1998-12-10 (2)CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, December 10, 1998 Senior Activity Center — 307 Parkwood Drive SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (# 10); Martin Schelling (#2), Milan & Mary Georgia (#3), Tom Ward, Vice Chair; (#6); Darrell Faglie (#7), Pattie Minder (#8), Michael Boutte (#9E), David Baltimore, (#12), Doug McKelvey (#14), Bob Walker (#16) Representatives absent: Angela Roberds, (#1) Jan Francis (#5) Roger Hutton (#11), Wayne Haney (#15), Guest Present: Steve Csonka, new appointee for SPIN #6, Cameron McCartha, new appointee for SPIN #12, and Michael Conrads, new appointee for SPIN #14 Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead AGENDA: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Morin at 6:40 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the 10/15/98 SPIN Standing Committee Minutes David Baltimore moved to approve the minutes. Milan Georgia seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments Mr. Morin introduced new SPIN Representatives Michael Conrads, SPIN #14; Steve Csonka, SPIN #6; and David Baltimore as the Sr. SPIN Representative. Cameron McCartha came in after the Administrative Comments. Mr. Morin also expressed the gratitude of the Standing Committee to Tom Ward, Doug McKelvey and David Baltimore for their service to SPIN. Mr. Morin passed out the 1999 schedule of City Council SPIN Reports and urged members to be sure that another Representative is called to give the report, in the event the scheduled speaker is unavailable. Agenda Item #4, City Manager's Report Curtis E. Hawk was then introduced to give the City Manager's Report. Mr. Hawk expressed regrets that multiple commitments made it impossible for City Councilmembers to attend. Mr. Hawk said one of the meetings was the Joint Use Committee deliberating once again the possible participation of the C.I. S.D. in the Tax Reinvestment Zone. Mr. Hawk reported that the Library Board will begin to meet in January, and that there will probably be a new board created for a Historical Society. Discussion included Marcus Cable and the limited ability to regulate it. A representative of Marcus Cable is taking calls from citizens at the Administrative Building Agenda Item No. 5 Vice Chair Election Al Morin explained that since Tom Ward would no longer be serving as a SPIN Representative, it was the recommendation of the Executive Committee that Mary Georgia be nominated for that position. Martin Schelling moved that Mary Georgia be elected as Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Darrell Faglie and passed unanimously. [Due to the absence of any City Council members, the Joint Meeting was not convened and the following posted agenda items from that meeting were moved to the meeting of the Standing Committee] Agenda Item No. 2, Highway 114 Update Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead reported that the funnel between DFW and Southlake is the focus of a Federal Major Investment Study. At this point the Technical Committee has 3 recommendations for this section of S.H. 114: (1) new lanes, (2) HOV lanes, and (3) express lanes to help with congestion. The committee recommends improving the current thoroughfare, rather than trying to build another major artery. Mr. Whitehead gave the following update information regarding S.H. 114: Construction plans are 50% complete for the Kimball Interchange project. The anticipated completion date for the plans is April 1999. At this time the official bid letting date is May, but the realistic date is August 99. Construction is anticipated to begin April 2000, and last 30 months. The traffic impact will mostly effect the Kimball intersection, but TxDOT plans to keep 2 thru lanes in each direction open at all times. Any shut downs will be during off peak times and will be published in the Road Warrior section of the Fort Worth paper as well as cable and the city web site. The construction plans for the Dove interchange are estimated to be complete by February with bid letting estimated for July. This project will cost 9 million. The Carroll interchange will cost 15 million and the construction plans are anticipated to be complete by March, with bid letting in June of 2000. Construction will start on the westbound frontage lanes. The cost of the White Chapel portion is 12 — 15 million. The construction plans have not yet started, therefore bid letting is estimated to be in January of 2001. Discussion also included whether a citywide meeting would be helpful. Mr. Whitehead urged attendance at the Major Investment Study (MIS) meetings and said that a citywide meeting later in 1999 might be helpful and that he would assist in trying to bring representatives from the State Highway Department. Agenda Item #3, Report: SPIN Retreat Bob Walker reported that the theme of the February 6t' retreat is "Fostering Communication." The format will again include overviews of each department and a lunch meeting with the City Council. In addition there will be an interactive discussions with three departments. Bob will ask Public Works, Public Safety and Parks and Recreation to identify a project that might benefit from citizen input. In turn, SPIN Reps will be asked to identify one or two issues about which they hear questions or concerns, and give those topics to the three departments in advance. The retreat will begin at 9:00 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 7z� Angela Roberds, Secretary /::�' O /'Li 7a, ttest