1997-01-30CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Thursday, January 30, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. Community Center Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Laura Miklosko (0), Vice Chair; Cara White (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Janet Murphy (#4), Jan Francis (0), Doug Fierce (#6), Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8), Tamara McMillan (#10) for Al Morin, Roger Hutton (#11), Jim Goggin (#13), Patsy DuPre for Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), Linda Wilder (#16), Katie Holzgraefe (Youth) Guests Present: Karen Cienki (#14) Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Malcolm Jackson, Administrative Coordinator, Department of Public Safety; Nona Whitehead Chairman David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 12/5/96 Standing Committee Minutes - A motion was made by Wayne Haney to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Janet Murphy and the minutes were approved. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments- Chair David Baltimore reviewed the calendar for February and noted that the March meeting has been moved up to March 13, in order to avoid conflicts with Spring Break. He also noted that the February meeting will be a Joint meeting with the City Council and that DPS will be making a presentation about the Motor Speedway. A reminder about the March election was given with a reminder that ballot surveys will be included in the February packet. Retreat - Laura discussed her informal survey about potential retreat topics. David stated that a ropes course is a possibility, however, he is looking at something dealing with communication or mediation. David mentioned that he also likes the idea of a social evening. Pattie Minder likes the idea of doing something in the fall. Jan Francis stated that she doesn't like the idea of a ropes course. She said she would help with the planning process. There ensued some discussion clarifying the various levels of ropes. Roger Hutton suggested that since a retreat has been established as a goal for the group, why not let a subcommittee handle the details. Volunteers for the Retreat Committee include Linda Wilder, Darrell Faglie, Jan Francis, and Joe Mast. Freshman Orientation - It was announced that Karen Cienki is holding a training meeting for Freshman Representatives and anyone else who is interested. Due to the fact that 15 reps signed up for the meeting, it was decided to hold the meeting as part of the regular March meeting. A dinner will be provided. Candidate's Forum - Doug Fierce really likes the idea of holding this event again. Joe Mast said that he would like to see SPIN sponsor this again. Darrell Faglie suggested that if there is not a candidate race, that there are School Board elections and Bond packages that will need to be communicated. Agenda Item No. 4. Goal Setting - (Malcolm Jackson) Malcolm re -introduced the process the group will follow when setting goals. He also reviewed the five general desires developed at the last meeting, which will be used to develop specific goals. The group picked up at this point and began "fleshing out" the desires into specific goals. The goals included the following: Goal #1 - Improve infra committee sharing of neighborhood and community information by maximizing the methods of information exchange in an efficient and effective manner. Goal #2 - Conduct an annual evaluation by January meeting of 1998. Goal #3 - Hold one quality retreat on or before April 30, 1997. The committee is comprised of Jan Francis, Darrell Faglie, Linda Wilder and Joe Mast. Goal #4 - Conduct two city-wide, meaningful and beneficial special projects relative to the mission statement resulting in a positive promotion of both the community and SPIN. This committee is comprised of Cara White, Al Morin, David Baltimore, Roger Hutton and Pattie Minder. The goals will be summarized and put into booklets for each representative. Agenda Item No. 5. Neighborhood Reports SPIN #7 - Darrell Faglie reported that issues included requests for light industrial on Crooked Lane. It will be considered at the next P&Z meeting. The Neighborhood doesn't necessarily object but wants more information. Sure Guard attended their last meeting and presented their site plan. The Texas School of Baseball amended their Specific Use Plan. SPIN #13 - Jim Goggin stated that the rezoning of the Black property for Med Air was currently the main issue. He had scheduled a SPIN/developer meeting which was canceled due to bad weather. His decision was to not send a second mailing due to low response on the first announcement. David Baltimore wondered if it would help to meet with P&Z to discuss our process. Shang pointed out that they have a copy of our guidelines and policy for developers. The decision to call a meeting is at the discretion of the SPIN Rep. Laura Miklosko stated that the P&Z Commissioners should not dictate when SPIN Reps have meetings. It was noted that there have been problems when P&Z members attend the meetings. Discussion ensued about how to facilitate meetings with developers. The importance of neutrality was mentioned. SPIN #2 - Martin Schelling reported that schools are looking at sites in his area SPIN #3 - Joe Mast recounted the mail problems. There is a joint meeting scheduled for February 10 with SPIN #2. SPIN #9 - Laura Miklosko mentioned that the Master Thoroughfare Plan and Continental Blvd. right-of-way are issues in her neighborhood. Some residents don't want the Highway 26 connection. SPIN #14 - SPIN 14 shares the same concerns as #9. SPIN #15 - Wayne Haney said that the Church of Christ site plan is the current issue. He believes the Church has gone the extra mile to accommodate the residents and that the SPIN process has been very successful in resolving areas of concern. SPIN #1 - No current issues SPIN #S - Pattie Minder reported that her neighborhood is concerned about the Kroger lighting. Building officials met with Kroger's engineers to address the issue. Shields are being considered. Other items of interest include the Telesupport building placement, and Meadow Ridge plat expiration. SPIN #5 - Jan Francis said that the Timarron zoning issue and the Knight property being sold to CISD are concerns in her neighborhood. She expressed the desire for other neighborhood Representatives to get involved in the Timarron zoning process There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. t Joe ast, Secretary ATTEST: Nana K. Yelve o ssistant City