SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 15, 1997
Community Center
Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Al Morin (#10), Joe Mast (0),
Secretary; Cara White (#1), Eloise Hom for Jan Francis (0), Tom Ward (0), Darrell Faglie
(#7), Al Morin (#10), Roger Hutton (#11), Jim Goggin (#13), Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne
Haney (# 15)
Representatives Absent: Martin Schelling (#2), Janet Murphy (#4), Jan Francis (0), Pattie
Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko (#9), John or Linda Wilder (#16), Katie Holzgraefe, (Youth)
Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager;
Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Bob Whitehead, Public Works Director; Gary
Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services; Nona Whitehead, Administrative Secretary/SPIN
David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 4/24/97 Standing Committee Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Jim Goggin to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Al
Morin, and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3. City Manager's Report: - The City Manager's Report was moved to the
Joint Meeting .
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments:
David Baltimore thanked Pattie Minder for giving the May 6, SPIN Report to City Council and
announced that Laura Miklosko is scheduled to give the May 20 report. He also thanked Cara
White for her great job of organizing and running the SPIN Booth that was part of Southlake's
40th celebration.
David Baltimore reminded SPIN Reps to delete the hang up calls off of their voice mail so the
mail boxes do not fill up, and to turn in their neighborhood's suggestions for budget input.
Al Morin brought a report from the Special Events Committee. Mr. Morin said the goal was
to present a high level event to give SPIN higher visibility. The current concept is for a
symposium or summit of volunteer organization leadership. The purpose would be to find a
common denominator, or goal that each organization could get behind that was non political
and noncontroversial. It would allow the leaders of participating organizations to get to know
each other. SPIN would sponsor and advertise the event as a total community project. Wayne
Haney suggested the development of the Nature/Learning Center would be a possible goal, and
David Harris added the concept of Alcohol and Drug abuse within the community. SPIN's
role would be to develop the Summit. The goal of the summit would be to find the common
project or theme for all community groups to agree upon.
David Baltimore shared that several boundary scenarios had been created by Melinda Polley in
Public Works and that the Executive Committee is working on possible revisions to the SPIN
map. The Executive Committee is in agreement that the number of SPIN Reps should not
exceed sixteen (16) and that one concept for dividing neighborhoods that may work well is the
use of major thoroughfares. David said that current inconsistencies warrant meeting with
groups of Reps and Liaisons in the targeted areas in the coming months to look closely at the
impact of various scenarios.
David Baltimore passed out material from the City Secretary's office regarding a code of ethics
for citizens serving in an advisory capacity. He also passed out a sheet authorizing the name
and address to be printed in the book of Boards and Commissions. This information will be
consistent with other sources of published materials
Agenda Item No. 5 Adjournment - There being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned at 7.25 p.m.
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Jo Mast, SPIN Secretary
Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, May 15, 1997
Community Center
Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12),Chair; Al Morin (#10) Vice Chair;
Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Cara White (#1), Eloise Horn for Jan Francis (0), Tom
Ward (#6), Darrell Faglie (#7),), Roger Hutton (#11), Jim Goggin (#13), Doug
McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15)
Representatives Absent: Martin Schelling (#2), Janet Murphy (#4), Jan Francis (0),
Pattie Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko (0), John or Linda Wilder (#16), Katie
Holzgraefe, (Youth)
City Council Members Present: Mayor Rick Stacy, David Harris, Scott Martin,
Pamela Muller
Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City
Manager; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Bob Whitehead, Public
Works Director; Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services; Nona Whitehead,
Administrative Secretary/SPIN Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Baltimore at 7:35 p.m. David
Baltimore thanked everyone for attending and introduced Curtis E. Hawk to give the
City Manager's Report.
Agenda Item #2, City Manager's Report:
City Manager Curtis E. Hawk said that public information related to the Westlake
annexation was what had been released to the media. The owners of Solana requested
Southlake to annex them. The annexation process has begun. On the status of the
Service Station moritorium, Mr. Hawk reported that the work group is still meeting
and it is hoped that a recommendation will be ready within a couple of weeks. The
criteria for service station locations are still being developed by the work group. The
Tree Ordinance committee is making progress and it is anticipated that the Ordinance
will come forward within a couple of weeks. Assisted Living, or Personal Care
Facilities were to be discussed at a roll-over P&Z meeting. The State Highway 114
project is still moving and seems to be on track. The construction plans on the Dove
interchange are progressing. There is regular monthly contact with state highway staff.
The work on a TIF is still not finished. It appears that CISD may be interested in
participating in the TIF district. The first council meeting in June is scheduled to hear
information about a TIF. The process of information gathering is moving forward.
A multi -use recreational facility could also be built within the TIF district. This would
allow the facility to be built with SH 114 access and therefore be less intrusive on
neighborhoods. A name is needed for the proposed joint CISD/City Hall facility. Mr.
