August 29, 1996
Standing Committee Representatives/Proxies Present: David Baltimore, Chair; Laura
Miklosko, Vice -Chair; Joe Mast, Secretary; Cara White, Martin Schelling, Janet Murphy, Jan
Francis, Doug Fierce, Pattie Minder, Al Morin, Roger Hutton, Jim Goggin, Karen Cienki, Doug
McKelvey, June Haney, John Wilder, Linda Wilder, Katie Holzgraefe
Standing Committee Representative Absent/Unrepresented: Darrell Faglie
Guests Present: Kosse Maykus, President, Southlake Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Ted Gillum,
Superintendent, CISD
Staff Present: Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager; Tracy Southers, Public Information
Chairman David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of 7/25/96 Standing Committee Meeting Minutes - Upon motion
by Janet Murphy, second by Katie Holzgraefe, the minutes were approved with no changes.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments - David Baltimore noted that there were several
items to be discussed under this section of the agenda:
✓Welcome to New Representatives: On Tuesday, August 27, 1996, SPIN Neighborhoods #10 and
#14 met to select new representatives for their areas. Al Morin was nominated to serve
Neighborhood #10, and Doug McKelvey was nominated to serve Neighborhood #14. Mr.
Baltimore also discussed the nomination process used and noted that although it appeared to be
working well, he would like to review the process at some future time.
✓Articles/Ordinances: The revisions to the Articles and Ordinance were approved by City Council
during the August 20 City Council meeting. Thanks to the committee who worked hard on this
project. The changes to the ordinance were briefly discussed.
SPIN Standing Committee Minutes
August 29, 1996
✓SPIN Voice Mail Boxes: Mail boxes have been programmed into the telephone system at City
Hall, but are not active yet. The Executive Committee will consider a procedure at its next
meeting on September 14, 10:00 a.m. at the Lodge.
✓September Calendar: Important dates were pointed out, including
* September 5 -- P&Z (Southlake Woods)
* September 11 -- Meeting to discuss Assisted Living Center
* September 24, October 2 -- Parks Master Plan
✓Municipal Complex Project: Karen Cienki reported on tour of Coppell City Hall. North
Richland Hills, Irving and Flower Mound will also be visited in the next two weeks.
V40th Anniversary Planning: Tracy Southers reported on plans for celebration. Kickoff activities
will be held on September 29 at Bicentennial Park. Celebration activities will be held for the next
year. Volunteers to assist are still needed.
✓Library Committee: Joe Mast reported that the Library Committee had elected officers and was
beginning to meet on a regular basis.
✓New Resident Packets: There were 160 new residents in July. Packets will be given out by
Water Utilities when residents come in to establish service.
Agenda Item No. 3. Leadership Southlake - Kosse Maykus presented information on Leadership
Southlake, a program sponsored and funded by the Chamber of Commerce. The program lasts
seven months and culminates with presentation by the graduates of an advocacy project. Past
classes have initiated Adventure Alley and the Southlake Stampede. Joe Mast said he was
interested in the program but was concerned about missing some of the classes. Kosse said there
would be makeup days available.
Agenda Item No. 5. SPIN Reports - David Baltimore reminded everyone that before every City
Council meeting, a SPIN rep makes a brief presentation. He noted that Janet Murphy had done
a great job at the August 20 meeting. Jim Goggin was scheduled for September 3; Karen Cienki
would make a presentation at the September 17 meeting (when Doug McKelvey and Al Morin are
Martin Schelling had nothing to report.
Jim Goggin reported that SPIN #13 was rather quiet with the exception of trying to get the Love
Henry Court paving project into the budget.
SPIN Standing Committee Minutes
August 29, 1996
Karen Cienki said that they have had two meetings with the developers of a 30,000 sf office
project on an inverted "L" shaped tract at 1709 and Shady Oaks. The developer appears to be
trying to make the project work but the residents seem unwilling to compromise.
June Haney reported that Brock Street construction was almost complete -- water and sewer lines
were installed and the road up to the cul-de-sac was paved with asphalt. The cul-de-sac was to
be concrete, but weather had held up the completion. She was concerned that 5" concrete paving
may not be enough to accommodate the garbage trucks -- workers had said it should be at least
John and Linda Wilder reported that SPIN Neighborhood #16 had another meeting concerning the
City's ground water storage tank site.
Cara White said that SPIN #1 was mainly concerned with the development of Bob Jones Park at
this time. David Baltimore asked Cara if she would be willing to chair the SPIN meetings on the
Park Master Plans. Cara agreed to do this. [Martin Schelling also volunteered later in the meeting
to co-chair.]
Jan Francis had nothing to report for SPIN #5.
Doug Fierce said that the revised Mesco comer concept plan was coming forward again to P&Z.
Responding to a request from Joe Mast, Doug briefly summarized the proposed project.
Pattie Minder briefed the group on two issues of interest to SPIN #4. The first is problems with
trash pickup and recycling in Oakwood Estates and Woodland Heights -- Doug Rivers of Laidlaw
has talked with her and promised to rectify problems. The second centered around the proposed
Cotton Patch Cafe -- Mayor Stacy called her and asked her to meet with owner and facilitate
meeting between him and residents of Woodland Heights to discuss issues and explore options to
resolve the concerns. She will set this up.
Katie Holzgraefe said that SYAC was just starting up. They had their first meeting on August 21
and will select a SPIN Standing Committee representative; there are 5 people interested in serving
in this capacity. SYAC is also involved in the 40th Anniversary Celebration planning.
