1998-01-29CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, January 29, 1998 White's Chapel Room - Bicentennial Park SPIN Representatives present: David Baltimore, Chair (#12); Al Morin, Vice Chair (#10); Cara White (#1), Jan Francis (0), Tom Ward (#6), Todd Fox for Darrell Faglie (#7), Michael Boutte (#9E), Roger Hutton (#11), Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), June Haney (#15), Bob Walker (#16) Representatives absent: Martin Schelling (#2), Milan and Mary Georgia (0), Pattie Minder (#8), Pam McCain (#9W) Barry Friedman (#13), Staff Present: Nona Whitehead, Community Services Guests Present: Bret Boren and James Hoglund The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by David Baltimore. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the 12/11/97 Standing Committee Minutes Al Morin moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. The motion was seconded by Tom Ward and the minutes were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments David Baltimore asked Cara White to serve as acting Secretary until the March election. Mr. Baltimore asked the committee to note that the February 28 Retreat will be held in lieu of a regular Standing Committee meeting. The location for the March 12 meeting was discussed. Al Morin suggested that the lunch room at the Public Works Building would give Representatives an opportunity to become familiar with that facility and the committee voted to hold the meeting at that location. It is hoped that the Senior Activity Center will be available in April. Nona Whitehead explained that City phone extensions were at a premium and if Representatives were not using their extensions, she would like them to be released. Nona also reported that the Micro Paver classes were not well attended but that the Public Works surveys are coming into the Public Works department and being entered into a data base. David Baltimore introduced Bret Boren as a liaison for SPIN #9E. Mr. Boren wishes to also serve as a liaison to SPIN #8. James Hogland from SPIN # 13 was present to learn about SPIN #13, and Todd Fox was present to represent Darrell Faglie. Agenda Item No. 4. Committee Reports The Retreat Committee Report was given by Cara White. Cara said that the portion of the retreat dealing with city information will summarize what each department does, and what projects they are focusing on. The lunch program will consist of the City Council describing what issues they see coming up in the next year. Bob Walker asked if Liaisons could attend the retreat. The consensus was that they be most welcome to attend. The training/orientation portion of the program is scheduled for after lunch. This portion will include a mock meeting and team building exercises. Tom Ward said that this portion of the retreat will help new representatives become more comfortable in talking with City officials. This portion is also designed to help representatives learn how to deal with conflict in their meetings. John Safranek will again lead the interactive portion of the retreat. An optional evening event will also be scheduled. The retreat is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber on February 28, 1998. The report from the Brochure Committee was postponed. A Summit Follow-up report was given by Al Morin. Mr. Morin reported that a meeting was held with Greg Last, Lisa Stockdyke, Larry Flynn, and David Baltimore related to the Portals Project, that was brought forward at the Summit. The purpose of the meeting was to present the concept of a joint effort between the Chamber of Commerce, Keep Southlake Beautiful and the Community Development Department to begin to move the portal project forward. February 15 is the target date to appoint two people from the Chamber of Commerce and two from Keep Southlake Beautiful to act as a committee to coordinate the project. Mr. Morin reported that it appears that there is some land that has been designated for portals and some funding available for the project. Mr. Morin indicated that SPIN has completed its follow-up and passed the portal project back to those who presented it at the Summit. Agenda Item No. 5. Presentation on a Candidate Forum David Baltimore introduced Cara White to present information as to what would be involved in hosting a candidate forum. Cara White said that the Chamber of Commerce wants to host their own forum this year, rather than holding a joint meeting with SPIN. It is assumed that the Chamber forum would address questions by the business community. Mrs. White went through the steps that were necessary to host a forum and agreed to chair the committee. David Baltimore noted that the forum needs to be finished before the early voting begins. Cara White mentioned that the previous forum was televised by the high school students. David Baltimore asked for comments. The consensus was that the forum should be undertaken as a project and that the High School auditorium should be secured as the location. A Wednesday date was suggested. Cara White will obtain the date of the close of filing and schedule a date at the High School. Cara volunteered Angela George to help her with the Election Forum. Michael Boutte, Bob Walker and Jan Francis also volunteered to help. David Baltimore explained the SPIN election survey, and that the survey is an opportunity to volunteer and that the ballot will be a secret ballot. The only restriction on co -reps is that one district has only one vote. However, either representative may run for office, but that the office is not interchangeable. Agenda Item No. 6. Neighborhood Reports SPIN #1: Cara was present for SPIN 1. She reported that nothing unusual is going on in their neighborhood at the moment other than the work on Bob Jones Park. SPIN #2: Martin Schelling was absent. SPIN #3: Mary and Milan Georgia were absent. SPIN #5, Jan Francis said that her neighborhood was happy about the outcome of the land use meeting. A meeting with Four Peaks Development Inc. is coming up with SPIN #3 concerning 4 lots at the corner of E. Dove and Lonesome Dove. SPIN #6: Tom Ward said that the sewer project is moving along in his area. The work is requiring some very deep trenches. There are current discussions in his neighborhood about code enforcement concerns. David said that there is not cross training in code enforcement with patrol officers who could have a list of complaints. Mr. Baltimore also stated that the City does not enforce any Home Owners Association restrictions. Nona Whitehead mentioned that the Code Enforcement staff is limited to 2 people. It was suggested that code enforcement be the subject of a future meeting. SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie was represented by Todd Fox who is building on south Kimball. Darrell did not send a report. SPIN #8: Pattie Minder was absent. SPIN DE: Michael Boutte said that Laura Miklosko keeps asking when the City is going to stripe Byron Nelson. He reported that there is continuing commercial development at Byron Nelson and 1709. SPIN #9W: Pam McCain was absent. SPIN #10: Al Morin said that the Mission Hills sewer project is slated to begin around March 1. His neighborhood recently met with members of the Public Works Department related to the sewer project. Mr. Morin reported that it was a very positive meeting and he expects good participation as the cost of sewers is expected to rise in the future. SPIN #11: Roger Hutton said that things were quiet in SPIN #11. SPIN #12: David Baltimore reported that sewers are coming to Cross Timber Hills. There will be a meeting the first week in March to see the engineering plans . There is not a unanimous need for sewers in Cross Timber Hills. SPIN #13: Barry Friedman was absent. SPIN #14: Doug McKelvey said that work is beginning on the corner of Continental and South White Chapel. Doug reported that the houses will average 4000 square feet and that his neighborhood is pleased with residential use on this corner. SPIN #15: Wayne Haney said that new activity includes the ongoing Church of Christ development. There was a recent water problem due to the draining of a water holding tank on the Church of Christ property. Wayne was able to arbitrate the problem with the Church, the City and the homeowner. Mr. Haney indicated that the value of SPIN as a recognizable moderator or forum was a vehicle to resolving the problem. SPIN was also able to get no parking signs in response to the complaint about parking on neighborhood streets. The February 5th meeting on the neighborhood park will deal with tennis courts and other park issues and will be held in Florence Elementary. SPIN #16: Bob Walker said that his neighborhood does not have sewers or zoning changes, but that there is a public hearing on the Koalaty Neighborhood Park, near Carroll Elementary on February 9th at the Park Board meeting. Agenda Item #7, Open Forum Bret Boren, new liaison for #9E & #8, reported that the Wyndsor creek development is well underway. Streets should be going in soon and the lots are at least 1/2 acre. Bret lives off of South Carroll on the hairpin curve and keeps losing mail boxes. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45. p.m. !V June' aney, Acting SPIN Secretary N Attest: