SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, October 15, 1998
Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive
SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (#10); Angela Roberds, Secretary
(#1); Martin Schelling (#2), Milan and Mary Georgia (0), Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie
Minder (#8), Michael Boutte (#9E), David Baltimore, (#12), Doug McKelvey (#14),
Wayne Haney (#15)
Representatives absent: Tom Ward, Vice Chair (#6); Jan Francis (0), Roger Hutton
(#11), Bob Walker (#16)
Guests Present: Cara White, Park Board Liaison
Staff Present: Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Morin at 7:10 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of September 10, 1998 Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mary Georgia. Milan Georgia
seconded the motion and the motion was passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No 3, City Manager's Report
Mr. Hawk was unable to attend the meeting
Agenda Item No. 4, Administrative Comments
Chairman Morin asked Michael Boutte if he would help spread word of the vacancy in
#9W. City Council reports were discussed and the following changes were made.
Pattie Minder will take November 3 and Darrell Faglie will take November 17.
Michael Boutte will take the #9W rotation on December 1.
Nona Whitehead mentioned the importance of informing new liaisons about their
limitations, specifically that flyers or written information that says SPIN needs to be
approved by the SPIN Representative and by the staff liaison for the City of Southlake.
All information that comes from SPIN is to be informative without expressing a
position that is either pro or con.
Agenda Item No. 5, Goals Review
Doug McKelvey presented information regarding intra committee communication.
Doug said the copies of the zoning notices have helped and suggested that copies of the
meeting report forms could also be copied for everyone. Doug also said that
improving electronic communication seems to be the direction we should explore. He
suggested a SPIN Web page could eventually include all the material that is sent in
packets. Concerns were that not everyone had a computer or would access the
information. Nona pointed out that currently there is not sufficient staff to add a web
page that would need nearly daily input. Increased use of email appears to be a
feasible interim step towards more electronic communication.
Mary and Milan Georgia reported on the goal of increased visibility for SPIN. Mary
explained that they would try to bring the digital camera to meetings to capture pictures
that will lend themselves to articles in the newspapers. Milan noted that increased
visibility would come with a "SPIN team" concept that would include 2 or 3 meetings a
year with liaisons. This would also help them get a better sense of their responsibilities
Angela Roberds gave the final report on the progress of the Planning and Zoning
Academy, Public Education Goal. The format will include some scripted skits and will
focus on how citizens are notified and how they can participate in development issues.
Angela asked the committee for any questions they hear at their meetings. Responses
indicated there were questions about the Land Use Plan, easements, and zoning law.
Bob Walker was not present to report on the Retreat Goal. Nona was asked to get with
Bob to set a tentative date for the event.
fir, Agenda Item No. 6, Discussion: Community Wide Events
Al Morin asked the committee for input regarding the Mayor's suggestion for a
community wide Dinner for Eight program. Al explained that the evening would
include an agenda with the objectives of information input from citizens and the
opportunity for people to become better acquainted with one another. The committee
had several concerns including cost and exclusion. How would people be chosen to
attend? Nona noted that the ministerial association was also discussing the Dinners for
Eight. David Baltimore suggested that the role of SPIN would be communicating the
process once such a program was in place.
Al asked if SPIN wanted to host a community wide event related to highway 114.
David Baltimore said that road closings could be put on the web page, similar to the
Road Warrior that appears in the Fort Worth newspaper. It was decided to ask Bob
Whitehead and Chief Campbell to attend the next SPIN meeting to bring the committee
any current information related to the construction time table, and any alternate routes
that might need to be encouraged. Mr. Whitehead could help the committee assess
whether a citywide meeting was warranted, or if SPIN needed to just help communicate
SH 114 information.
Agenda Item No. 7, Neighborhood Reports
SPIN #1: Angela George reported that SPIN #1 held a meeting on October 14'. It is
expected that the road work on North White Chapel will be finished by March.
Restrooms will be in within two years and the park pavilion construction will start
soon. It is projected that most of the Bob Jones capital projects will be completed in
three years.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling reported that some hard top is on North White Chapel.
Martin said the bar ditches will be cleaned soon and the Kirkwood Hollow has started
some housing lots.
SPIN #3: Mary Georgia reported that City Council acted to reduce the speed limit on
lake drive. They are getting calls on the Grapevine Meadowmere project.
SPIN #5, Jan Francis was absent.
SPIN #6: Tom Ward was absent.
SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie said his neighborhood has a reprieve on the stadium due to the
failed bond issue. He reported that the Gateway design looks good and that the
Grapevine Highway overpass will come through the development and line up with
Commerce Street.
SPIN #8: Pattie Minder said the Room Store has started at Village Center. The
Zimrod property has changed hands. Pattie said that her neighborhood prefers office
zoning. There is another meeting on the water tower design scheduled for October 19
and a meeting with Oak Tree and Woodlands for a development proposal from Harris
Methodist on October 26`h. A SPIN meeting was also held related to the expansion of
the Public Works Facility. Pattie said the meeting went well and also complimented
the Miron development.
SPIN #9E: Michael Boutte reported that the City has bought the land from Metroport
Chemical. It is his understanding that this property will be developed into a park.
SPIN #9W: Vacant
SPIN #10: Al Morin reported that a SPIN meeting is scheduled for October 28 to hear
about the proposed redevelopment of Food Lion and the relocation of Eckerds.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton was absent.
SPIN #12: David Baltimore said that it appeared that easements were holding up the
sewer program in Cross Timber Hills.
SPIN #13: Vacant
SPIN #14: Doug McKelvey said that construction on homes has begun at the corner of
South White Chapel and Continental. Doug was not sure just when the widening of
portions of Continental was scheduled to begin.
SPIN #15: Wayne Haney reported that a SPIN meeting is scheduled for October 27 to
hear a proposal for a new residential PUD, to be called Chesapeake Place. Claffy Pool
is still trying to buy property on Michael Drive and code enforcement has been active
in that area.
SPIN #16: Bob Walker was absent.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Angela R berds, Secretary
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