SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, April 15,1999
Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive
SPIN Representatives present:), Martin Schelling (#2), Milan Georgia and Mary
Georgia, Vice Chair (#3); Jan Francis (#5), Steve Csonka (#6), Pattie Minder (0),
Michael Boutte (#9E), Nancy Ritter for Dana Sternfeld (#9W), Ester Spikler for Roger
Hutton (# 11), Bill Stone (# 13), Michael Conrads (# 14), Wayne Haney (# 15)
Representative Bob Walker (# 16) David Baltimore Seniors
Representatives absent: Al Morin, Chair (# 10); Angela Roberds (# 1), Darrell Faglie
(#7), Cameron McCartha (#12),
Guests Present: Cara White, Park Board Liaison
Staff Present: Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead, Community Services
Coordinator Nona Whitehead
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Mary Georgia at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the March 11,1999 Minutes
Bill Stone moved to approve the minutes. Martin Schelling seconded the motion and the
minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments
Mary Georgia asked Michael Conrads to serve as Secretary in the absence of Cameron
Although Angela Roberds was absent, Mary Georgia recognized and thanked her for her
service as Secretary of the Standing Committee. Mrs. Georgia reminded Michael Boutte,
Dana Sternfeld, Al Morin and Roger Hutton about their upcoming City Council SPIN
Reports. Further comments included a reminder of the May 13 Joint meeting which will
begin at 6:30 p.m. and expression of appreciation to Dana. Sternfeld for her work on the
Homeowner Association database.
Michael Boutte reported for the Kite Festival and passed a sign-up sheet for help in
manning the booth.
Agenda Item No. 4, Traffic Management Bond Issue/Storm Drainage Utility
Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works addressed questions related to the upcoming
May V Bond Issue election. Mr. Whitehead explained that the objective of the
interchange improvements is to help get citizens across the state highways, and the
intersections will be comparable to North Carroll at F.M. 1709. Mr. Whitehead explained
that the three propositions are separate issues and if they are passed, the bonds will be sold
in three issues, and construction should begin a year from now. In response to concerns
about the S.H. 114 funnel problems, Director Whitehead encouraged citizens to attend the
Major Investment Study (MIS) meeting in Grapevine on April 27t' at 7:00 p.m. at
Grapevine City Hall.
Director Whitehead handed out a draft Q&A brochure related to a Storm Drainage Utility
System. Mr. Whitehead explained that the City is working on a Drainage Master Plan.
SPIN #6 is in the final stages of design, and SPIN #11 is in preliminary design stage. City
Council is seeking input on various financing options. Mr. Whitehead asked SPIN to
suggest ways the City might receive citizen input on the various options. Suggestions
from the Standing Committee included using a survey instrument in the Southlake in
Review publication, a non -binding referendum on citizen preference, and an improved
brochure. Mr. Whitehead was asked to give the SPIN staff liaison his next draft of a
condensed brochure on a disk, which could be e-mailed to SPIN Reps before the next
meeting. SPIN comments and suggestions can be heard by City Council at the Joint
Meeting on May 13t' as an agenda item.
Director Whitehead was also asked about the project on Continental. Mr. Whitehead
explained that due to safety concerns, the school district had given the land to widen the
road. This project would require removal of trees. Martin Schelling asked about the land
on the North side of the road, as the trees are smaller. Mr. Whitehead explained that
option involved expensive condemnation proceedings, and that previous Council had
decided to accept the school district's offer of free land for the improvements. The
project has been shut down to await further deliberation by the City Council.
Agenda Item No. 5. Neighborhood Reports
SPIN #1: Cara White reported for Angela Roberds that SPIN meeting with Paul Spain
and the proposed residential development is scheduled for April 21" at the Sr. Activity
Center. Cara also reported for the Park Board that there are condemnation proceeding
regarding park development at Bob Jones and some usage problems that have required
law enforcement.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling said he had no report.
SPIN #3: Milan Georgia said there was no major activity in his area, and expressed his
opinion that SPIN Representatives should tell citizens how to get action on their issues.
SPIN #5: Jan Francis said nothing was happening in SPIN #5.
SPIN #6: Steve Csonka reported that this was his last SPIN meeting due to a relocation.
SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie was absent
SPIN #8: Pattie Minder reported that the Roomstore is finished. Pattie reported that she
had a large attendance at the meeting concerning The Shops of Southlake proposed
development. She has scheduled two more meetings this month with Oak Tree Estates to
discuss their concerns. Karen Gandy will also meet with this group to discuss the issues
related to Zoning. Pattie said that it is expected that the water tower will be finished by
the end of May.
SPIN #9E: Michael Boutte reported that commercial development is continuing at Byron
Nelson and 1709.
SPIN #9W: Dana Sternfeld was absent Nancy Ritter did not have activity to report.
SPIN #10: Al Morin was absent.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton asked Ester Spikler to give the report in his absence. The
traffic concerns in Coventry Manor were discussed at length. Ms. Spickler said speed
bumps and center mediums have been looked at and that a traffic study showed 2000 cars
a day were using the street. Speed limit signs are up and options are being explored.
SPIN #12: David Baltimore reported for Cameron who was ill. Cross Timbers continues
to try to get the easements to enable the sewer project to go forward.
SPIN #13: Bill Stone reported that the Homeowners Association in Myers Meadow put a
notice about him in their newsletter. He also said that he would be addressing the
Southridge Lakes Association at their next meeting.
SPIN #14: Michael Conrads reported that he has gotten out his first newsletter and has
received some petitions regarding the removal of trees on Continental Blvd.
SPIN #15: Wayne Haney reported that a mail drop is now available at the shopping center
at Davis and 1709. Mr. Haney said that development proceedings are under way for
Chesapeake Place and the Primrose Daycare. A new church near Remington is also in the
development process.
SPIN #16: Bob Walker reported that he has received several petitions about the trees on
Continental and will be bringing them to City Council.
Senior Representative: David Baltimore reported as liaison to the Senior Advisory
Commission that they are submitting a proposal for a transportation service for seniors
and handicapped in Southlake. David noted that there are 1700 registered voters age 55
and over. The Transportation sub -committee polled the seniors participating at the center.
Nona reported that she has not been successful in capturing data on requests for
Aeenda Item No. 6, Open Forum
Milan Georgia suggested that members use the SPIN Report time to raise issues to the
attention of City Council and that Michael Boutte give his City Council Report time to
Roger Hutton to make Council aware of the problems. Nona explained that Council was
aware of the problems and any new issues need to go to staff or Curtis so that full
background information regarding the issue can be given to Council. She explained that
the SPIN Report is not the proper vehicle for first time issues. Wayne Haney reminded
the committee that Curtis has asked that problems be brought to his attention first so that
research and possible solutions for the issues can be investigated.
Bob Walker said he was pleased with the Candidate Forum. Other members reported they
did not like having unopposed Candidates and were unhappy with the questions that were
chosen by the committee. Bob Walker suggested that in January or February a Forum
Committee be formed to design a candidate forum.
Representatives were reminded that they have an input form related to funding priorities
for Capital Projects. Any requests need to be sent as soon as possible in order for staff to
enter the data.
There being no further business, Wayne Haney moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob
Walker seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Cameron McCartha, Secretary