SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, March 11, 1999
Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive
SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (# 10); Angela George (# 1), Martin
Schelling (#2), Milan Georgia and Mary Georgia, Vice Chair (0); Steve Csonka (#6),
Darrell Faglie (#7), Michael Boutte (#9E), Dana Sternfeld (#9W), Roger Hutton (#11),
Cameron McCartha (#12), Bill Stone (#13), Bob Walker (#16)
Representatives absent: Jan Francis (#5), Michael Conrads (#14), Wayne Haney (#15)
David Baltimore Seniors Representative
Guests Present: Cara White, Park Board Liaison; Andy Wambsganss, Crime Control and
Prevention District Board Member
Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Billy Campbell, Deputy Director of Police
Services Gary Gregg, Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Morin at 7:00 p.m.
Azenda Item No. 2. Approval of the January 14,1999 Minutes
Pattie Minder moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Milan
Georgia and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments
Chairman Morin reviewed the list for City Council Reports. Darrell Faglie will be giving
the March 16'' report on March 23'd due to the date change of the regular City Council
Al mentioned that SPIN has been asked to have a booth at the April 24 h Kite Festival.
Dana Sternfeld and Michael Boutte have agreed to host the booth and recruit SPIN Reps
to staff the booth throughout the day.
Mr. Morin reported that the Executive Committee has been asked to have SPIN host two
Town Hall meetings related to the Traffic Management Bond Issue. The dates for those
meetings are March 29 h at Johnson Elementary and April 131' at the Senior Activity
Center. Both meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. Al Morin will host the March 29L' meeting
and Mary Georgia will host the April 13t' meeting.
SPIN has also been asked to co -host a Community Candidate's Forum, which will include
candidates for the School Board as well as City Council. The Forum will be held at
Johnson Elementary, but the date has not been set. The sponsors of the Candidate Forum
will include the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce, SPIN, The Chamber of
Commerce and the Southlake Seniors Organization.
Mr. Morin passed out a memo that was sent to all Liaisons explaining their
responsibilities. The memo should be given to all new Liaisons when they are enlisted. Al
also explained the 'fast track" that is being tested in relation to getting the Post Office
projects started. On March 23'd City Council will have both a P&Z and City Council
session related to this item.
Chairman Morin explained that the April Standing Committee meeting will focus on future
SPIN Presentations and encouraged members to study the Activity Worksheet created by
Mary Georgia to help us prioritize our efforts.
Agenda Item No. 4. Presentation of the Crime Control and Prevention District
Al Morin introduced Andy Wambsganss, who explained the creation and function of the
Crime Control and Prevention District. The District is created for (5) five year periods
and is a funding mechanism Chief Billy Campbell explained that due to the current and
projected emergency response needs, the priorities of the District are land acquisition,
facility development, and personnel training. Chief Campbell explained that the
Department of Public Safety needs are population driven. Studies indicate the need for
three DPS facilities. The City currently has the basic equipment to supply two of the three
needed facilities. It is likely that the community will be asked to extend the District
another 5 years to make the third facility financially feasible.
Currently there is a contract on the west site that will exit onto FM 1709 and Randol Mill.
The contract on the north site is not yet final, and the District is trying to find a parcel that
will be south of FM 1709 for the third location.
Agenda Item No. 5. SPIN Election of Executive Committee
Al Morin was elected Chairman, Mary Georgia was elected Vice Chairman and Cameron
McCartha was elected Secretary.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion and Adoption of 1999 Goals
Al Morin directed the committee to the draft of 1999 Goals which included the following:
(1) Each SPIN Representative would try to visit any Homeowner Organizations in their
area and explain SPIN and establish cooperation, (2) SPIN would host at least one city-
wide informational meeting, (3) Improve attendance to 75% at Standing Committee
meetings, and (4) establish two -deep leadership for every SPIN Neighborhood. Al Morin
asked each Representative to find a person to mentor as their replacement. Bob Walker
moved to adopt the goals, Pattie Minder seconded the motion and it was approved
unanimously. Bob Walker noted that Homeowner Association Lists would be helpful.
Dana Sternfeld has been updating that list and when it is complete she will email the file to
those with Excel. Nona will also get a copy for updating the city's list and send out hard
Agenda Item No. 7, Neishborhood Reports
SPIN #1: Angela Roberds said that work is progressing on Bob Jones Park. North White
Chapel has the first layer of blacktop. Angela turned her report over to Park Board
Liaison Cara White who said that the Nature Center has been moved to Bob Jones Park
and the soccer fields are open. Cara also reported that an equestrian group is being
formed to give input on the Trails Master Plan. The Teen Center talks have moved to the
funding stage.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling said he had no report.
SPIN #3: Mary Georgia reported that there had been a meeting with a private water
association in their area, but it was not an official SPIN meeting.
SPIN #5: Jan Francis was absent.
SPIN #6: Steve Csonka reported that he had given his first City Council Report. A SPIN
meeting was held on March 10 related to drainage improvements on West Jones Branch.
The attendance was low, and Steve asked for ideas on getting people to respond. Steve
also mentioned that a traffic survey had been done which determined that residents of
Grapevine were doing a lot of the speeding. Steve indicated that it might be hard to get a
consensus on the proper course of action to address the speeding issue.
SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie noted that he does not have any Homeowner's Associations. He
said that Gateway is progressing and that there has not been any action on Lowe's.
SPIN #8: Pattie Minder reported that the Roomstore is nearly finished. She and Michael
will have an informal meeting with the developer and the board members of the Oak Tree
Estates Homeowners Association in regards to the proposed "Shops of Southlake" to be
located at South Carroll and 1709. A formal SPIN meeting will be held on March 29 h at
the Senior Activity Center.
SPIN #9E: Michael Boutte said he was relieved that the traffic barricades were removed
from Byron Nelson, and that traffic is being monitored.
SPIN #9W: Dana Sternfeld said that drainage continues to be an issue in her area. She
may be planning a joint meeting with SPIN #9E. A flyer has been designed to introduce
both Michael and Dana to their residents and to try and attract liaisons. A joint meeting
may be planned for 9W & 9E.
SPIN #10: Al Morin reported that a SPIN meeting had been held regarding the Post
Office and adjoining retail. There was a very positive response to the concept plan, which
hides the mail activity from the public view.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton noted that the realignment of Highland has been approved and
that a drainage plan is nearly complete. A SPIN meeting is being planned on the drainage
SPIN #12: Cameron McCartha reported that in addition to drainage concerns, there was
a recent safety issue concerning an attempt to pick up two little girls. The neighborhood
is discussing ways to address this concern.
SPIN #13: Bill Stone reported that he has contacted the Homeowners Association in
Myers Meadow and they intend to put a notice about him in their newsletter. He also
contacted Southridge Lakes, and that association plans to introduce him at their next
SPIN #14: Michael Conrads was absent
SPIN #15: Wayne Haney was absent
SPIN #16: Bob Walker expressed concern about how traffic has gotten worse in the last
few months.
Agenda Item No. 8.Oaen Forum
Chairman Morin requested that the minutes be distributed as quickly as possible, due the
many upcoming dates and events.
Miron asked for the School Board Action Item to be prioritized. Al reported that
Cameron McCartha has accepted the responsibility to serve as liaison to the school board.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Martin Schelling.
Cameron McCartha seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
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