Hawk said that all the numbers needed for creating a TIF are not quite in place, but that
it is a high priority issue for staff. Mr. Hawk shared that other high priority issues for
staff include the renovation of the Eubank's house for a Senior Center, a hotel
occupancy tax, and working toward an August Charter election for a Crime Prevention
District. One item on the May 20 City Council agenda is to choose a council member
to serve on the Crime Prevention District committee. Tom Ward asked for more
information about the proposed multi -use recreational facility. Mr. Hawk explained
that the variety of uses at such a facility could include a gymnasium recreation facility
with meeting rooms, a tennis court complex, a natatorium, and a football stadium. The
location for such a facility would be inside the TIF with traffic access from SH 114.
Agenda Item No. 2, Dialogue on the Goals of Joint Meetings:
David turned the meeting over to Mayor Stacy, who shared the name of some of the
tenets who want to come to the new Town Center; Bath /Body Works, Victoria's
Secret, Harold's, The Gap, Luke's Locker, Animal Crackers, and Starbuck's Coffee.
Three or four restaurants are also interested in this location. It is anticipated that the
last 40th Anniversary event might be coordinated with a groundbreaking. Mayor Stacy
said that there is a long list of quality stores who appear committed to a Town Center.
It is estimated to be a 5 to 15 year build out. A Civic Center/Library might be a part of
the complex, and the Post Office is eager to move into the center. Scott Martin
mentioned that Mr. Stebbins contacted him regarding the moving of large trees on the
property. It appears that Mr. Stebbins will relocate larger trees within the Town
Center. The historical society is looking at moving the house off of the property. Joe
Mast asked which trees could be safely moved. Discussion about the type of trees
which could be moved was held.
David Baltimore said that SPIN wanted to discuss the role of joint meetings. He asked
council members if the format and the quarterly schedule of joint meetings was helpful.
Mayor Stacy said that anytime there is something major going on, that the Council may
need to come and talk to SPIN, even before the developers schedule meetings. The
Thoroughfare Plan needed to be explained to SPIN to keep citizens from needlessly
becoming upset, due to lack of accurate information. Jim Goggin suggested City
Council call meetings when needed. Mayor Stacy said that City Council needs to meet
with SPIN before the August Election. Scott Martin mentioned that sometimes SPIN
Reps receive development information before members of the City Council. The
earlier input that goes to SPIN would be helpful to Council. The consensus seemed to
be that the frequency for joint meetings should not be reduced, and possibly additional
meetings with Planning and Zoning and Park Board would also be helpful. Mayor
Stacy said that SPIN needs to know that it is critical for Southlake to secure quality
commercial development to balance the residential growth in order to keep the tax base
reasonable. Mayor Stacy advised the group that in order to address the coming growth,
some additional staff may be needed to deal specifically with just the commercial
Mayor Stacy pointed out that the growth has given us an amount of SPDC money at
least double what was projected. He said that the 9 million dollars is more than twice
what was expected. It is anticipated that park development will be significant, as those
funds continue to grow.
Agenda Item No. 3. Neighborhood Reports:
SPIN #1 Cara reported that trash is somewhat of a problem in her area and that the
culverts are not very effective at moving water during heavy rain. Cara thanked
everyone who helped at the SPIN booth. The free activity generated some visibility as
people participated.
SPIN #2 No Report
SPIN #3 Joe Mast said there has been concern about the condition of Burney ,
Lonesome Dove and Lake Roads expressed from citizens. Bob Whitehead said that the
work on those roads has been approved in the Capital Improvement Program, but not
yet funded.
SPIN #4 No Report
SPIN #5 Eloise expressed concerns about Tract II. She said that Jan Francis will be
submitting written concerns about Tract II. Scott Martin mentioned that Gary Fawks
had met with citizens concerned about Tract III.
SPIN #6 Tom Ward reported that Bob Whitehead and Mr. Hawk spoke to his
neighborhood about sewers, and that he is working on information circulation. An E-
mail setup and a SPIN 6 newspage is in process. Old issues have been addressed. New
issues include drainage problems and the industrial trucks from a cable company parked
up against residential lots. There is also concern over Mr Jim's pizza delivery traffic
speeding on Shady Lane. Gary Gregg asked for the time of the speeding. There is also
concern about Timarron Tract III and the TIF development bordering SPIN #6. Mayor
Stacy said that Kimball will be 5 lanes and serve as somewhat of a buffer. Mr. Ward
said that other concerns include uncut weeds on the 114 medium and that traffic at 114
and Shady is dangerous due to the road condition of Shady. Mayor Stacy said that
corner will not get a light but will exit to an access lane.
SPIN #7 Darrell expressed concern from his neighborhood over the property that the
School District has purchased. He expressed concern that the developer was beat up by
the development process. Council member Scott Martin said that the subdivision was
approved by Council, but that the developer failed to do his part. Mayor Stacy said
that he felt that the school will also be unable to develop the land. Mayor Stacy
expressed concern about both the cost of developing the land for a school, and the
traffic exiting near Wal Mart.
