1998-06-11CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Minutes Thursday, June 11, 1998 Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (#10); Angela George, Secretary (#1); Martin Schelling (#2), Milan Georgia (0), Jan Francis (0), Pam McCain (#9W), Michael Boutte (#9E), Roger Hutton (#11), David Baltimore, (#12), Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), Bob Walker (#16) Representatives absent: Tom Ward, (#6) Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8) Barry Friedman (#13), Guests present: Councilmember Debra Edmondson, Carolyn Morris, Cara White, Boyd Dollar, Sherry Swartz, Tamara McMillan, Candace Harris, Nora Coons, Virginia Muzyka, Bill Cosgrove, Anita Sims, Juanita Suarez, Dave Lieber, Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Public Safety Billy Campbell, Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Chairman Al Morin. Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments Chairman Morin welcomed Dave Lieber from the Ft. Worth Star Telegram and Councilmember Debra Edmondson as guests and recognized each Liaison in attendance. Mr. Morin reviewed the schedule of upcoming SPIN Reports with Barry Friedman scheduled for June 16 and Doug McKelvey scheduled for July 7. City Manager Curtis E. Hawk was introduced to give his City Manager's Report. Mr. Hawk discussed development regulations in relation to the Town Square project. He distributed a handout to show what has already been approved. Mr. Hawk explained that City Council has control over the 130-acre development because it is a Planned Unit Development (PUD). David Baltimore asked about the alignment of Carroll Avenue. Mr. Hawk said that Carroll would align to the east. Bob Walker expressed concern about the loss of trees on Carroll. Mr. Hawk said that the developer has complied with the Tree Ordinance. At this time 150,000 square feet of retail space with office space on top has been approved. Mr. Hawk said his understanding was that 80 % of the top office space is leased. He explained that the site plan for the first phase is all that has been approved. City staff is monitoring each step. At this time most of the water, sewer and drainage lines are in place. The design for the Town Hall construction is expected to begin within a few months. Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of the 5/14/98 Standing Committee Minutes Wayne Haney made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Jan Francis, and the minutes were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4, Presentation: Residential Speed Limits Director Campbell said that his department has received an increase in the number of calls about speeding in residential neighborhoods. Mr. Campbell explained that if the speed is not posted, the speed limit is assumed to be 30 MPH. There is some speed tolerance built into the speed limits, except in school zones or residential sections. Director Campbell explained that the only way to have speed zones lowered is for a sufficient number of residents to bring forward a petition. It is necessary to petition City Council for an ordinance to reduce any speed zones. The contact for traffic issues is Police Sergeant Russell Daniels at ext. 838. Director Campbell added that the department issues about 1000 speeding citations per month and also explained the Vacation Watch program. Agenda Item No. 5, Presentation: Tree Farm Project The Tree Farm presentation was postponed until July Agenda Item No. 6, Report: Public Relations Improvements Milan Georgia reported that various approaches have been looked at for this goal. He suggested that each Representative and their neighborhood be featured on individual flyers that could be given to real estate offices or newspapers. The project was referred to the next Executive Committee for further dialogue and development. Agenda Item No. 7, Report: Goals Committees Doug McKelvey reported for the Intra committee Communications Goal. Doug suggested that further development of email communication would be helpful. Nona Whitehead said that she would request email in her budget. Doug said that the zoning notices to all Representatives were a big help in knowing what was happening in other areas. Bob Walker presented his proposal for the Retreat. Bob suggested that various city departments be asked to submit a problem they are trying to resolve. SPIN would then assign those problems to various task forces to solicit possible solutions. The retreat would have an interactive nature with the committees and the departments engaged in dialogue regarding the various problems. Angela George reported that the concept for this years educational project would be a Planning and Zoning Academy. The event will be scheduled for November and will utilize skits and instruction to illustrate the various steps involved in the development process. Agenda Item No. 8, Discussion • (coda of Conduct Chairman Al Morin opened the discussion item of the Code of Conduct as it. relates to Political involvement. He asked if there was a way to keep personal views from being perceived as views from a SPIN Representative. The consensus of the committee was that the language in the Code of Conduct, paragraph 2.4 was clear and that it did not prevent their personal activity in campaigns when not identified as SPIN Representatives. Nona Whitehead noted that SPIN had received some criticism because the charter members of SPIN worked hard to keep SPIN from becoming a political action committee. She reminded the committee that the purpose of SPIN is to communicate information about city government to the neighborhoods and not information about political candidates. David Baltimore moved that SPIN Standing Committee supports the Code of Conduct as it is written and that enforcement of paragraph 2.4 will be the responsibility of the Standing Committee. The motion was seconded by Pam McCain and approved unanimously. The committee would like to receive complaints in a written form. A enda Item No 9, Neighborhood Reports Due to the late hour, Neighborhood Reports were not heard. Agenda Item No 102 Open Forum_ No issues were raised There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Angela eorge, Secretar est: