1996-12-05V - 'I
December 5, 1996
Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Laura Miklosko (#9), Vice Chair;
Martin Schelling (#2), Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Jan Francis (0), Doug Fierce (#6), Darrell
Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8), Al Morin (#10), Roger Hutton (#11), Wayne Haney (#15), John
Wilder (#16), Katie Holzgraefe (Youth)
Representatives Absent: Cara White (#1), Janet Murphy (#4), Jim Goggin (#13), Doug
McKelvey (# 14)
Guests Present: Karen Cienki (#14)
Staff Present: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Malcolm Jackson, Administrative
Coordinator, Department of Public Safety
Chairman David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Agenda Item No 2, Approval of 10/24/96 SPIN Standing Committee Minutes - A motion was
made by John Wilder to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Pattie Minder and
minutes were approved.
Agenda Item No 3, Administrative Comments - Chair David Baltimore reviewed the calendar
for the remaining meetings in December. He also reported that the Municipal Complex
Committees had met and will be meeting with the Council and CISD Board of Trustees in mid -
January. Joe Mast reported that the Library Committee is also almost ready to make a
recommendation, and will be asking questions on the citizen survey to determine attitudes
regarding a tri-city library or a stand-alone library. Discussion ensued about the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach. David Baltimore reported that the Library Committee would like
to make a presentation to the SPIN Standing Committee in the near future.
SPIN Reports have been missed recently, and David Baltimore requested that representatives
make every effort to make these presentations.
SPIN #7 - Darrell Faglie asked if anyone had heard that the school is looking at property near
SPIN #2 - Martin Schelling had no report.
SPIN #16 - John Wilder reported that the only issue currently of concern in his neighborhood is
the traffic study being prepared for Florence Elementary.
SPIN #11 - Roger Hutton reported on his last meeting which was held on November 26, with
only two families represented. They were opposed to the Assisted Living Facility use on property
W .Is
near their homes.
SPIN #15 - Wayne Haney reported that the Southlake Church of Christ has resubmitted their
concept plan, which is at P&Z tonight. This is an issue affecting Brock Drive (water, lights,
noise), and residents are beginning to vocalize their concerns. There is no new information about
the Goode Airport development. He is getting no complaints about this issue. The other issue is
the possible development of schools by Keller ISD on Union Church.
SPIN #3 - Joe Mast had no report.
SPIN #9 - Laura Miklosko reported that the topic of discussion in her neighborhood is the Master
Thoroughfare Plan and Continental. Doug McKelvey (#14) asked Laura to report that 20 people
had attended a meeting to discuss Harvard Square and most were opposed to the plan.
SPIN #10 - Al Morin reported that there is some activity regarding the development of a school
on the Kasper property. School officials have met with the neighborhood. Most people are
concerned that this could begin a full-fledged high school at some point, and are also concerned
about the problems of the lighting, sports facilities. The other issue relates to the development of
the Foxborough subdivision. There have been two meetings on this issue. The group is also
hosting a toy drive for the neighborhood.
SPIN #8 - Pattie Minder reported that her neighborhood is watching the development of the
Home Depot and PetsMart. The biggest concern in Woodland Heights is the "Kroger" traffic
light and its location, and the resulting traffic problems.
SPIN #5 - Jan Francis reported that her neighborhood has been very concerned about the
Timarron commercial proposal on S.H. 114. Forty people attended the second SPIN meeting
held to discuss this issue.
SPIN Youth - Katie Holzgraefe reported that SYAC participated in "Habitat for Humanity,"
building a home for a single parent with 5 or 6 children. They are now looking at putting
together a basket for the family for the holidays. They will also serve as volunteers in the tree
lighting ceremony at the park.
Joe Mast reported on the retreat and handed out a summary of the evaluations that were received.
David Baltimore thanked Joe Mast for his hard work on the retreat.
Agenda Item No. 6, Goal Setting - David Baltimore introduced Malcolm Jackson,
Administrative Coordinator with the Department of Public Safety, who was recruited to facilitate
the goal setting session. Coordinator Jackson began the goal setting process by laying out the
ground rules for the exercise. The group then participated in a few exercises designed to
encourage them to think creatively, to break out of their paradigms. Mr. Jackson then explained
the concept of goal setting, and how there are five critical components of goals: they must be
specific, measurable, action -oriented, realistic in expectations and time lines, and time/resource
constraints must also be considered. He noted that tonight's goal is to establish a minimum of
five goals for the coming calendar year, focusing on the mission statement.
The group then broke into groups to "brainstorm" ideas for goals, or desires. Ideas included:
-Increased neighborhood involvement, citizen participation
-SPIN Newsletter
-Develop a homepage/Internet access
-Increase awareness and improve image in neighborhood
-Improve and simplify SPIN activities (quit creating complicated projects)
-Improve representative replacement process (look at this at the 6 month interval)
-Better share information between SPIN neighborhoods
-Prepare self -evaluation
-Hold retreat
-More access to city elected officials and staff (all levels)
-Staff appreciation event - -
-Conduct one or two high profile projects as a group
-More SPIN involvement in community activities
The group then discussed the merits of each idea, and debated whether each should be considered
further. Wayne Haney emphasized that he would like to resist becoming a bureaucracy -- the
Standing Committee agreed that this could be an underlying philosophy of the group.
Five general desires were agreed upon by the group:
1. Improve intercommittee information sharing
2. Self Evaluation
3. Quality Retreat
4. Improve city staff/elected official accessibility
5. Conduct 1-2 high profile activities per year
Time did not permit further work during the meeting, so it was decided to continue to work on
the goal setting process at the January Standing Committee meeting. SPIN representatives were
encouraged to continue to think about the appropriate goals for further discussion at that time.
The meeting was adjourned 10:00 p.m.
Shana K. Yelve , Assistant City Manager
J e Mast, Secretary