Mr. Faglie said that SPIN #7 is pleased with the quality of commercial on 1709 and the
industrial on Crooked Lane
SPIN #8: No Report
SPIN #9 No Report
SPIN #10 Al Morin reported that the school issue had quieted down a bit and that the
most recent activity was a meeting with Interwoven Development. The developer was
surprised at the opposition to the Gated community. He received constructive criticism
from those in attendance. The main objection was that citizens did not want to see a
big wall on White's Chapel. The houses were beautiful, and well received with the
exception of the walls and gated concept. Mr. Morin reported that David McMahan
had contacted him about the north east corner of 1709 and White's Chapel as a potential
site for Eckerd's relocation. The housing project on 1709 and the park lighting onto
Diamond Circle are concerns as well as the rumor that Remax wants to put a second
story on their building. The sewer project still needs one easement to get things
SPIN #11 Roger Hutton said that the development in Coventry has ended up to be a
very high quality project. His neighborhood is still concerned about the speed of
traffic, but otherwise his neighborhood is quiet. There is concern over the Kaspar
school site, as well as the school site on Peytonville.
SPIN #12 David thanked Bob Whitehead for remedial work on Peytonville. The
neighborhood sewer project seems to be ongoing, and there is interest in participation
in any neighborhood drainage programs that might be developed. He said that the bar
ditches are full of debris.
SPIN #13 Jim Goggin expressed concern with the rezoning at Peytonville and 1709.
Mr. Goggin asked to make a couple of suggestions. He suggested that when council
members meet with citizens in areas, that the SPIN Rep should be invited also. He said
that he felt he should have been invited to the meeting at Southridge Lakes. Another
idea Jim shared is that quarterly meetings with Department heads would be more
effective than committing them to numerous small neighborhood meetings. Mayor
Stacy suggested that topical city wide meetings such as sewers might do the same thing.
Jim expressed concern over the special district concept for assisted living. Mr. Goggin
who also serves as a member of the Senior Advisory Commission said that the
proposed district is not perceived to be friendly toward seniors. Jim asked the council
to not set up a special district or lump senior citizens into a special class, but to
consider their role in the community. Mr. Goggin asked council to look at Assisted
Living, and not to reject the concept for nonvalid reasons.
SPIN #14 Doug McKelvey said that Monticello is beginning to develop the office
buildings on Continental and White Chapel, and that his neighborhood is concerned
about development zoning on 1709 and the time table for construction on Continental,
conflicting with the school schedule. A new subdivision, Country Walk, is building out
and there is some concern about the proposed Interwoven development in SPIN 10.
Mayor Stacy said that a new residential development is proposed for SPIN #14. The
eleven (11) acres at the north east corner of White Chapel and Continental is under
SPIN #15 Wayne Haney said that Joint Meetings are very useful and he would not like
to see the frequency reduced. He reported that the Church of Christ issue is settled.
The latest issue is Timber Lakes Estates and that he had submitted his concerns to
Community Development. The plat has since been altered to address the entrance
lining up with West Jellico. The developer has assured him that the houses will be of a
nice quality. Wayne has seen the plat, and feels that the buffering and quality will be
satisfactory to the neighborhood. There is a dead tree on Davis Blvd. that needs to be
removed. Trash is still washing down onto Mr. Haney's property from Southlake
SPIN #16 Linda Wilder sent a report to say there were concerns about packs of
coyotes and that residents felt the hill on Johnson road is dangerous. Her neighborhood
was very receptive to the proposed park near Florence Elementary
Agenda Item No. Open Forum:
Doug Fierce reported that the Park Board would like to have a joint meeting with SPIN
and that Doug would encourage Reps to check out the neighborhood parks and
encourage neighbors to use the parks.
Council member Pam Muller responded to the issues of mowing on 114. She said that
a contract had just been signed for mowing. Ms. Muller also addressed the rezoning
issues. She said that development has made some original zoning impractical. The
decision to look at the various parcels did not mean they would be necessarily be
rezoned. She said that Assisted Living facilities are also a concern for her personally
and she would welcome one in her own neighborhood. She said concern over the
possibility that apartments could develop has been expressed to her. Council member
Muller expressed support for the Summit concept expressed by Al Morin. She also
encouraged SPIN to meet with P&Z to assist them in their advisory capacity.
Scott Martin shared information that DPS is going to produce a pamphlet for the New
Resident packet to explain our traffic laws. Councilman Martin shared his concern
over youngsters riding bikes without helmets and expressed interest in a helmet
ordinance. He requested that SPIN see if there is support in the neighborhoods for such
an ordinance.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Jo Mast, SPIN Secretary nest