SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, July 16, 1998
Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive
SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (#10); Angela George, Secretary
(#1); Martin Schelling (#2), Milan Georgia (0), Jan Francis (#5), Pattie Minder (#8),
Michael Boutte (#9E), David Baltimore, (#12), Doug McKelvey (#14), Roger Hutton
Representatives absent: Tom Ward, Vice Chair (#6); Darrell Faglie (#7), Pam
McCain (#9W), Barry Friedman (#13), Wayne Haney (#15), Bob Walker (#16)
Guest Present: Bret Boren, Liaison to SPIN #8 and #9E, Kellie Gormly, Home Town
Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Public Works Bob
Whitehead, Commander Ricky Black, Department of Public Safety, Victoria Hess,
Department of Public Safety, Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Morin at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the 6/11/98 SPIN Standing Committee Minutes
Pattie Minder moved to approve the minutes. Milan Georgia seconded the motion and
the motion was approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments
Chairman Morin thanked those who had helped with the Town Square meeting, which
had over 200 present. He reminded the committee of the Joint City Council meeting in
August and reviewed the schedule of City Council SPIN Reports for the next two
Mr. Morin introduced Curtis E. Hawk to give the City Manager's Report. Mr. Hawk
passed out press releases relating to the Metroport Cities Inc. sponsored public meeting
on the extension of F.M. 1938. Mr. Hawk also passed out ariel photographs of the
region showing the need for north /south arteries, and explained that there is a window
of opportunity to get state funding for the project in this budget cycle. This project has
been planned for about 15 years. The extension is expected to relieve the increasing
amount of traffic coming up F.M. 1938 and using 1709 to travel east, by directing
them north to the faster route of S.H. 114. Mr. Hawk encouraged the Representatives
to attend the public meeting and noted that all affected property owners would be
receiving notification.
Due to the mandatory water conservation regulations in place, Public Works Director
Bob Whitehead was invited to clarify any questions related to the regulations. Mr.
Whitehead explained that we are using more than we can pump, thus depleting
reserves. The restrictions will allow some down time for refilling the water tanks. He
encouraged the Representatives to let residents with water wells know that it would be
helpful if they would put a sign in their yard indicating they are using well water.
Agenda Item No. 4, Presentation: DPS Fire Services
Fire Services Commander Ricky Black explained that getting the Fire Department out
into the community to educate residents is a good fire prevention strategy. He
introduced Arson Investigator Victoria Hess to explain the Home Safety Survey, which
she designed for the Department of Public Safety. Ms. Hess explained the survey form
and noted that in communities where the safety surveys were used, home fires had been
reduced by 60 percent. The information from the survey will be noted on the same
database as the special needs survey. This information automatically pops up if there is
a 911 call. Ms. Hess requested SPIN Representatives to schedule a survey of their own
homes, in order to feel confident about encouraging the survey through their
neighborhood associations, liaisons and other networking opportunities.
Agenda Item No. 5, Neighborhood Reports
SPIN #1: Angela George gave her report on the Planning and Zoning Academy earlier
and was not present at this time in the meeting.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling said that the installation of water lines in the right of way
along North White Chapel is finished, but construction is still ongoing. Martin
indicated the water restrictions are causing some delay. Traffic is being diverted for all
but local residents.
SPIN #3: Milan Georgia reported on the recent meeting regarding a Four Peaks
Development at Ridgecrest and Dove. Milan said the meeting was well attended and
the proposed SF-lA proposal was well received.
SPIN #5, Jan Francis said her neighborhood was quiet.
SPIN #6: Tom Ward was absent.
SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie was absent.
SPIN #8: Pattie Minder said that she has had about 10 calls related to the water
restrictions, but the only current issue is a few neighbors still arguing over the design
of the Miron Water tank. Pattie encouraged other SPIN Representatives to help her
support the concept of a standard design like in Bicentennial Park to save future tax
dollars that would be required for upkeep of a more complex paint scheme.
SPIN #9E: Michael Boutte reported that P&Z turned down the request for a Wal
Greens store at the S.W. corner of 1709 and Byron Nelson. Michael surveyed some of
his neighbors, and concerns remain about Metoport Chemical and the striping on Byron
Nelson Parkway. Michael introduced Liaison Bret Boren who said that he would like
to be a contact person for Versailles as well as the eastern edge of SPIN #9E. Mr.
Boren lives on Carroll and is aware of some concerns.
SPIN #9W: Pam McCain was absent
SPIN #10: Al Morin reported that the Mission Hills sewer is nearly complete. Al said
that his neighborhood had a meeting regarding a proposed office at the entrance to
Diamond Circle and the proposal was well received. His area remains concerned about
the empty Food Lion store.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton said that his area is quiet and happy and there are no concerns
about the 32 acres of development of Peytonville
SPIN #12: David Baltimore said that the Cross Timbers Homeowners Association had
a recent discussion related to the F.M. 1938 extension. There were concerns expressed
about the plans to build an elementary school that would mean connecting traffic
through that neighborhood.
SPIN #13: Barry Friedman was absent.
SPIN #14: Doug McKelvey said that activity is continuing at White's Chapel and
Continental. There is some interest being shown in the southwest corner of 1709 and
White Chapel.
SPIN #15: Wayne Haney was absent. Nona reported for Wayne that residents were
complaining about the noise of all the water pumps going all the time during the
drought conditions. The Remington has received their zoning approval. Nona also
mentioned that she has received complaints from SPIN #15 residents on Johnson Road
who want to have their street improved but not lose trees. A SPIN meeting might need
to be held in that area.
SPIN #16: Bob Walker was absent.
Agenda Item No. 6, Report on the Planning and Zoning Academy
Angela George reported that the zoning case to be enacted will be for a tract zoned AG
that is seeking 02 for a 4 story office building. There will be about 3 skits, and
presentations from legal and staff to explain what is happening. Angela requested that
Representatives help her find a better name for the event and be prepared to help on
November 10.
Open Forum
Doug McKelvey passed out a survey form to be used toward the goal of improving
Intra Committee Communication.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Angela Gorge, Secretary