Al Morin said that he had met with four of the City Councilmembers since he had been nominated
for SPIN Neighborhood #10. He was also looking at the various subdivisions within SPIN #10
to determine if each was adequately represented.
Janet Murphy reported that everything was quiet in SPIN #4.
SPIN Standing Committee Minutes
August 29, 1996
Roger Hutton noted that the Christian Men's Network had submitted a revised site plan for its
property on Ravenaux. The only grievance he had to deal with was a neighbor's bundle of weeds
that had not been picked up by Laidlaw. He was able to get the problem corrected.
Laura Miklosko said that she also has had some problems with garbage pickup in her area. Doug
Rivers had called her at the request of Kevin Hugman. He promised her that the problems would
be corrected. She also noted that she had a curb painting solicitor come to her door to leave
flyers. She questioned him about his permit in accordance with the curb painting ordinance and
he left. She also reported that Greg Last, Director of Community Development, had given a great
presentation on land development regulations to her group. It had been very informative.
Joe Mast reported that Emerald Estates sewer project was completed. He recommends the boring
process be used to traverse streets rather than trenching.
David Baltimore completed the neighborhood reports by noting that his neighborhood was very
interested in the assisted living facility proposed for the corner of West Southlake Boulevard and
Peytonville. He has also tried to make as many of the other SPIN neighborhood meetings as
Agenda Item No. 6A CISD Growth and Future Planning - Dr. Ted Gillum presented an overview
of the CISD proposed bond package and the reasons for it. His presentation covered:
* Review of 1994 bond program
* District growth and facilities
* Background study information
* Growth management plan
* Bond program components
* Bond program cost
Dr. Gillum then answered questions from the floor.
Agenda Item No. 613 Citywide SPIN Meeting Updates - David Baltimore reminded everyone of
the September 24 and October 2 SPIN sponsored meetings on the park master plans, and other
important meeting dates.
Agenda Item No. 6C SPIN Retreat - Joe Mast reported that he has been in contact with Howard
Pierson who will facilitate the leadership training portion of the retreat. David Baltimore said that
City Attorney Allen Taylor had a conflict and would be unable to attend. He also invited the
SPIN representatives and their spouses for pizza and beverages and socializing afterwards.
SPIN Standing Committee Minutes
August 29, 1996
Agenda Item No. 6D Status Report on Goals and Objectives - Doug Fierce reported that he and
Cara White had met and discussed the development of a SPIN representative training manual.
They were continuing to work on this.
Construction of a Spin Booth: June Haney questioned whether the SPIN booth was really needed
and if it is still wanted, would it be a manned booth or simply a table with information available?
Doug McKelvey said that it should probably be like the various community organization
information booths that are at Grapevine's Main Street Days. Laura Miklosko asked everyone to
consider whether it should be manned or unmanned. Doug Fierce and Jan Francis volunteered
to help build the booth. David Baltimore requested that it be ready for the June 1997 40th
Anniversary event.
Al Morin asked whether SPIN should focus on targeting neighborhood councils and studying how
various SPIN neighborhoods function. David Baltimore said this could probably be incorporated
into the training manual. Doug Fierce noted that each SPIN area is different -- some have easily
definable boundaries, others do not. Neighborhood Councils may work well in some SPIN areas,
but not as well in others. Joe Mast said that the Executive Committee had talked about
recommending each SPIN area select non -spouse alternates to attend the meetings with the
designated representative.
Al Morin asked about allegations made during the last City Council campaign that SPIN was
becoming too political during the election. Discussion centered on the need to be conscious of
the allegations, be aware of the potential problems, and follow the SPIN Code of Conduct which
covers this issue.
Agenda Item No. 7A. Appointment of Self Evaluation Committee - Doug Fierce stated that he
believed the SPIN mission statement had been adequately analyzed and interpreted; now SPIN was
in the "application" stage. The methods to accomplish the mission may need to be modified as
the city evolves, but he did not feel the mission needed to be reanalyzed.
Laura Miklosko suggested that another goal setting session might be appropriate. She did not feel
a facilitator would be necessary, perhaps the entire group and anyone else who wanted to attend,
could brainstorm on the topic.
David Baltimore suggested putting this item on the next SPIN Standing Committee meeting agenda
for further discussion. He asked for each neighborhood representative to write down their
thoughts on where SPIN is now, where should it go, etc. Formal plans could be developed at the
next meeting.
Following this discussion, Laura Miklosko volunteered to chair this committee. Joe Mast and Jan
SPIN Standing Committee Minutes
August 29, 1996
Agenda Item No. 8. Open Forum - David Baltimore discussed the process of selecting the SPIN
representatives. Karen Cienki noted that each time a SPIN representative had been needed for a
neighborhood, the process had varied somewhat. David Baltimore said that he felt the process
had worked adequately, but he would like a committee to formally review it and proceduralize the
process. Al Morin and Pattie Minder volunteered to assist David with this task.
Since this was Karen Cienki's last meeting as SPIN #14 representative, Joe Mast took the
opportunity to thank her for the work she had done for SPIN. Karen thanked the SPIN Standing
Committee for their support and camaraderie.
The meeting was adjourned by David Baltimore at 9:00 p.m.
Kevin Hugman, ing Staff Liaison
Joe — (��e ast, Secretary