SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 13, 1997
Community Center
Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Laura Miklosko (0), Vice Chair;
Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Cara White (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Janet Murphy (#4), Jan
Francis (0), Tom Ward (candidate for #6), Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (0), Al Morin
(#10), Roger Hutton (#11), Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne & June Haney (#15), Linda Wilder
(#16), Katie Holzgraefe
Representatives Absent: Jim Goggin (#13)
Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the
City Manager; Nona Whitehead, Administrative Secretary/SPIN Coordinator; Carrie
Fullington, Community Services Officer
David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 2/27/97 Standing Committee Meeting Minutes
Joe Mast noted a few minor corrections and made a motion to approve the minutes. The
motion was seconded by Al Morin. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments:
• David Baltimore thanked Laura Miklosko and Joe Mast for their service and presented
certificates of appreciation. David also thanked Janet Murphy for an excellent presentation
of the SPIN Report to the City Council and reminded the reps of the schedule for City
Council reports.
• David announced that this business meeting would be abbreviated due to the length of
subject matter to be covered under the training event.
• Darrell Faglie reported that the Retreat Committee continues its work. He mentioned that
John Safranek, retreat facilitator, was present and would make a report later in the agenda.
• The Special Events Committee is moving forward. Cara White reported about the meeting
with Curtis E. Hawk. A Candidate's Forum will proceed even if the City Council races
are unopposed. There was discussion about SPIN joining forces with the Chamber to
sponsor the Candidate Forum. It was also suggested that SPIN consider working on
beautification projects and communicating these neighborhood issues in conjunction with
other groups. Al Morin reported that he was provided a Capitol Projects list by Mr.
Hawk. Roger Hutton stated that he also believes there are some opportunities for
involvement with the 40th Anniversary program.
Roger suggested that SPIN should designate liaisons to community groups. Shana
Yelverton reported that the Park Board has designated Doug Fierce to serve as a liaison to
SPIN. David Baltimore suggested that reps give consideration to where they would like to
serve as liaisons.
• Race Weekend is coming up. Notices of public meetings concerning race day traffic
policies have been mailed. The meetings are scheduled for March 19 and 25. Laura
Miklosko is organizing a cookout for race day workers. Volunteers are needed and should
see Laura to volunteer.
Agenda Item No. 4. Presentation by Carrie Fullington - Community Services Officer
Carrie Fullington made a presentation on the Special Needs services available through the
Department of Public Safety and encouraged the reps to share news about these services with
those who may need it in their neighborhoods.
Agenda Item No. 5, Executive Committee Election - Roger Hutton made a motion, seconded
by Wayne Haney to cast a unanimous ballot for David Baltimore, Chair; Al Morin, Vice
Chair; and Joe Mast as Secretary.
Agenda Item No. 6. Business Meeting Closed - The business meeting closed at 6:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 7, SPIN Representative Training Event - Karen Cienki presented a
program designed to train SPIN reps on available resources, how to set up meetings,
communication methods and other helpful information.
Agenda Item No. 8, Presentation on the April Retreat - John Safranek made a brief
presentation describing the upcoming April retreat. He will be sending information to each rep
and requesting their help in giving him information that will be used in making the retreat
specific to their expressed needs.
The meeting was adjourned at the conclusion of the training event at 9:20 p.m.
Jo ast, SPIN Secretary