1999-05-13 (2)City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, May 13, 1999 Meeting Minutes Representatives Present: Al Morin (#10), Chair; Mary Georgia (0), Vice -Chair; Milan Georgia (0); Martin Shelling (#2); Darrell Faglie (#7); Pattie Minder (#8); Michael Boutte (#9E); Dana Sternfeld (#9W); Bill Stone (#13); Michael Conrads (#14); Wayne Haney (#15); David Baltimore, Senior representative; Cara White, Park Board Liaison. Representatives Absent: Angela Higgenbothem (#1); Cameron McCartha (#12), Secretary; Jan Francis (#5); Bob Walker (#16). Guests Present: Boyd Dollar, SPIN Liaison (#1); Mary McMahan, SPIN Liaison (0); Nancy Ritter, SPIN Liaison (#9W). Staff Present: Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer Agenda Item No. 1--Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Al Morin at 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2--Approval of Minutes from April 15, 1999 meeting. Mary Georgia discussed some amendments to the minutes from the April 15 SPIN Standing Committee meeting . Wayne Haney made a motion to approve minutes as amended. Milan Georgia seconded the motion and the minutes were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3--Administrarive Comments. Al Morin expressed his appreciation to Michael Boutte and Dana Sternfeld for all those involved in the SPIN booth at the Kite Festival. It was good exposure for SPIN. The committee discussed showing Nona appreciation for her hard work with SPIN. Wayne Haney suggested a plaque be presented to Nona at the next Standing Committee meeting. Wayne will meet with Shelli Siemer to order the plaque. Al Morin discussed the source of leadership and stated that SPIN needs to continue to focus on the goal of two -deep leadership to identify another person to be the back-up SPIN representative. He suggested that each area identify one home owner's association to visit and talk to about SPIN especially targeting those home owner's associations without SPIN representatives living in their neighborhood. Al stated that the capital improvements budget process is underway and now is the time for each SPIN representative to look at their areas and submit ideas to the city staff. The committee was reminded about the Ideas Worksheet and to let Mary know your ideas on projects to add to the sheet. Upcoming City Council meeting SPIN reports were listed as the following: Roger -June 1, Bill -July 6, Michael -July 20. Committee members were reminded to complete candidate forum evaluation forms and turn them in. Al Morin discussed with the Executive Committee the topic of the candidate forum. Al apologized to the committee for the feeling that they did not have adequate input. It was decided quickly without political motives. SPIN has run the candidates forums well, but they are always surrounded by controversy. The committee discussed whether or not SPIN should host a candidate forum in the future. Dana Sternfeld supported SPIN staying neutral and should not hold a candidate forum, but should be represented if there is another forum. David Baltimore supported SPIN's involvement in a forum because the purpose of SPIN is to open the lines of communication to citizens. David said that SPIN should not take a stand on the issues, but provide a forum to inform the voters on all candidates. The committee should think about the format of the forum and plan well in advance. Boyd Dollar concurred that SPIN should present the forum and emphasized the planning of the forum as very important to its success. Boyd also suggested splitting the forums between the City Council and school districts. The committee decided to begin discussing the forum again at the October standing committee meeting. Agenda Item No. 4-Review the Mission Statement. Al distributed copies of the SPIN Mission statement and reminded the SPIN representatives to take time to look at SPIN's mission and always keep it in mind when working on SPIN projects. The mission statement is "Providing a forum which fosters open and timely communication between the citizens of Southlake and City Government regarding programs, activities and issues that affect the quality of life in the community. " Agenda Item No. 5-0pen Forum. Milan introduced Mary McMahan as a liaison to the SPIN #3 area, and Dana Sternfeld introduced Nancy Ritter as a liaison to the SPIN #9W area. Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman will present the Parks five-year capital improvements projects (CIP) and the trail system at the June 10' meeting. Shelli Siemer addressed the committee and stated that she is excited to work with the SPIN organization, and would like to meet with each of the SPIN representatives before the next meeting to become better acquainted with SPIN. Agenda Item No. 6--Adjournment. There being no further business, Pattie Minder made the motioned to adjourn the meeting. Wayne Haney seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Submitted by: 06 /_7 -r e ameron Mc artha, Secretary Approved: Al Morin: Chairperson