1999-06-10City of Southlake, Texas
SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, June loth, 1999
Senior Activity Center - 307 Parkwood Drive
SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (#10), Milan Georgia and Mary
Georgia, Vice Chair (0); Jan Francis (0), Michael Boutte (#9E), Dana Sternfeld
(#9W), Roger Hutton (#11), Bill Stone (#13), Michael Conrads (#14), Wayne Haney
(#15) Representative Bob Walker (#16) David Baltimore (Seniors)
Representatives absent: Angela Roberds (#1), Darrell Faglie (#7), Cameron McCartha
(#12), Martin Schelling (#2), Steve Csonka (#6), Pattie Minder (#8)
Guests Present: Nancy Ritter & Carolyn Morris - Liaisons (9W), Boyd Dollar (#1) &
Brad Walker -Liaison (#16)
Staff Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services
The meeting was called to order by Al Morin, Chair at 7:35 p.m. following the Helmet
Ordinance Meeting.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of the May 13, 1999 Standing SPIN Committee
Minutes and the Joint City Council Minutes:
Milan Georgia made a motion to approve the minutes and Wayne Haney second the
motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
*Special Note: Al Morin and David Baltimore made a presentation to Nona Whitehead
for her dedication to SPIN by presenting her with a plaque from the SPIN
Agenda Item No. 3, Appointment of a back-up Secretary:
Dana Sternfeld made a suggestion that the committee take turns so that the job would
be less overwhelming. Dana will take the June 10' minutes and Michael Conrads
agreed to take the July 15' minutes. Nona mentioned a template that could easily be
used for the outline.
Agenda Item No. 4, Administrative Comments
Al Morin asked everyone to review the new blue Public Works Request Form that Shelli
Seimer sent out. He asked reps. to use this form for all requests that would be
appropriate. Capital Budget versus Public Works was discussed. Kevin Hugman, Dir.
Community Services, stated that public works handles repairs that can be "touched". If it
were something that isn't already there, then it would fall into Capital Improvements.
(W Additional materials were handed out as well as the CIP status report. This shows all the
funded projects that the city currently was working on.
Milan & Mary Georgia agreed to take the next SPIN presentation at the city council
meeting for Cameron McCartha.
Michael Conrads agreed to take the minutes at the June 24" Executive Committee
Meeting for Cameron McCartha.
Agenda Item No. 5, SPIN Operational Budget:
Shelli submitted an operation budget to the city. The printing cost had dropped,
however it was stated that if we need to do additional work on projects or citywide
meetings, we can manipulate the budget. In general, Kevin Hugman said that we were
on track with the budget in community services. He said to contact him if there was
anything that we really wanted to do. Perhaps a citywide party or meeting with the
right SPIN objectives was acceptable. Al asked if there was flexibility to transfer funds
from the various cost projections and Kevin said yes. Kevin also stated that there were
no carry-overs on monies not spent from the previous year. Oct. 15` is the fiscal year.
Mary Georgia asked if SPIN decided to distribute 4' of July maps, would it come out
the printing? Kevin said yes. Al stated that we don't know what's been spent.
Bill Stone inquired about the money spent on citywide meetings for mailings and where
does the money come from ... He felt that a lot of mailings go out, but still people don't
come ... Jan Francis said that her experience had depended on the importance of the
issues. Kevin Hugman would look at all the components and guess the best route and
estimates. Milan Georgia said that you waste a lot of money on mailings. Liaisons can
get the information and distribute quickly. Mary stated that we've discussed mailing
before and we need to re -focus on activities and the budget. Al said that at least we
have a budget in front of us. We want to get your opinion ... are we comfortable with
this? Nancy Ritter noticed it's double so we can get this or do we have to figure out
how to justify for it? Kevin will be attending the next city council meeting to ask for
approval. Shelli listened to us and requested a percentage increase for SPIN, which
would be hidden in the Community Service Budget. Milan motioned to approve the
budget, Bill Stone second the motion. The budget was unanimously approved.
Agenda Item No. 6, SPIN Goals:
How do we contact neighborhood associations that don't know what SPIN is? We need
to update the back-up lists. If they have a newsletter, try to get the information about
SPIN to them.
Agenda Item No. 7, Ideas Sheet:
The idea sheet was updated and additional liaisons were listed.
The Town Square Celebration Flyer was distributed. The standing committee discussed
whether SPIN should participate. Several were in support of having a booth, however
with updated flyers and information. Nancy Ritter suggested that the new brochure could
be used for both. If we did an insert, it would be easier to change as reps. changed. The
booth will be manned from 2:00-8:00 p.m. Milan Georgia agreed to chair the event. We
will be looking into pop-up tents and tables that the city could loan us. Nancy Ritter
suggested that we have a craft or raffle to entice people to come over. Mary Milan
suggested a twister game or another game with a play of the word or SPIN logo ... Mary
Francis stated that we could get crafts with tops that spin. Al Morin stated that SPIN
should not be selling or raising money for the organization. We will be looking for 4`h of
July gimmicks and items to hand out. Michael Conrad will be visiting M.J. Designs to
find various items. Milan passed a sign-up sheet. Two people will be needed on a two-
hour shift.
Agenda Item No. 8, Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services Presentation:
CIP Report — 5 Year Capital Plan
Projects are catergorized into high, medium and low priorities. In January 1999, the City
Council approved $14.1 million for the plans. Trail plans need right of ways and
funding. By the end of 2000, it will need to be redone. Currently the city's working with
Grapevine to connect the Cottonbelt Trail along Hwy. 26.
Nancy Ritter asked if there were any charities that would donate funds for the parks.
Kevin stated that the SPDC comes in and matches funds for projects. 1/2¢ sales tax is
already being applied towards the big projects but not for operation. The funding for the
new parks have not been established even though the taxpayers approved it. Two years
away from getting the funding for the parks. After 2-5 years, the department will re -
prioritize to see if they still need to be done. For example, the natatorium has no official
plans nor funding, yet it's approved. There are bids done to get a "guestimate", but
getting actual plans from engineers will take time. Bill Stone asked about bond issues.
Kevin stated he would get into that later in the presentation. Milan Georgia asked where
would SPIN fit in? Kevin said that the Concept plans need to be looked at by
neighborhoods mostly affected. Designs need to be done to figure out the budgets.
Koalaty Park is on the shelf. Neighborhoods will need to have input again. Sept. — Oct.
Timeframe — 5 year plan: 8" Concrete Trail - $363,000 estimate to finish. Includes right
of way — Bob Jones Park & Sidewalks & Kirkwood Hollow already in place. New
project at Whites Chapel has problems with right of ways. $3.50 sf / $25.00 if estimate
not including retaining walls. Southridge Lakes to Bi-Centennial Park will be last. Bill
Stone inquired that at one time it was listed as first. However, designs are still needed
from engineers. None of the projects will be done by summer. Dana Sternfeld asked for
clarification on bids being done for cost estimates and not actually detailed by Park or
Trail Plan ... Kevin stated that it would take some time to actually raise the funds
necessary to achieve these trail plans. David Baltimore inquired about the capital budget
and if there was any general funds set -aside for the trails? Kevin replied no. Currently
there are 25 requests that need adjustment.
Agenda Item No. 9, Neighborhood Reports
Al Morin asked in general if there were any neighborhood reports that were pressing. If
not, we would adjourn since it was getting late. There was no response.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Dana Sternfeld, Acting Secretary
Al Morin: Chairperson