1999-01-14CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, January 14,1999 Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (# 10); Boyd Dollar for Angela George (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Mary Georgia, Vice Chair; (#3), Jan Francis (#5), Steve Csonka (#6), Darrell Faglie (#7), Michael Boutte (#9E), Roger Hutton (#11), Cameron McCartha (#12), Doug McKelvey for Michael Conrads (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), David Baltimore Seniors Representative Representatives absent: Pattie Minder (#8), Dana. Sternfeld (#9W), Bob Walker (#16) Staff Present: Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead Guests Present: Liaison Mary McMahon (#3) AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Morin at 7:04 p.m. enda Item No. 2. Apuroval of December 10, 1998 Minutes Martin Schelling moved to approve the minutes. Darrell Faglie seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments Chairman Morin noted that our yearly attendance is around 60% and that since part of the February retreat will include some goal setting, better attendance may be a goal we will want to consider. Al noted the upcoming reports for City Council. Martin will have January 19t' , Milan or Mary will have February 2nd and Jan Francis is scheduled for February 16t`. Mr. Morin brought up the subject of the continuing vacancy in SPIN #13. Representatives were asked to help find a good person to fill this vacancy. Al will contact the homeowner organizations to enlist their help in finding a representative. Al also noted that SPIN hosted a forum for the Helmet Ordinance discussion. He reported that nothing was really resolved, but that it was a good forum for discussion and that the participants appreciated the meeting. Agenda Item No. 4. City Manager's Report The City Manager was unable to attend. Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of February 6" Retreat Cameron McCartha divided the Standing Committee into three working groups; one for each of the departments that will be asked questions at the retreat. The questions from the SPIN Representatives were distributed and the work groups condensed the questions into 2 or 3 for each department. Nona will send the questions to the directors, to help them prepare for the interactive portion of the retreat. Agenda Item No. 6. Neighborhood Reports SPIN #1: Boyd Dollar reported for SPIN 1. Mr. Dollar reported that SPIN #1 held a meeting January 7' on a proposed residential development at West Bob Jones and North White Chapel. Density and fences were the issues. The residents in attendance did not want brick fences or the density reduced. SPIN #2: Martin Schelling said he had nothing to report. SPIN #3: Mary Georgia reported that SPIN #3 is relatively quiet. Most of the light and street issues have been resolved. Construction is beginning off of Ridgecrest and there is some concern about heavy equipment. SPIN #5, Jan Francis said she has had some calls with concerns about the widening of Dove and the location of the new DPS stations. SPIN #6: Steve Csonka said that speed monitors and traffic counts were being done on Shady Lane and that the residents are happy with their new roads. SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie said that Taco Bueno might want to set up a SPIN meeting. Darrell reported that his neighborhood is pleased with the Gateway project and that they are still concerned about the possibility of a stadium in their neighborhood, especially since their area is in the Grapevine School District. SPIN #8: Pattie Minder was absent. SPIN #9E: Michael Boutte reported that the big issue is traffic speeding through neighborhoods and whether the radar guns are the right approach. There are also some local concerns with neighbors who put their garbage out too early, and development along Continental. SPIN #9W: Dana Sternfeld was absent. SPIN #10: Al Morin reported that his area neighborhoods were pleased with the plans for the Tom Thumb and Eckerds relocation. This project will go to City Council without approval from Planning and Zoning. Al reported that petitions in favor of the project were being circulated. SPIN #11: Roger Hutton said that his neighborhood was impressed with the proposed Alzheimer facility, and he had not heard any objections about the project. There was a drainage survey done recently that has caused some calls and concerns. SPIN #12: No Report SPIN #14: Doug McKelvey reported for Michael Conrads that the neighborhood is quiet except for some issues related to split attendance zones for the schools. SPIN #15: Wayne Haney said that his area is becoming very active. Another SPIN meeting was held in relation to the proposed Chesapeake Place and another Primrose School, and that there was not any opposition. Wayne said that work on the Remington Retirement Campus is imminent and that work is beginning on Michael Drive. Wayne asked for input on how to set up a Crime Watch program. He was advised to call Community Services Officer Carrie Fullington. SPIN #16: Bob Walker was absent. SPIN Representative for Seniors: David Baltimore said that the School Board bond election is scheduled for March. David reported that he has been taking training with AARP to offer free tax preparation assistance for seniors at the Senior Activity Center. Agenda Item #7.Ooen Forum: Liaison (#1) Boyd Dollar asked about whether a growth moratorium has ever been discussed at SPIN. Martin Schelling explained that those issues are controlled by law, and that moratoriums are only allowed for health and safety issues. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Angela Geo ge, Secretary Attst