Youth Action Commission. She discussed the new process for
working SPIN youth, which will now involve SYAC. She also reported on the "Smile, You're in
Southlake" campaign which is being sponsored by SYAC. Upon conclusion of Ms. Holzgraefe's
remarks, the Standing Committee returned to the discussion of goals and objectives.
4. Shana Yelverton reported on the City's efforts to broadcast public meetings. There are some
challenges, namely the length of Council meetings. Kevin Hugman is working with the school to
determine how to best handle this problem. Rex Potter expressed his desire to have Standing
Committee meetings taped for broadcast. Shana Yelverton pointed out that she felt it was more
appropriate to broadcast City Council meetings first. She noted that the Council is very anxious
for the meetings to be taped for broadcast, but that the aforementioned issues must be resolved
5. Shana Yelverton pointed out that SPIN meeting notices are being run consistently on Channel
25. She encouraged Standing Committee members to call with ideas or suggestions for the
bulletin board. There was some discussion regarding using several methods to get out
information. There was also some discussion regarding mailing problems. Standing Committee
members discussed getting flyers out early.
6. Rex Potter reported that the Southlake Journal has expressed willingness to publish a regular
column. Other Standing Committee members suggested that the Colleyville News & Times is
also very cooperative. All Standing Committees need to make strong efforts to publicize their
meetings, using the local media.
7. Laura Miklosko reported that her committee members had been asked to submit information
to her about what should be included in a welcome packet. These will be compiled and reported
during the next meeting.
8. David Baltimore reported that his committee had not yet to discuss training procedures.
SPIN Standing Committee
January 25, 1996
9. Joe Mast provided a handout to the Standing Committee which outlined information
regarding internal processes and procedures, which include proposed election procedures. He
asked the Standing Committee to review the materials and provide input as they see fit.
Gary Fawks noted that SPIN meetings should be reported to the City Manager's Office so that
publishing can occur. They also believe that representatives should submit a brief report
documenting the specifics of the meeting.
Rex Potter noted that both he and Gary Fawks are planning to run for City Council, which will
create openings for officers. Joe Mast suggested that the election procedures be examined by the
full Standing Committee. He is planning to bring it back to the full Standing Committee for
action in February. He briefly discussed the process to be followed, and some of the issues
examined by the subcommittee.
There was some discussion of changing the time the Council appoints Standing Committee
representatives, to facilitate the election process. Joe Mast will canvass the representatives to see
how they would like to approach elections.
Agenda Item No. 8.Open Forum - Gary Fawks reported that there were two issues raised at his
last neighborhood meeting that he believes are valid: 1) Host a city-wide forum on the SH 114
project, 2) Hold a candidate's forum for Nancy Moffat and Gary Wall, candidates for State
Representative. Standing Committee representatives agreed that these issues would make good
SPIN meetings.
Cara White thanked Rex Potter and Gary Fawks for their service on the Standing Committee.
Several Standing Committee members concurred, stating that they appreciated the time spent and
the progress that had been made by the Executive Committee.
Scott Martin thanked Laura Miklosko, Karen Cienki & Rex Potter for organizing the recent
neighborhood meetings. He believes that the meetings turned out very well.
Karen Cienki reported that the Southlake Women's Club is hosting their annual spaghetti dinner
at the High School, Friday, January 23rd. This will benefit several programs and groups. It will
begin at 5:00 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. She also reported that she is having trouble getting
individual land owners to participate in her SPIN neighborhood, that it appears that subdivisions
are well represented but not individuals.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
SPIN Standing Committee
January 25, 1996
Shana Yelverton, Staff Liaison