Manager CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Thursday, January 30, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. Community Center Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Laura Miklosko (0), Vice Chair; Cara White (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Janet Murphy (#4), Jan Francis (#5), Doug Fierce (#6), Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8), Tamara McMillan (#10) for Al Morin, Roger Hutton (#11), Jim Goggin (#13), Patsy DuPre for Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), Linda Wilder (#16), Katie Holzgraefe (Youth) Guests Present: Karen Cienki (#14) Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Malcolm Jackson, Administrative Coordinator, Department of Public Safety; Nona Whitehead Chairman David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 12/5/96 Standing Committee Minutes - A motion was made by Wayne Haney to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Janet Murphy and the minutes were approved. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments- Chair David Baltimore reviewed the calendar for February and noted that the March meeting has been moved up to March 13, in order to avoid conflicts with Spring Break. He also noted that the February meeting will be a Joint meeting with the City Council and that DPS will be making a presentation about the Motor Speedway. A reminder about the March election was given with a reminder that ballot surveys will be included in the February packet. Retreat - Laura discussed her informal survey about potential retreat topics. David stated that a ropes course is a possibility, however, he is looking at something dealing with communication or mediation. David mentioned that he also likes the idea of a social evening. Pattie Minder likes the idea of doing something in the fall. Jan Francis stated that she doesn't like the idea of a ropes course. She said she would help with the planning process. There ensued some discussion clarifying the various levels of ropes. Roger Hutton suggested that since a retreat has been established as a goal for the group, why not let a subcommittee handle the details. Volunteers for the Retreat Committee include Linda Wilder, Darrell Faglie, Jan Francis, and Joe Mast. Freshman Orientation - It was announced that Karen Cienki is holding a training meeting for Freshman Representatives and anyone else who is interested. Due to the fact that 15 reps signed up for the meeting, it was decided to hold the meeting as part of the regular March meeting. A dinner will be provided. Candidate's Forum - Doug Fierce really likes the idea of holding this event again. Joe Mast said that he would like to see SPIN sponsor this again. Darrell Faglie suggested that if there is not a candidate race, that there are School Board elections and Bond packages that will need to be communicated. Agenda Item No. 4. Goal Setting - (Malcolm Jackson) Malcolm re -introduced the process the group will follow when setting goals. He also reviewed the five general desires developed at the last meeting, which will be used to develop specific goals. The group picked up at this point and began "fleshing out" the desires into specific goals. The goals included the following: Goal #1 - Improve infra committee sharing of neighborhood and community information by maximizing the methods of information exchange in an efficient and effective manner. Goal #2 - Conduct an annual evaluation by January meeting of 1998. Goal #3 - Hold one quality retreat on or before April 30, 1997. The committee is comprised of Jan Francis, Darrell Faglie, Linda Wilder and Joe Mast. Goal #4 - Conduct two city-wide, meaningful and beneficial special projects relative to the mission statement resulting in a positive promotion of both the community and SPIN. This committee is comprised of Cara White, Al Morin, David Baltimore, Roger Hutton and Pattie Minder. The goals will be summarized and put into booklets for each representative. Agenda Item No. 5. Neighborhood Reports SPIN #7 - Darrell Faglie reported that issues included requests for light industrial on Crooked Lane. It will be considered at the next P&Z meeting. The Neighborhood doesn't necessarily object but wants more information. Sure Guard attended their last meeting and presented their site plan. The Texas School of Baseball amended their Specific Use Plan. SPIN #13 - Jim Goggin stated that the rezoning of the Black property for Med Air was currently the main issue. He had scheduled a SPIN/developer meeting which was canceled due to bad weather. His decision was to not send a second mailing due to low response on the first announcement. David Baltimore wondered if it would help to meet with P&Z to discuss our process. Shana pointed out that they have a copy of our guidelines and policy for developers. The decision to call a meeting is at the discretion of the SPIN Rep. Laura Miklosko stated that the P&Z Commissioners should not dictate when SPIN Reps have meetings. It was noted that there have been problems when P&Z members attend the meetings. Discussion ensued about how to facilitate meetings with developers. The importance of neutrality was mentioned. SPIN #2 - Martin Schelling reported that schools are looking at sites in his area SPIN #3 - Joe Mast recounted the mail problems. There is a joint meeting scheduled for February 10 with SPIN #2. SPIN #9 - Laura Miklosko mentioned that the Master Thoroughfare Plan and Continental Blvd. right-of-way are issues in her neighborhood. Some residents don't want the Highway 26 connection. SPIN #14 - SPIN 14 shares the same concerns as #9. SPIN #15 - Wayne Haney said that the Church of Christ site plan is the current issue. He believes the Church has gone the extra mile to accommodate the residents and that the SPIN process has been very successful in resolving areas of concern. SPIN #1 - No current issues SPIN #8 - Pattie Minder reported that her neighborhood is concerned about the Kroger lighting. Building officials met with Kroger's engineers to address the issue. Shields are being considered. Other items of interest include the Telesupport building placement, and Meadow Ridge plat expiration. SPIN #5 - Jan Francis said that the Timarron zoning issue and the Knight property being sold to CISD are concerns in her neighborhood. She expressed the desire for other neighborhood Representatives to get involved in the Timarron zoning process There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Joe ast, Secretary ATTEST: 7 hana K. Yelve o ssistant City Manager