1998-02-28CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee, Joint City Council, & Retreat Saturday , February 28, 1998 City Council Chamber SPIN Representatives present: David Baltimore, Chair (#12); Al Morin, Vice Chair (#10); Angela George (#1), Milan Georgia (0), Mary Georgia (0), Jan Francis (0), Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8), Michael Boutte (#9E), Roger Hutton (#11), Barry Friedman (#13), Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), June Haney (#15), Bob Walker (#16) Representatives absent: Martin Schelling (#2), Pam McCain (#9W) Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Greg Last, Community Development Director; Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director; Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent; Bob Whitehead, Public Works Director; Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services; Bobby Finn, Public Safety Training Coordinator; and Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator City Council Members Present: Mayor Stacy, Councilmember Martin, Councilmember Fawks, and Councilmember Moffat Guests Present: Michael Dees and Butch Stosberg The Standing Committee meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by David Baltimore. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the January 29, 1997 Standing Committee Minutes Al Morin moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Walker and the minutes were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments David Baltimore asked June Haney to serve as acting Secretary for today's meeting. Mr. Baltimore asked the committee to note that the March 12 meeting will be held in the Public Works building and that a map would be included in the next packet. David Baltimore thanked Tom Ward and Cara White for all their work on the retreat. David also mentioned that today is the last day to have a name placed on the ballot for Executive Committee positions. The Standing Committee portion was adjourned at 9:10 a.m. Joint City Council Portion of the Retreat Agenda Item No. 1. Explanation of Executive Session Mayor Stacy opened this portion of the retreat at noon without a quorum. At 12:25 a quorum was present. Mayor Stacy presented an explanation of the laws regarding Executive Session and the conduct of City Councilmembers. Mayor Stacy also discussed the types of issues that can and can not be discussed in Executive Session. Agenda Item No. 2, Informal discussion of key issues expected before the City Council in 1998 Councilmember Fawks mentioned that the Neighborhood Sewers are on high on the list and that the City Council is looking to SPIN for help with communicating to the neighborhoods. Mr. Fawks also mentioned that a Master Plan for Drainage is about to begin and that SPIN Reps could get a Capital Project Report if they wanted one. Councilmember Martin mentioned that there is a Prioritization Profile Schedule that would help SPIN Representatives know what is coming before the City Council. Councilmember Moffat added that he felt that the job of the City Council was to give philosophical direction to the City Manager on how to help control development and keep the tax rate low. Mayor Stacy indicated that some of the issues that most concerned him, were the quality of the water supply, the impact of schools on traffic flow, and the construction that will begin on SH 114 and the impact of expanding Davis up to SH 114. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:55. p.m. AMA Angela George, Secretary A I- X ttest: